Community Forums/Common Room/Trump
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If you aren't praying tonight, you should be very concerned tonight. A complete moron in-charge of a super power like America...A loud mouth with no clue about how things work in the world. I hope you guys with a vote help us out and vote for Hillary...She's not perfect, but Trump would be a complete disaster for the world...A guy that questions why he cannot use nuclear weapons? |
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I hate politics but I just caught a bit of this bell-end spouting on his bullshit and couldn't help wondering how I can intensely loathe someone I know so little about. He comes across as an absolute menace to society with the kind of stuff that people say about him. I'm in UK, so no vote, but I hope the American public do vote Hillary in. Women think with their heads, not their knackers. |
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Hilary, the corrupt corporate war hawk bully. Not a great option either. |
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![]() Oh yes, vote for Clinton... I would, but I have a head on my shoulders, not a tv set. ...and a heart in my chest, not a glowing ember from hell. |
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I'm in UK, so no vote, but I hope the American public do vote Hillary in. Women think with their heads, not their knackers. Trump > Clinton. Unless we want our rights eroded slowly by the same slime that came up with common core, Obama care, NAFTA, open borders and no deportation for criminals, the same entities that overtax our large manufacturing businesses forcing them oversees and removing American jobs.. She could sell more U.S foreign policy to the highest bidders and continue to arm Isis and others while adding millions more to her net worth complete moron in-charge of a super power like America...A loud mouth with no clue about how things work in the world. what would make you qualified to make that assertion ? Perhaps you only watch CNN and SNL. |
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what would make you qualified to make that assertion ? I find that staggering - and very disappointing. Are you deaf, blind and stupid? Everything Trump has said has been disproved by the multiple videos of him saying, what he said he didn't say! And I would expect the people here to have half a brain, at least. |
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Be more specific, otherwise you make no point at all. What has he said that is proven untrue. |
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Oh? I found their campaign symbol staggering.![]() |
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Hilary, the corrupt corporate war hawk bully. Not a great option either. Wow! Then we are all fucked, with people like RifRaf and Qube walking about like zombies. The next President of the most powerful country in the world is a complete moron that, instead of sulking, has the power to nuke the world - because he didn't get his own way on twitter. Even the Red necks would say, oooh hang on a second, we don't have a nuclear bunker. |
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So bro, you did see the videos in post four, right? What part of that are you saying isn't proof of international crime? Documents on the screen in 720p that you can look up for yourself. But I suppose the Clinton news network has you thinking Russia made all that up, huh. |
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Dude, one candidate wants to enforce our borders and one openly says they want to destroy the country. If you're too dumb to understand the difference you don't deserve to exist. You're really saying that an idiot that wants to re-create the great wall of China and Hillary wants to destroy the country??! What the hell are you smoking?! Er fox news, |
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Er, |
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Wow, and there's us f*cking up our country because of racial bigotry and wrecking our economy, because some didn't like those n*ggers! Now anything you can do, America can do better...or worse, in fact...Then in-fact we are no better than the Nazis. |
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josh You should probably look up the full interview rather than the bit Fox cut out. |
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BTW, all the Mexican friends I have back in CA are voting Trump. I wasn't there, but this all sounds like the Germans, sitting around thinking, it would be good for change, and I quite like that Mr Hitler - he can really get a passionate message across...What could voting for him cause any harm? Observing your country's own borders is not an extremist position. Well apart from Poland, the UK Citizens live abroad more than anybody! What the f*ck are you talking about?! Barbed wire and machine guns as you get anywhere near a country?! |
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No one is going to change their minds this late in the game. Tomorrow Go and bus supporters to vote if your candidate needs help, but there is no point campaigning here |
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Yeah, no bigotry with the Clintons... |
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Well go grab all the pussies you can, Trump the rapist said it's ok...And Josh and co go along with that. I buy a product if it's good and I can believe in the integrity of the person behind it. In my opinion, don't buy Leadwerks...At this time, until he's regained his sanity. |
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Half the people at Trumps rallies are women, dude. Clearly they have no problem with Trumps love of women. And you do know that women talk dirty too, right? The only reason the mainstream news released that audio was to upset the insane social justice warriors, most sane people have no problem with men and women being intimate with each other. |
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Lots of people are angry Josh, but to jump on-board with a lunatic is just crazy! |
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If you guys continue to use personal insults political discussion at will have to revert to being unwelcome. If you need to attack, attack the issues not the supporter / candidate. |
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The daycare generation just wants to be taken care of, that's one of the root causes of modern democracy/communism/monarchy. Unfortunately, the folks running this "daycare" should be in prison for crimes against actual children. I pray for Gods will regarding all the victims of Shari1a law. |
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Did you just say what I thought you just said? Sharia law?! I hope you are not taking flying lessons, and I DO hope Microsoft are monitoring this conversation, or authorities do need to be informed - skidracer. I pray for Gods will regarding all the victims of Shari1a law. |
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Nooo, I said Silent hill. Welcome. |
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So in other words, you wish me harm? Friend, I'm happy to inform you that despite our political disagreements, I sincerely hope you never even get so much as a papercut. |
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No, but it seems you want to live in the west and cause us harm. It's very clear what you have just said...Wow, I'm shocked that a programming site that has an almost family vibe, and somebody has clearly given themselves away. You pray that the gods will harm anybody that doesn't agree with the brutal religious regime that is Sharia law. |
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I don't want you or anyone else or any living thing to ever be hurt in any way, that's how unrealistic I am. I'm just trying to support politics that I believe promote that attitude. I'd never even consider praying for someone or something to be harmed. |
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@fox95871 While talking about gods and Sharia law? And most of us understand what Sharia law means. ok you said victims of Sharia Law, so maybe I owe you an apology :) |
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with people like RifRaf and Qube walking about like zombies. I am very much awake and could provide you with many links to support the fact that she is a corrupt corporate war hawk bully. You have the exact same mentality of a modern voter in that your view is the only valid one and spout vitriol at those who don't agree with you. |
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As an outsider, from Australia, I find American elections unusual. First of all voting is non compulsory, secondly voting is on a Tuesday - we have out elections on a Saturday otherwise during the working week it is too hard to get to a polling booth. That in itself raises a red flag for me since making it more difficult to actually vote kind of defeats the point in democracy. Regarding Trump - as a high flying businessman who has been bankrupted several times - we have heard over here that he has previously had no respect for the average American worker so for him to overnight become a champion of the working class American seems unusual at best. Regarding Hillary - I don't know enough about her, other than she is a woman with links to Wall St and a philandering husband who was president as well. Regarding Healthcare in the US - The US has a very different health system than Australia - as far as I know we have one of the best government funded health systems in the world where we have mostly free access to quality healthcare for Australian citizens thanks to Medicare being instituted in the 70s. For some reasons many Americans don't like the idea of free health care subsidised by the government. In fact in Australia we have a thing called the 'PBS' which is a list of medications that are subsidised by the government so that they are affordable for everyone - life saving medications. The US has traditionally, or its companies, wanted to destroy our PBS in trade deals because it represents an affront to its capitalist ideals. This is something I've never understood - the US doesn't appear to like the idea of government providing services. And this gets to the other difference between Australia and the US in terms of politics. Australia is typically 'bigger government' than the US which aims for 'small government' by comparison. Even our right wing parties are probably to the left of the main left wing parties in the US. Things like gun control are non issues in our country - we don't have a problem with mass shootings as unless you're a farmer or a criminal you probably don't have a gun - and we don't have a large crime problem. But the main issue I've never understood is why quality publicly funded healthcare gets such a bad rap in the US, whereas we see it as an essential service that our government provides and there is always an outcry when changes are suggested to be made such as charging for doctors visits and so on. |
