If the code compiles and executes, then (I BELIEVE) that that means that your code is written correctly (as far as accessing the external function is concerned).
When loading outside media, you should always verify that the loading function worked correctly. In your example code above, you could do so by writing it this way:Graphics 500,500,32,2
If pic = 0 Then RunTimeError("Error: pic did not successfully load!")
If pic2 = 0 Then RunTimeError("Error: pic2 did not successfully load!")
DrawImage pic,0,0
;DrawImage pic2,0,0
End Since pic2 isn't successfully being loaded (=0) then I would GUESS that your problem is the fact that you are passing the FI_AdjustGamma function a Blitz image handle (pic) and not an actual filename ("graphics\player2.bmp"). The reason I don't know for sure, is because I didn't write the FI_AdjustGamma function and I don't know the correct usage of it.
Posting the .decl file you made for it may help us resolve the problem but if we can't resolve it with that information, you will most likely have to contact the .dll writer to ask for specific instructions on how to use their code. Because if the problem truly is the FI_AdjustGamma function, then no one here can probably help you with that.