Maximum number of lines in Blitz Basic?
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Maximum number of lines in Blitz Basic?
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Hi all I've come across a problem in Blitz Basic and would like to know if there are any possible solutions, or if using Blitz Plus instead would solve this for me. I'd prefer a solution that wouldn't involve buying anything though! The problem is that my program has reached a length so that Blitz doesn't appear to compile any more lines of code. It appears to be 32768 (a power of 2) or something very close to it. When my program passes this length it seems that lines of code beyond it aren't recognised. When a subroutine is placed after this point Blitz tells me that this subroutine does not exist, when I try to run the program. Is this a problem that has been patched? (I doubt it, because I have the most recent patch and have been told that Blitz Basic is no longer being updated). Will I find the same problem in BlitzPlus? Is there a clever way around this that people have used in the past? Thanks very much in advance :) |
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o_O 32k lines in 1 sourcefile? |
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I had the same problem with Blitz Basic ;) My solution : making some "include" files... |
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If memory serves the default IDE can handle a 1meg file at a time, therefore you need to make includes if you want to go beyond that... or use another IDE. |
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Yeah, if your file is that big it must be nearly unmanageable, split it into several files, one for each "Type" kinda thing. |
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Will I find the same problem in BlitzPlus? Yeah, pretty much. Just use Includes. That's what I do. |
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really .. 32k lines in 1 sourcefile?? holy moly .. how on earth do you navigate through brutes like that? |
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I use "labels" ;) |
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aha, include seems like a useful command in this case - I didn't even know it existed! Hopefully this should work out - I'll keep you posted on what happens :) Thanks v. much! |
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include seems to have worked - many thanks! And yes, it is 32k lines long. ^^; |