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@Qube, Oh come on man, wake up! Hillary isn't perfect, but Trump will be in jail in 6 months based on his past. "spout vitriol?" Me? That is what Trump has. That is all Trump has...I'm just angry that sensible heads are buying into his bullshit. |
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You pray that the gods will harm anybody that doesn't agree with the brutal religious regime that is Sharia law. Did anyone else think I said that? Anyone at all? |
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You said: should be in prison for crimes... I pray for Gods will regarding all the victims of Shari1a law. Who is the victim here fox95871? Anybody that doesn't live up to Sharia Law? Which is most of us in the West. Or are we victims of religious zealots like the mad men of Sharia Law? |
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I want victims to be freed, and criminals to be imprisoned. My assumption is that God wants the same. I'm not part of any religion other than to believe that God exists, and is good. Please stop twisting my words and trying to get me targeted... :\ |
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@steve, I did think he meant people who follow Sharia law are wrong and need us to pray for them to be saved. I can see how you think he said god is on the side of those who follow Sharia Law, but I think you have misunderstood his bad grammar. |
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No Michael Moore didn't endorse Trump, Josh, I saw the whole show...He was just trying to take on-board some of their concerns. Oh you have no clue. You should try and live in the UK right now after we committed suicide (like you are thinking of) and left the EU. Our economy is in free fall and the pound is worthless. But hey, at least we don't have a red neck who thinks more guns and nuclear weapons are the answer, and treating women like objects and paying no tax (for the wealthy) is good. And thinks that the ozone layer depletion is just something the Chinese made up to make American industry less competitive. That lies and lies, yet it's all on utube to see that he did really say those things. And when somebody gets very wound up on twitter, and is in-charge of nuclear weapons. That has always got his own way, from Daddy giving him a fortune and letting him do whatever he wants, the world gets nervous of this spoilt brat, with nuclear capability. He's much more of a danger than kim jong un. |
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@JoshK - I'll have to check that video out on my lunch break or after sound on my PC at work....but will have a look later. I believe the US does have a problem with unemployment at the moment (globalisation hasn't been good for the average Western citizen), or so I've heard which would make Trump's rhetoric sound good to people facing economic difficulties. |
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Just want to clarify that the title to the video that Josh just posted is a flat out lie. Michael Moore did not endorse Trump. It is taken completely out of context as Moore goes on to make the case for Clinton. Also, to clarify, I'm not a fan of Mr. Moore, but I don't like seeing his words distorted. Too much of this is going on these days. |
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Hillary For Prison 2016 |
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Okay, bad grammar translation time... "I pray for Gods will" = I want whatever God wants to happen "regarding all the victims" = regarding anyone who's been victimized "of Shari1a law." = by Sharia law or any other group. I didn't say I want anyone be "saved", and I'm not about to say I think God is on the side of any particular group. |
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Don't worry fox95871, sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying :) |
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@fox "Saved" from victimisation and the like, not any sort of salvation. |
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Right. Wow, I never knew it was so hard for people to understand me XD In fact, let's see... I wrote this elsewhere earlier today. I thought it was pretty clear, but now I wonder. It's my comment on a new David icke video where as far as I can tell he was saying both parties are frauds put in place to control us no matter who wins. Here goes. "If it's possible it's a fraud, it's possible it's not. Always look at both sides, believe each for a time. On the other side of this for example is the idea that he really is just a businessman, and not part of some ancient global control structure. What? An everyday Joe who loves the way America was intended to be, and now he just might become powerful? Fun stuff! And hey, no one really knows for sure, so why not be positive, right? Now on the other side, the idea that he's secretly just another cog in the machine. Well what else would we have, everyone just deciding to behave all of a sudden? Who'd want to live in a world like that anyway? That's like saying it's only a good day if it's not too hot or cold, or that the only good places to live are where there's almost no change of season. That's the problem with utopian thinking, it's a dream rooted in ingratitude. Besides, once you get everything so supposedly perfect, then what are you supposed to do, rot? Boredom is death, strife is life. If the oceans had no tides, they'd stagnate. Countries are the same way, they go back and forth between capitalism and communism, and right now America's waaay too communist, so Trum1p's here to save the day. That's what I believe. No fraud, no big secret reason to not vote for him. If he is part of a control system, I highly doubt it's manmade, more like God designed it - like the seasons and the tides - and I'm grateful." |
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TRUMP 2016 HILARY FOR JAIL 2016 There's a great quote that Trump said "The world is laughing at us". it will be if a criminal seemingly above the law is elected. |
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My main takeaway from this thread is that there are crazy people on both sides of the political fence. |
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I'll agree with LT. However... He comes across as an absolute menace to society with the kind of stuff that people say about him. Yeah. Did you bother to check for Citations? There aren't any. The majority of it is empty slander. Women think with their heads, not their knackers. That statement is at odds with scientific research. he next President of the most powerful country in the world is a complete moron that, instead of sulking, has the power to nuke the world - because he didn't get his own way on twitter. Yeah that guy that's on record as having been against wars in the past is going to nuke the world. Not the alleged war criminal who already voted for invading Iraq, has ties to ISIS and supplies weaponry in exchange for funds from other terrorist organisations. You're really saying that an idiot that wants to re-create the great wall of China and Hillary wants to destroy the country??! What the hell are you smoking?! You're really saying that an idiot that wants to protect a country means the other idiot doesn't want to destroy the country??! What the hell are you smoking?! I wasn't there, but this all sounds like the Germans, sitting around thinking, it would be good for change, and I quite like that Mr Hitler - he can really get a passionate message across...What could voting for him cause any harm? It's funny, because the things said and actions taken much more closely match Clinton to Nazism. Trump the rapist said it's ok...And Josh and co go along with that. And Clinton the paedophilia apologist says otherwise, huh? Except... the rapist claim has been disproven as of about a week ago (you know, because it was always false). Clintons history is well documented. Lots of people are angry Josh, but to jump on-board with a lunatic is just crazy! Indeed, so it would. The thing is, multiple people have provided sources and in depth rationale to their positions, and all you have come back with is one line insults. That's not how to debate, let alone change anybodys mind. ok you said victims of Sharia Law, so maybe I owe you an apology :) Yeah, talk about being triggered. Perhaps you should take a deep breath and reflect on what has been said before you hit the Post button with lunacy. I'm just angry that sensible heads are buying into his bullshit. It seems your anger has clouded your judgement. Regarding Hillary - I don't know enough about her, My favourite quote. ![]() Trump will be in jail in 6 months based on his past. AND THAT WOULD BE A GOOD OUTCOME. However, you are actually just spouting rubbish, so we both know that that outcome will never occur. I guess if you trust your media that might make sense. He shouldn't. Every commercial channel is no better than what the US gets, and even the public-funded ABC have been busted censoring factual information in favour of biased propaganda (I Cite the Ross Noble reports featured on New Matilda). This issue is no different. a red neck who thinks more guns and nuclear weapons are the answer, Citation Needed. treating women like objects Citation Needed. skidracer asked people to stop insulting candidates. You need to provide evidence to support your claims. I don't know anything about Putin, but he sounds pretty reasonable as well: When he's not being called a jack ass at G20... |
