AcceptTCPStream code example
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/AcceptTCPStream code example
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I ran it as 2 separate programs as expected, and the server never receives the client's message. The client gives the message connected successfully, but the server always says it's waiting. I need to know the correct way to do the code for something I'm trying to program. Thanks.; CreateTCPServer, CloseTCPServer, AcceptTCPStream Example ; This code is in two parts, and needs to be run seperately on the same machine ; --- Start first code set --- ; Create a server and listen for push svrGame=CreateTCPServer(8080) If svrGame<>0 Then Print "Server started successfully." Else Print "Server failed to start." End End If While Not KeyHit(1) strStream=AcceptTCPStream(svrGame) If strStream Then Print ReadString$(strStream) Delay 2000 End Else Print "No word from Apollo X yet ..." Delay 1000 End If Wend End ; --- End first code set --- ; --- Start second code set --- ; Copy this code to another instance of Blitz Basic ; Run the above code first, then run this ... they will 'talk' ; Create a Client and push data strmGame=OpenTCPStream("",8080) If strmGame<>0 Then Print "Client Connected successfully." Else Print "Server failed to connect." WaitKey End End If ; write stream to server WriteString strmGame,"Mission Control, this is Apollo X ..." Print "Completed sending message to Mission control..." ; --- End second code set --- |
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This code works fine for me, I replaced the Delay 2000 with an Input("Message Recieved!") to wait for an enter key press, but all the networking mechanics seem to work fine. |
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The client is never receiving the data sent by the server. I tried getting the client to read from another server for a game that's on my computer but it still read nothing but a big, fat 0. Server: Print "server test." Global server=CreateTCPServer(8080) If Not server Print "Server failed to initiate." out=OpenTCPStream("",8080) WriteByte out,1 WriteString out,"test server" WriteString out,"Test!!" WriteByte out,1 ;CloseTCPStream out Repeat WriteByte out,50 in=AcceptTCPStream(server) If in Then Print "Input to server: " Repeat Write Chr(ReadByte(in)) Until Eof(in) EndIf Forever CloseTCPServer server Client: testserver=OpenTCPStream("",8080) Repeat Print ReadByte(testserver) Until Eof(testserver) Input CloseTCPStream testserver |
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Wings is back.. cause he is hacking windows api.. anyway.. here is your server working. And the client almost same.. |