2D collision, needs criticizing =D
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/2D collision, needs criticizing =D
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I am very new at BlitzPlus and so I would like to know how to do things better. So if you would like to take the time to read through my code I would appreciate any advice you could give I would prefer though that you would tell me how to do it right not just what i did wrong the point of this engine is to be able to make Blocks that the player can react with, without changing the if's and then's to accommodate the new object. These Blocks are created with Create_Block which is well marked so that you can mess around with it yourself this is the .png you need the other isn't used yet http://img837.imageshack.us/f/gear1h.png/ PS: I know there are some useless things in there, They are for future use and testing (example: the Global x readout in the top-left hand corner) AppTitle "Robot Brawl" AutoMidHandle True Graphics 640,480,0,2 Const ESCKEY = 1,ENTERKEY = 28, UPKEY = 200, LEFTKEY = 203, DOWNKEY = 208, RIGHTKEY = 205, AKEY = 30, WKEY = 1 Global Robot1=LoadAnimImage("Images/Robots/Gear1.png",64,64,0,4) Global Robot2=LoadAnimImage("Images/Robots/Gear2.png",64,64,0,2) MaskImage Robot1,255,255,255 MaskImage Robot2,255,255,255 ClsColor 160,180,255 Timer=CreateTimer(35) Type Robot Field x,y,xv,yv,mxv,myv Field f,j1,j2,j3 Field w,h Field atk,mHP,cHP End Type Type Block Field x,y Field w,h Field r,g,b End Type Global R1.Robot = New Robot R1\x = 300 R1\h = 24 R1\w = 20 R1\mxv = 10 R1\myv = -3 R1\mHP = 100 R1\cHP = 50 ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;@@@@@@@@@@ CHANGE THESE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;Create_Block(x,y,Width,Height,Red,Green,Blue) ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;@@@@@@ they are handled from the center @@@@@ ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Create_Block(320,470,640,30,50,200,50) Create_Block(230,200,200,30,50,200,50) ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Global x = 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Not KeyDown(ESCKEY) Draw() If TimerTicks(Timer) >= 1 x = R1\x Gravity() Friction() Move_LR() Move_UD() Reset() ResetTimer(Timer) End If Wend EndGraphics FreeImage (Robot1) FreeImage (Robot2) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Draw() Cls DrawImage Robot1,R1\x,R1\y,R1\f Draw_Block() DrawHUD() Text 0,0,x Flip End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Draw_Block() For Block.Block = Each Block Color Block\r,Block\g,Block\b Bx = Block\x - Block\w/2 By = Block\y - Block\h/2 Rect Bx,By,Block\w,Block\h Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DrawHUD() Color 0,0,0 Rect 615,20,15,100,0 Color 255,0,0 Rect 618,21+R1\mHP-R1\cHP,9,98-R1\mHP+R1\cHP,1 End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Reset() If KeyHit(AKEY) R1\x = 300 R1\y = 0 R1\yv = 0 R1\xv = 0 FlushKeys End If End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Move_LR() Select KeyDown_LR() Case RIGHTKEY If R1\xv < R1\mxv R1\xv = R1\xv + 1 R1\f = 1 End If Case LEFTKEY If R1\xv > -R1\mxv R1\xv = R1\xv - 1 R1\f = 0 End If Default End Select End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Move_UD() Select KeyDown_UD() Case UPKEY If R1\yv > R1\myv R1\yv = R1\yv - 1 End If If R1\f < 2 R1\f = R1\f + 2 End If Default End Select End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function KeyDown_LR() If KeyDown(RIGHTKEY) Return RIGHTKEY Else If KeyDown(LEFTKEY) Return LEFTKEY End If End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function KeyDown_UD() If KeyDown(UPKEY) Return UPKEY Else If KeyDown(DOWNKEY) Return DOWNKEY End If End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Friction() R1\x = R1\x + R1\xv If R1\xv > 0 And KeyDown_LR() = False R1\xv = R1\xv - 1 Else If R1\xv < 0 And KeyDown_LR() = False R1\xv = R1\xv + 1 End If If TooFast_L() R1\x = TooFast_L() R1\xv = 0 Else If TooFast_R() R1\x = TooFast_R() R1\xv = 0 End If End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Gravity() R1\y = R1\y + R1\yv If TooFast_D() R1\y = TooFast_D() R1\yv = 0 Else If TooFast_U() R1\y = TooFast_U() R1\yv = 0 Else If Block_Collision_UD() = False And KeyDown_UD() <> UPKEY R1\yv = R1\yv + 1 End If End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Block_Collision_UD() For Block.Block = Each Block If R1\y+R1\h = Block\y-Block\h/2 And R1\x > Block\x-Block\w/2 And R1\x < Block\x+Block\w/2 Return True End If Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Block_Collision_LR() For Block.Block = Each Block If R1\x+R1\w = Block\x-Block\w/2 And R1\y > Block\y-Block\h/2 And R1\y < Block\y+Block\h/2 Return True End If Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TooFast_L() For Block.Block = Each Block If R1\x-R1\w+R1\xv < Block\x+Block\w/2 And R1\x > Block\x And R1\y > Block\y-Block\h/2 And R1\y < Block\y+Block\h/2 Return Block\x+Block\w/2+R1\w End If Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TooFast_R() For Block.Block = Each Block If R1\x+R1\w+R1\xv > Block\x-Block\w/2 And R1\x < Block\x And R1\y > Block\y-Block\h/2 And R1\y < Block\y+Block\h/2 Return Block\x-Block\w/2-R1\w End If Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TooFast_D() For Block.Block = Each Block If R1\y+R1\h+R1\yv > Block\y-Block\h/2 And R1\y < Block\y And R1\x > Block\x-Block\w/2 And R1\x < Block\x+Block\w/2 Return Block\y-Block\h/2-R1\h End If Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TooFast_U() For Block.Block = Each Block If R1\y-R1\h-R1\yv < Block\y+Block\h/2 And R1\y > Block\y And R1\x > Block\x-Block\w/2 And R1\x < Block\x+Block\w/2 Return Block\y+Block\h/2+R1\h End If Next End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Create_Block(x,y,w,h,r,g,b) Block.Block = New Block Block\x = x Block\y = y Block\w = w Block\h = h Block\r = r Block\g = g Block\b = b End Function ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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I would really like to know if this code is done well. I have been working on some other mechanics such as shooting and would like to add them but the basics haven't been commented on yet =\ did I put this in the right place? |
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I'll take a look in a bit. |
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I think it looks pretty good, especially for a beginner. The code is well commented and indented, so you're good there. You'll notice that your collisions are not 100% accurate. They are probably close enough, but they can be improved by the common 2d box collision algorithm: If x<Boxx+Boxw and x+w>Boxx ;collision EndIf This will return a 'horizontal' collision. For a full collision, do a similar thing with the y coordinates. If you're having trouble visualizing it, draw it out in Paint, and you'll see a collision will always happen when this is true. Hope that helps. |
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Thank you =D is that collision algorithm for a top-left handled player? |