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There's a great quote that Trump said "The world is laughing at us". it will be if a criminal seemingly above the law is elected. Less laughing, more shitting my pants. |
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..Killary is nothing but corrupt corporal/banksters liar and war monger..all she seek is conflict with Russia which is something none of us would want to happen ever..I cant say that Trump is sunshine, but if choice is to be made between him and screwed up psychotic old woman full of skeletons in her closet, of all kind, ill go for Trump at any time.. |
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to quote Scott Meyer ( "The only thing most Americans can agree on is that a large portion of the population seems to be trying to destroy the country. We just can't agree on which portion it is" (As evidenced by the comments in this thread as well) |
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Still don't understand how protectivism could possibly be so willfully misconstrued as destruction. |
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My favourite quote. That's a very unusual way of looking at it, of course women are victims of war, the husbands are dead. Can't be a victim if you're dead... Of course the utter irony there, the true victims of war are the dead people. (As evidenced by the comments in this thread as well) Except most of us here are not Americans. :) |
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Guys - and gals, I still don't know if there are any here ;p - part three of the Infowars fifty two hour live election coverage just started if you're interested. |
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No, no gals here, only privileged white penises. |
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Alex Jones? Really? |
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The moment someone posts something from Alex Jones, I know the thread has truly gone off the deep end of conspiracy bs. |
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of course women are victims of war The keyword was primary. Can't be a victim if you're dead... The person who used to be alive is most certainly a victim of something. Are you advocating killing sprees as a perfectly second party victimless crime? Of course not. No, no gals here, only privileged white penises. Please be less racist. |
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Most of Alexs supposed conspiracy theories have been proven right over the years, and the mainstream medias trust rating has plummeted to six percent. He's a wild man for sure, but he's also a total geek, like us. We're sticklers about getting code right, he's a stickler about getting the real story. Just watch, and decide for yourself. |
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I'm just angry that sensible heads are buying into his bullshit. I don't buy into anything he pedals. I wouldn't vote or have faith in any of them to be honest. I don't think either / or are a better option and both are equally as bad. Good luck! |
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Trump says they don't have to be adversaries: He sounds a hell of a lot more peaceful to me. Except Trump has repeatedly questioned why we don't just use nukes to deal with things, since why have them when you won't use them? |
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Except Trump has repeatedly questioned why we don't just use nukes to deal with things, since why have them when you won't use them? When was that said? |
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Never Citations, even after requested. I mean, at least it remains inarguable that way I guess. |
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Never Citations, even after requested. I mean, at least it remains inarguable that way I guess. The irony of this whole debate is that Trump is the bad guy from no substantial evidence and Hilary is the good guy despite there being actual evidence. We now seem to live in a world where facts don't even matter. If you don't look at the evidence then it isn't really. The lalala I'm not listening rule that we used to use as children, has made it to the top of the food chain. |
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From my external point of view (i live in France) Trump represents the same ideas that i find interesting in the nationalist party of France (more control at the borders (products/humans), help the humans of the country first (and not try to save all humans of the world when it is already a mess in your country), favorize local work/products, don't be a slave to bankers and big companies and others obscure groups), and what is funny is that the so called freedom/equality/democratic proponents of the others parties have no convincing argument other than "if you vote this, there will be war or an economic crisis" (both are already happening now because of uncontrolled immigration and unfair business practices between european companies and rising taxes (which apparently partly go to bankers and others governments)) So if i would be american, i would vote Trump, just to see how much he can scare the (facist) powers in place ("elected" people, bankers, big companies, obscure groups) But this is probably another masquerade, Trump is probably another puppet... (or he will end up dead) imo a real useful vote is to vote with your actions/inactions and your money, if everybody would stop doing harmful works, stop buying harmful/useless products/services, stop paying unfair prices for essential things (land, shelter), stop obeying arbitrary unfair laws (in a discreet way), stop paying unfair taxes (keep a poor official profile, even if you have enough money to live well enough), stop putting your children into schools (and only teach them the local language(s) and others useful concepts/techniques), stop repeating following arbitrary rules, the system would automatically change and become more fair for the many without the need for elections... |
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In given choice, i think Trump is lesser evil than Killary..but, i think Killary will win simply because all in US is rigged/corrupt to its bones.. |
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yes, not the best, the least worst |
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Not sure how accurate this is, but seems like Hilary will win, and by a large margin? |
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Not sure how accurate this is, but seems like Hilary will win, and by a large margin? ..of surprise for me at much i hope im wrong..its all rigged ages ago..Soros and gang of bank/corporal criminals, who should be charged for crimes against human kind, setting it all up since whole crap started..they want war with russia man..just watch it..Killary wins, and very soon russia will be agressor for defending its borders.. |
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Hey Naughty Alien, do you remember a few days when I told you about how Brexit was never going to happen? No doubt if Trump (or Hilary) gets in, there might be legal battles to follow. Whether or not the election was corrupt and riddled with voter fraud or whether or not a criminal above the law has the right to go into government. |
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very soon russia will be agressor for defending its borders i wonder how the war against germany really started (not the official fantasy version of the winners), because it looks like it is always the same scenario, US/European elites (not the population) define an enemy (a country which does no agree to give all their powers/ressources to bankers/bigcompanies/obscuregroups) and if they don't agree, they make them appear as the aggressor (using mercenaries/corrupt politics/corrupt medias ?) and then convince the us/european population to go on war against them to establish freedom, peace, human rights (and unfair laws and taxes!). Apparently it works well since most people always vote the same crap, and the new world order is starting to look very real (i first read about this concept 18 years ago on t e x t f i l e s and it seemed extreme at the time) So the question is, who will be the next bad guy (arbitrarily) ? |
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I think it's basically the war of Capitalism VS Globalism. |
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I reckon at some point in the near future there will be a couple of civil wars in the west. It will be a toss up between the UK and the US who has one first. Trump vs Clinton. I wouldn't vote for either of them. They both would be disasters. And 78 post on politics and still not locked. |
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Gonna be an "interesting" 4 years whichever way it goes. Lets bring computers into this - How long before we get to vote for an AI to run things? |
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The state of American politics is just baffling to me. When a joker like Trump can become presidential candidate, and not only that, actually stands a real chance of becoming leader of the world's most powerful country. Well shit... |
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Things only get locked when irresponsible people join a thread. When a joker like Trump can become presidential candidate, and not only that, actually stands a real chance of becoming leader of the world's most powerful country. Well shit... Well it's not like he has much of an opponent. As South Park like says, you have a choice out of a Douche or a Turd Sandwich. |
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I can see how you think he said god is on the side of those who follow Sharia Law, but I think you have misunderstood his bad grammar. Thanks for the support. ok you said victims of Sharia Law, so maybe I owe you an apology :) Apology accepted. |
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i wonder how the war against germany really started (not the official fantasy version of the winners) ..Hitler killed every single bank in Germany, first day he came in to power..issued country own money..entire country rebuilt itself in less than 2 years after banks are cut off..Rothschilds(top banksters which should be charged for breaching all God and men laws and rules or engagement ever existed ) didnt like it, and story continue until today..just different 'evil' leaders.. ..look what Putin is doing..opposing exactly very same banksters group, Hitler did and yabadabado, he is threat to world safety..what a comedy.. @ENAY referendum is not relevant now? .. man..claws of globalists (read banksters and thats exactly who is orchestrating all this madness we see) are nasty.. |
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Well it's not like he has much of an opponent. As South Park like says, you have a choice out of a Douche or a Turd Sandwich. Oh yeah, certainly not harboring any feel-good towards Hillary "we came, we saw, he died" Clinton either. Sad state of affairs all round. |
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This election reminds me of this |
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@NA>>some sources claim that Kadhafi had plans to create an independent money based on real gold for africa, and we have seen what happened next... When somebody (a politic or a mindless repeater/follower) claims that somebody else is evil/bad, i reply : evil/bad for who ? |
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..yes..they wanted to issue 'golden dinar' which will be used between countries in entire region, instead of worthless piece of paper such as US dollar..not surprisingly, Saudi Arabia rejected that and Libya ended up as a one more'democracy' in a belt..when 'dictator' was ruling, people had free education, healthcare, fuel was bargain, no poor after 'touch up' for 'better' tomorrow, country is hell on earth..very same with others countries in region, except of course, izrael, from where whole US foreign and quite a lot of domestic policies are dictated recently..but hey, they are democracy (only one at that region), regardless fact that they have literally exterminated palestinians.. |
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I'm up kind of late, so I figured I'd solve some of the worlds biggest problems. Here goes. Globalism. Absolutely never allow it. That would be like having some mad surgeon open up all your organs and stitch them together into one all purpose organ. Organs, like countries, compliment each other best when separate from each other. Next, borders. Have them. If you think they're "mean", try building a house with no walls, just a frame, and see how you like living there. Next up, weakening your military in the name of peace. Don't. Military is like your bodys defense, it heats up when attacked, and that keeps you alive, just as correct use of military force restores peace. Okay, one more. Nukes. "But fox95871, surely you won't be able to solve that one as well?" I will, and I'll do it with vogue... u cant get rid of all nukes lol only elect leaders who never want to use them imho and stop supporting countries that do want to use them XD also pray for God to send a solar flare that will turn all plutonium into tin |
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Brexit is not blocked, in US terminology, The supreme court has said that acceptance of the final deal between the UK and Europe needs not only the president, but congress and the Senate to agree. (In UK terms, the high court has said that in addition to the prime minister, parliament (commons then LOrds) need to accept any agreement reached between The UK and Europe.) |
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Lets bring computers into this - How long before we get to vote for an AI to run things? If it ends up anything like Microsoft's Tay then we are all royally f**ked. |
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Flash: 82% in US Disgusted by Election/Choices. 18%? Already fled to Canada or Mexico! |
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Brexit is not blocked But they are trying to do it. The rich and powerful remainer's are hoping to tie things up for as long as possible in the hope that things will get so bad that there will be no other choice but to forget the whole thing or until general election is called. But by then the damage will be so bad that the UK will be a spent force in the world as well as the EU and a global laughing stock. The current government hasn't got a large majority in the house of parliament and the house of Lords only vote with the government when it doesn't affect their own interests. The man that caused all this has left office, even after stating during the debate that he would implement Article 50 on a leave result, and was so cocksure that it would be a remain win that they didn't even bother to have a sure fire plan in place in case the opposite happened. It's just a shame that a politician can get away from doing jail time for political gross incompetence after the lives they have ruined. But then you don't have to look far for the real culprits that allowed such cretins to gain power. To look for them all that's needed is a mirror. The only times when there has been any real political change in the UK, has been when there was an armed uprising or enough mass demonstrations where people are killed to sway public opinion in the protesters favour. For UK the last major armed uprising would be the Newport Uprising in 1839, which led to changes in the political system that we enjoy today. The only reason that the leaders of the uprising got way with their lives when tried for treason, was because of public opinion. In the end the only real winners in the Brexit farce will be the "big money men" and those exploiting the situations to make a quick profit. |
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@dawlane I disagree, I think that the powerful remainers accept that we are going to leave, but that we can stay signatories to all the things we already are except being a member of the EU itself. The problem is that "Stay" was a binary choice, but leave wasnt, and because no one expected leave to win no one really bothered to define what it meant. The powerful remainers want to define leave as the least leave possible. (We have left the party, but we are still in the front yard having a smoke) |
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Hehehe, I thought politics were a nogo on this forum? Didn't want to get banned and politics is just puppetry and mass manipulation so kept quiet. No need to get all worked up about as basically it all comes down to.. Corrupt, evil, egoistic, ruthless, fake, over the top and power hungry control freaks? Both are to quite an extend, just depends how well informed you are. Only difference is how extreme the choices and directions they are taking the US and world into. Imho: Trump just a spoiled rich brat that inherited wealth, who can only attract women with cash and knows this in the back of his mind, so basically is overcompensating his inferiority complex with a hunger for power and playing the 'big man'. Has no idea how average Joe is really living/suffering and simply doesn't really care, it's all fake. Hillary is frustrated, desperate and too power hungry because of her being a woman in the USA, her husband messing up and loosing a previous election while striving most of her entire life for the end goal: presidency. Bottomline: I think Trump likes to blow his own trump too much, can't swallow his ego, and is less compassionate, which is too dangerous in economics and the world politics with all those nukes around. Thoughts on EU: For the EU to be a success they first need to stop and make lobbying illegal for it only stimulates corruption and is of no benefit of any of the EU residents, it's a mistake just as allowing the banking biz to govern themselves. |
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@H&K: >I think that the powerful remainers accept that we are going to leave, but that we can stay signatories to all the things we already are except being a member of the EU itself. That's the problem, they think that they can still be part of the club when the other members are telling them you still have to pay the membership fee, play by their rules, but not make any of them. Apparently it was getting to the point where any attempt to influence the rules while part of the club was becoming pointless. But then the UK has to take some of the blame for that by pushing for EU expansion to other countries who's stability should have been questioned. EU: "You want access to club shop, then you have accept that all club members can walk freely around your house, even the bad apples and you are not allowed to kick them out. But please note that we can do deals with other clubs that do not have to abide by the rules, while having almost complete access to what's in your pantry without any real checks or balances." The EU has bumbled on one crisis after another, it's bureaucratic, wasteful and controlled by un-elected civil servants with their own personal agendas. It was just unfortunate that the UK wasn't involve from the start, but at the time it had to deal with it's own problems coupled with the breakup of the Empire, caused by the same type of rich, powerful, ignorant, arrogant, self centred, I know better than you people that got the world into the mess it is today. You hear the remainers saying that the British public were lied to by the leavers in the referendum; they were lied to by both sides. You should have seen some of the tripe that I came across coming from both sides and neither side liked it when I told them so. Apparently I was ill educated working class racist moron or a loonie lefty to these people. Their computer abilities don't seem to extend beyond social media even though the information could be looked up within minutes. But if anything, the British public were lied to back in 1973 and 1992/1993 by Conservative governments; then by the two following Labour governments in the new millennium. |
| || Click to hear a victim of media brainwashing tell Michael savage why she supports Clinton. The call starts at 1:02:20. |
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I voted today. This time around we actually had to fill out paper ballots instead of the touchscreen booths like last time. Cyberhacking paranoia. |
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Well done Neuro you voted which is the point. With all it's faults democracy (the act of voting for out rulers) coupled with the separation of church/state/legal system still wins over other political systems. As for the comments in this thread, a line from the Alex Harvey Band 'Read a history book or two and when you do mix a brew' All history is written from a perspective (Heroditus) so read from as many perspectives as possible. My hope is that despite the vitriol raised in the US elections, that the US people remember what they have in common. Have fun cps |
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well said cps, the system in the us/europe is far from ideal, but when you look at the systems in others countries (and the lifes of the people living there), for some things we are lucky to be born here. |
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This election coverage has been dictated by all of Trumps folly. We know he's an evil buffoon. What angers me is the complete willingness of the public to soak up the message that Clinton is somehow an angel. I prefer the devil I know. Pretty much the entirety of mainstream media and of course the Clinton party and her supporters have gone to enormous lengths to try to keep all of her evil buffoonery a secret. |
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Some results are in...unsurprisingly, West-VA has got Trump already. West-VA heh.... |
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I'm surprised the US election took this long to come up here. |
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Hi. I hope you all had a smooth voting day and managed to cast the vote you wanted. |
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One thing I've always hated about the remoaners is things like "We're the 48" I mean yeah, but 48 is a smaller number than 52, and it's not like it's just a difference of 4, it's like millions, MILLIONS. Just goes to show that if you don't get the result you want, have another one, best of 3? Except if it was Remain then they would literally be "Oh right, let's move on, nothing to see here" Cyberhacking paranoia. Except that has been actual proof of voting fraud using those machines. |
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Not quiet sure what UK's referendum result on leaving the common market has to do with Trump but a few facts. The law in UK is upheld by judges, the judges have stated that parliament has to pass a law to enable article 50 to be enacted. As parliament is constructed so as to hold the state to account ( English civil war, Oliver Cromwell and all that ) this seems common sense and entirely constitutional. As for what individual MP's vote for I suspect this will depend on what type of independence the UK government actually seeks. Questions like was the referendum a vote for the severing of all links to Europe ? ie Interpol, scientific cooperation, banking cooperation, defence, intelligence, trade, passport control, fishing rights, air traffic control, high tech cooperation (airbus etc) and many others will have to be addressed. Have fun cps |
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According to what I am reading, Tim Kaine is about to lose his state to Trump, which is interested since he is the vice president to Hilary Clinton. That's not exactly a good sign is it. |
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Don't we have the best forum folks? Everyone at work (futures trading) is watching the "2016 election results" google result. Trump 137 Clinton 104 |
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Cheers Skid |
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It's insane how close some of these are -- during one of the google updates it showed Trump and Hillary a whopping 28 votes apart, with 7,9 million counted |
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Watching this live in my browser is very similar to what happened with Brexit as it was so close back then as well. I almost feel nostalgic. Haha. Trump 137 Clinton 104 Apparentely Trump needs to win some really big states (which for some odd reason can count as many as 20 vounts in one go, I don't understand Politics) Apparentely winning in Florida is key, Except 1964, whoever Florida chooses, defines who is president (again for reasons which I don't really understand) |
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It's kinda like "points" per state. A state gets assigned a number of points based on its size and population. The candidate that gets the more votes (individual people votes) in that state wins all the points from that state. The winner will have the most points, not necessarily individual people votes. |
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Apparentely Trump needs to win some really big states (which for some odd reason can count as many as 20 vounts in one go, I don't understand Politics) Different states get different # of electoral votes, since California has 39 million inhabitants while Wyoming only has half a million. California has 55 electoral votes, and Wyoming 3 -- which means that a single vote in Wyoming still carries 4.25 times the weight of a single vote in California... The system is set up so a couple of large states can't just steamroll over all the small ones. The biggest problem with the US political system is the winner-takes-all -- over time it will always gravitate towards two parties, one of which gets an absolute majority each election. In the rest of the western world you end up with coalition governments since no one has a majority, which ends up representing the will of the people to a much greater extend. (It's much easier to find -some- party you can feel good about among the 15 that are running, rather than feeling you HAVE to vote for someone you don't like since it's the only way to keep the other person you REALLY don't like from winning) |
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Trump wins in Florida! WOW And check this out:- Some people are quite literally starting to shit their pants. What I find SO fascinating about this (just like with Brexit) is that even with so much worldwide media bias, all supporting Hilary Clinton. And despite daily attacks against Trump, after all that, Hilary is doing THIS well. |
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Yeah this is nuts...![]() |
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The special snowflake, SJW, feminists etc are all getting really angry on Twitter. As you'd expect. I wonder what JoshK (who is probably sleeping right now) thinks of all the events unfolding. |
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Yeah, explosions, guns, violence, death! -- as long as it's not for you and your family, of course. The world is what you make of it. |
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Lol fantastic timing, ENAY :p Everyone at work (futures trading) is watching the "2016 election results" google result. Lol same (computer store). In the rest of the western world you end up with coalition governments since no one has a majority, which ends up representing the will of the people to a much greater extend. Certainly doesn't happen in Aus, sadly. What I find SO fascinating about this (just like with Brexit) is that even with so much worldwide media bias, all supporting Hilary Clinton. And despite daily attacks against Trump, after all that, Hilary is doing THIS well. It's moments like these I find it comforting to reassure myself, as with all things propaganda and bias, that the feminist population of the west is shrinking, and the silent majority aren't yet ready to roll over and take it in every orifice the minority dictates. |
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Daily smear campaigns, every single day on the media, and the country just largely ignored it. LOL It's like your parents telling you everyday that drugs are bad, and then after that, you go and do drugs. Perhaps they painted him to be TOO bad, so much so that people wanted to find out who this guy is. |
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Well...someones has to protect the world!!!!![]() But back on the whole Trump thing....everyone here (well at least my colleagues) are freaking out. But in VA, we stayed Blue!!! Not that it matters now heh... |
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everyone here (well at least my colleagues) are freaking out. I'm not surprised. America what have you done? :/ |
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Why are you freaking out, this is a good thing. Criminals should not be allowed to go into the White House. Plain and simple. This is justice. |
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Criminals should not be allowed to go into the White House. Plain and simple. After all the investigations nothing turned up. All a massive smear campaign. When are the Trump court cases against him starting? |
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After all the investigations nothing turned up. All a massive smear campaign. The FBI is just ignoring evidence. The media is ignoring evidence. The massive smear campaign was against Trump every single day, for things he said, or things that he might have done, but hasn't. Yet the amount of real evidence that Clinton and her family have done things. Hey no problem, don't you worry about actual evidence getting in front of the narrative. When are the Trump court cases against him starting? Trump has court cases against him? First I've heard of that. Oh you mean all the ones that appeared in the current month. Convenint that. [edit] By the way, I'm watching Sky News Live on youtube, and it's just wall to wall coverage of Clinton supporters crying. Now there's your bias right there. |
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Steve, I heard the one alleged rape court case against Trump was thrown out (the one that had the Jerry Springer producer's address on it). Everything else seemed like it was guilty until proven innocent lynching by the media. Hillary was judged reckless & careless by the FBI something I think the public did actually care about. |
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I'm joking of course. I have always been strongly anti-war. Interestingly, as has Trump. And on record for it, too. When are the Trump court cases against him starting? Plenty of records of Trump in court. Nothing outstanding, though. By the way, I'm watching Sky News Live on youtube, and it's just wall to wall coverage of Clinton supporters crying. Now there's your bias right there. Sky News is a comedy channel. They also endorse our current PM, Turnbull. In return, our government has the Sky News ads playing at the big train stations every 5 minutes for the last few years, now. |
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Plenty of records of Trump in court. Nothing outstanding, though. Links? Evidence. Nope didn't think so. Sky News is a comedy channel. They also endorse our current PM, Turnbull. In return, our government has the Sky News ads playing at the big train stations every 5 minutes for the last few years, now. What I meant was, they're reporting this election now, as is some flood has just drowned a city somewhere. They haven't shown ANY happiness from Trump supports. Hence the media bias. Why are they crying? Whoever loses is gonna cry, but they are reporting this as a natural disaster, as if there are no 2 sides. |
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Live, now. |
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Links? Evidence. Nope didn't think so. Court cases are heavily documented. This guy didn't just make *ALL* of this up: One can easily question a lot of it, especially with regards to the actual cases and their contexts, but he isn't that great a writer as to have penned it all himself. Plenty known about Trump. What's known about Clintons skeletons? If it weren't for Wikileaks, the rest of the world wide media would have us believe there is nothing wrong with her at all. THAT'S what people need to be afraid of. What I meant was, they're reporting this election now, as is some flood has just drowned a city somewhere What I meant was that their coverage is hilarious. |
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500 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. What I meant was that their coverage is hilarious. I agree. |
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He just needs one more now, and then he's won! :D |
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Sorry for the double post, but I don't want anyone to miss this :) |
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The biggest problem right now seems that it looks like the republicans will be controlling the presidency, the senate AND congress plus will get to nominate the vacant supreme court position -- expect them to tear down pretty much everything that's been accomplished over the past 8 years, with little to stop them. |
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He just needs one more now, and then he's won! :D ![]() |
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WHOEVER WINS... WE LOSE. If it's possible it's a fraud, it's possible it's not. Always look at both sides, believe each for a time. On the other side of this for example is the idea that he really is just a businessman, and not part of some ancient global control structure. What? An everyday Joe who loves the way America was intended to be, and now he just might become powerful? Fun stuff! And hey, no one really knows for sure, so why not be positive, right? Now on the other side, the idea that he's secretly just another cog in the machine. Well what else would we have, everyone just deciding to behave all of a sudden? Who'd want to live in a world like that anyway? That's like saying it's only a good day if it's not too hot or cold, or that the only good places to live are where there's almost no change of season. That's the problem with utopian thinking, it's a dream rooted in ingratitude. Besides, once you get everything so supposedly perfect, then what are you supposed to do, rot? Boredom is death, strife is life. If the oceans had no tides, they'd stagnate. Countries are the same way, they go back and forth between capitalism and communism, and right now America's waaay too communist, so Trum1p's here to save the day. That's what I believe. No fraud, no big secret reason to not vote for him. If he is part of a control system, I highly doubt it's manmade, more like God designed it - like the seasons and the tides - and I'm grateful. |
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Way to go rural America! We have been forgotten, overlooked and neglected. Not any more. For good or bad rural America sent a message in tipping the balance for Trump. |
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Good man. I find it interesting that many of the people who have been rude to me in the past on this forum have turned out to be pro Clinton, and the people who were always decent to me are for Trump. Kinda makes me wonder about that old Crt thread I did... XD |
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The mental breakdown of special snowsnakes and people of privilege on twitter right now is hilarious. Oh well, there's no reelection like there is with Brexit. |
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If you guys are happy with the results, i am happy too. (i like to repeat and follow sometimes, hey why not ?) :) (the guys/gals who are paid too much doing useless jobs (thanks to the mafias in place) must be in panic, which is a good thing imo) |
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I find it interesting that many of the people who have been rude to me in the past on this forum have turned out to be pro Clinton, and the people who were always decent to me are for Trump. Interesting. I find that divisive us and them rhetoric quite offensive and out of place. |
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Meanwhile in Japan, the media says Trump is the Biff Tannen from Back To The Future 2 Yeah, this is supposedly news. Even Japanese news seems to be shocked at the news, although just like the rest of the world, they've been really with Hilary, not showing any of her bad news and showing all of Trumps. This (and Brexit) have proved one thing though, media forecast and polls are utterly, and I mean UTTERLY worthless at this point. About as accurate as fortune telling with a crystal ball. |
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so in the us there is only one "turn" (vote) and then the results are final ? because in France it is a total scam : there is one turn (vote), and then some propaganda by the left/right parties who are financed by bankers/bigcompanies and who own the tv/radio/newspapers medias, and then another turn (vote), and we have the same right/left parties elected (who almost say/do the same things) since around 1969... |
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Meanwhile in Japan, the media says Trump is the Biff Tannen from Back To The Future 2 According to one of the writers of the movie Future-Biff was based on Trump: |
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I am so relishing the reactions of the liberal press. A combination of shock, disgust and disbelief. Can't get enough. :) |
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I am so relishing the reactions of the liberal press. A combination of shock, disgust and disbelief. Can't get enough. :) I guess they believed their own created reality so much, bursting their bubble has hurt them quite a lot. I'm astonished though at certain celebrities' reaction, like this:- I think they're just bitter, that a woman (and Feminist) didn't make it into power. By the way, what was Clinton thinking having Lada Ga ga doing a performance?! What the hell does that have to do with anything. Madness. Oh well, back to the reality for all the rich and privileged people. :) |
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Some of the comments here are reminding me of the obnoxious crowing Bush supporters engaged in when Dubya came to power. Seems to me America's in uncharted waters now. Let's just hope it all works out for the best. |
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The dow jones futures market is down 750 points or so. That indicates that the Dow could open down by 1000 points in the morning. Crazy. |
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The dow jones futures market is down 750 points or so. That indicates that the Dow could open down by 1000 points in the morning. Crazy. Markets are determined by people, it was not what was predicted, of course the markets will be unstable, temporarily. It's inevitable, but just like Brexit, there will be calm. Even Angry Joe is, er, well, angry. |
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Yep, I've got an appointment in the morning with an investor friend. Easy money. Off-the-cuff estimates are you can make 25% by buying whatever's down right now. I'm assuming the pattern will be similar to Brexit. |
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Hi Josh, hope all that goes well for you. :) No update from Hillary Clinton's twitter in over 8 hours Also, best not to celebrate too soon, or else you'll look stupid later. |
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Yes people we do live in interesting times. It's just a question of whether the political elite will take the hint that there is something seriously wrong with how they govern the country and represent the people. Obviously they haven't learned very well in the UK before or after Brexit. They should have taken heed when the SNP who's main reason for existence is Scottish independence, gained control in Scotland from the Labour party. And the Labour Party still haven't taken the hint. What I find as the biggest insult with the current UK government after Brexit, is the fact that during the debate on the renewal of the Trident submarine fleet carrying the nuclear arsenal, the question of where the steel was to come from was raised. Prime minister May basically gave the middle finger to British steel manufacturing that is in crisis by saying "Whatever is the best value". The contract was awarded by BAE systems to the French steel industry, just before the pound was devalued. While the US defence ministry awarded a contract to the Forge Masters steel works based in Sheffield UK for them to manufacture a critical component for their own nuclear powered submarines. It also sounds like the new type 26 destroyers will also be built with imported steel. I can guarantee that any contracts that have been signed will be favourable to the subcontractors, as was the case of EDF and the new Hinkley Point power station. I brought that bit up as a warning to the US that what you think you voted for is not necessarily going to be what you wanted or good for you. One of the interviews that they did in the US was a steel worker voting Republican over concerns about his job security. For Brexit to actually work. The UK government has to start investing in those industries that they deliberately neglected and then allowed to be sold off, because each government was so obsessed with bringing big banks into London. |
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Markets are determined by people, it was not what was predicted, of course the markets will be unstable, temporarily. I wouldn't be so sure. The code I have been optimizing just took less than .004 ms to react to a market event and place a successful trade. No human required. |
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I wouldn't be so sure. The code I have been optimizing just took less than .004 ms to react to a market event and place a successful trade. No human required. Until it goes wrong and causes economic damage that may not be repairable. From what I've heard it's happened a few times. |
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It's scary to me to read a lot of the posts on here, but I guess it's a reflection of the willful ignorance of what this really entails that the majority of Americans themselves have embraced. Trump is no seasoned politician. Even his most rabid supporters can agree on that. In fact, it's what sold voters on him in the first place. So what does that mean exactly? Does it mean he'll delegate whatever duties he can't wrap his head around or be bothered with to the apparatus around him? Will he get exploited and puppeteered by people who actually have a clue? Or will he try to act on the outrageous promises he put out during the campaign? Things like, put up a wall on the Mexican border and insist they pay for it. Like, demand that other NATO-members "pay their dues" or refuse military support to them, thereby fucking up power balances around the world. Free pass for Russia to waltz in and reclaim the Baltics or any other former Soviet state who's a member of NATO but couldn't afford to pay those dues. Free pass for China to steamroll South-East Asia on territorial waters. Hell, for North-Korea to bomb South-Korea to oblivion for that matter. Because hey, if the US won't help other NATO members why would they honor any of their other military commitments? Other goodies to mention include climate change agreements pretty much guaranteed to get shot down now that Republicans rule in both Congress and the Senate, along with promises of a shift towards protectionism that might just send the world into a global recession. So yeah, very nice. |
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a shift towards protectionism that might just send the world into a global recession. what a load of nonsense... What matters are the ressources of the land and the capabilities (and motivation) of the workers and the technology available, everything else is arbitrary and are only excuses to scare the many and enrich a few. |
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Madness. More like hearsay. |
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what a load of nonsense... What matters are the ressources of the land and the capabilities (and motivation) of the workers and the technology available, everything else is arbitrary and are only excuses to scare the many and enrich a few. Elementary logic: If other countries don't want what you have to offer then you have no means of getting what you want or need from them either. If the resources of other countries are unavailable to you then your only recourse is to try and make do with what you have. That is, to some degree, the situation that Russia finds itself in nowadays. How would you say the Russian economy is faring? Do you like the development you're seeing over there? |
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If other countries don't want what you have to offer then you have no means of getting what you want or need from them either. If the resources of other countries are unavailable to you then your only recourse is to try and make do with what you have. I agree, and i am only for reasonable protectionism, that is to use what you have in your land and to produce locally what you can before going elsewhere to extract/produce things. And also to prevent unfair competition from others companies/workers which live in countries where the cost of of essential things is less and thus they can do the same work for less (which is detrimental to the local companies/workers) Nowadays what matters is only the arbitrary cost of ressources/workers and you end up with productions steps (in different countries) which are totally insane and unnecessary. |
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So this man insults a huge number of people, suggesting they're so dumb, they'll basically believe anything he says as long as it's on TV. He then shows that he's extremely racist and completely bigoted, constantly lies, constantly contradicts himself, has zero political experience, no understanding of humanity, is against unity and multiculturalism, has no self control. He can't run a business, is about to be investigated for dodgy business practices, doesn't respect people who work for him so doesn't pay them. Is so dodgy that he won't share his tax returns. Boasts about sexual assault, a rape case pending, is completely sexist, wants to bring forth segmentation, wants to tear-up the global agreement on climate change, so there goes the planet - unless he gets into a spat on Twitter and presses the big red button first of course......and so he becomes President. |
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With recent events, I cannot help but think of the third series of the BBC comedy Black Adder the third: Dish and Dishonesty. |
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America would have been fucked either way; all governments are in it for one thing, "power and greed", well OK that's two things. No point in keep Trumping-on about it, the deed is already done, unless any of you are gonna make Trump the next JFK. :p |
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Perhaps real people are just fed up with the extreme leftist liberal media labelling them racist, xenophobic, and a whole multitude of other labels just because they want to live a decent quality life. The luvvies, Z celebs, SWJs, and millenial snowflakes were all under a false sense of victory. Anyhow, look forward to a huge liberal backlack and rioting. Dummies are being spat out by the thousands right now. |
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Anything is better than a Clinton. Im happy Trump won, if only to shake the tree a little. |
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I agree, and i am only for reasonable protectionism, that is to use what you have in your land and to produce locally what you can before going elsewhere to extract/produce things. And also to prevent unfair competition from others companies/workers which live in countries where the cost of of essential things is less and thus they can do the same work for less (which is detrimental to the local companies/workers) Nowadays what matters is only the arbitrary cost of ressources/workers and you end up with productions steps (in different countries) which are totally insane and unnecessary. I agree with the principle of what you're saying. But if the US decide to impose a 45% toll barrier on Chinese goods like Trump said he would then who knows what'll happen. Would it be the deathblow to Chinese export-driven growth and cause their economy to crash and burn? Would nationalism be stoked further by the government to counteract civil unrest maybe? That's bad news for the rest of the region who's already contending with a more and more assertive China, even when the US is still willing to maintain a presence there. At one point they'd probably demand the US pay back their loans too which the US wouldn't be able to do of course. All kinds of fun to be had. Perhaps real people are just fed up with the extreme leftist liberal media labelling them racist, xenophobic, and a whole multitude of other labels just because they want to live a decent quality life. The luvvies, Z celebs, SWJs, and millenial snowflakes were all under a false sense of victory. You deride the opposition for using reductive labels and then you do the exact same thing in the very next sentence. Well done. |
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It use to be that description of somebody as liberal as in 'liberal western democracy' was a compliment. As for luvvies, z celebs, swjs and millennial snowflakes, the only label I understand is luvvies. This seems to refer to actors (who disagree with your own opinion), as these people sturdy hard, work long hours and as a rule are well educated I would have thought that their opinions were worth hearing, whether I agree or not. I would certainly give more credence to a luvvie than somebody who looked forward to rioting, have fun cps |
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Wait, what's this? Investment while the market is down. Some tips, please, Josh? |
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We are the world.. we are the children. |
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Re Intelligent discussion about computer related topics: Has Trump got an IT/computing policy ? One of the things I (as an outsider) admired about the US was the standard of technical expertise at High School level (I don't know if this is across the board or patchy). Any time I dug into a fresh aspect of computing a quick trawl of US High School websites rewarded me with pointers/information, as well as a view of some inspiring computing projects. Does Trump intend to further this ie every student given facilities to learn a programing language, Cpu in every school/home etc. Here in the UK I found that computing was downgraded in favour of IT (in schools, under 18's) with the obvious results. Have fun cps |
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Wait, what's this? Investment while the market is down. Is that a joke? You want to buy low and sell high, not the other way around. |
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You want to buy low and sell high, not the other way around. With futures, you can make money in both directions. |
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I have some good news for anyone who is worried that "Hitler" just became president. The Hillary election campaign and their team of cognitive scientists (probably) plus the bias mainstream media, did an excellent job of convincing you that Trump is a really bad person. Reality: he isn't. In time the illusion will wear off, and the fear you've been trained to have towards Trump will begin to dissipate now the election is over. Trump did the same of course, but he just did it better, and he only insulted people who were in the ring with him (establishment) otherwise he tried to reach out to all ordinary Americans. One of Hillary's mistakes was to label half of American citizens deplorable - and that's never going to help you win an election. The cat has been set amongst the pigeons, and I don't think that's such a bad thing. It's good to shake things up every now and then :) I must admit some relief in seeing lot's of celebrities endorsing Hillary, and nobody taking any notice of them. There's at least some hope for humanity yet :D |
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![]() Even Japanese news seems to be shocked at the news, although just like the rest of the world, they've been really with Hilary, not showing any of her bad news and showing all of Trumps. Not surprising, ninety percent of anime is pedophile fantasy, and that Orgy island stuff just came out a few days ago. I've been hoping for Japan to clean up its act for years, it's almost impossible these days to find good - not evil - animes like Angel densetsu. |
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I've been hoping for Japan to clean up its act for years, it's almost impossible these days to find good - not evil - animes like Angel densetsu. Generalizing. You think most of Japan think that way. Anime is just one small part of their industry. |
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I wonder how it would feel like living in an alternate reality. There were many things wrong around and about Clinton's campaign but overall this result feels like the worse of the two options. Good for shaking things up a little bit but after a few seconds, nah, not this much anymore. If she would have 'come around' more like in her concession speech, she would have won. Apart from the internal aspects i also wonder about the degree of influence from the USA's (former) foreign affairs and the messed up politics of our government/the EU. The states' results show similarities to other countries which seem to be divided and where different needs within the populations exist. Btw. the absolute majority voted for Clinton, blame political constructs where some peoples' votes are more worth than other peoples' votes, depending on where they're living (same nonsense in the EU). Still, this, might be a chance (also for other countries, just Earth might be unlucky but there's Venus) as well, hopefully, and time is moving on. PS: It's bewildering that this was the best the USA (won't be better in other countries, eh?) had to offer. Parts of Trump's victory speech might remind you of president Camacho. You could give him the benefit of the doubt but if he'll be a bad president, will he stay for eight years nonetheless, again? |
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No, I know. Trust me, Japan's one of my favorite countries. I was already pretty happy when I was ten, then they went and invented Nintendo. I'm just saying the anime thing's the black dot on their yin yang symbol, they're awesome people otherwise :) |
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So this man insults a huge number of people, suggesting they're so dumb, they'll basically believe anything he says as long as it's on TV. He then shows that he's extremely racist and completely bigoted, constantly lies, constantly contradicts himself, has zero political experience, no understanding of humanity, is against unity and multiculturalism, has no self control. He can't run a business, is about to be investigated for dodgy business practices, doesn't respect people who work for him so doesn't pay them. Is so dodgy that he won't share his tax returns. Boasts about sexual assault, a rape case pending, is completely sexist, wants to bring forth segmentation, wants to tear-up the global agreement on climate change, so there goes the planet - unless he gets into a spat on Twitter and presses the big red button first of course......and so he becomes President. Yep. |
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I saw that post, but I decided to do like all the posts that followed, and not keep feeding the beast. That's not to say people who still think that way are beasts, but you can only point people to shows like the Savage nation and the Alex jones show so many times :\ |
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Well, this thread has proven to be disappointingly enlightening. |
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What did you expect? Programmers are geniuses. You can put up black curtains, but it's still a little unpleasant to sleep in the daytime. I was happy to go on blissfully designing games for years, but when I realized I was about to not even have a safe place to live anymore, I woke up. |
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Well, this thread has proven to be disappointingly enlightening. Same here. |
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One of the few reasonable posts on my fb this morning: As I attempt to collect myself I am struggling to articulate the complex feelings of anxiety, despair, and helplessness that I am sure are shared by many of those here. We as a community need to acknowledge the fact that this election victory was driven by anger and fear. We cannot smugly dismiss those who are desperate to support themselves, their families, and their communities that have been economically devastated. We need to be empathetic and compassionate but also uncompromising. We need to forge alliances through understanding. I have never seen my country so divided and I suspect it will get worse before it gets better. Don't turn your back on those across the divide. Engage them. They are people too, with hopes and aspirations, ones that may feel threatened. Some people may also be looking for someone or something to blame. Until we can restore civility and humanity to our relations with others, no matter how much we may disagree, we will be further torn apart as a nation and as a people. Because he said it so much better than I, I quote Bertrand Russell: "We want to stand upon our own feet and look fair and square at the world — its good facts, its bad facts, its beauties and its ugliness; see the world as it is and not be afraid of it. Conquer the world by intelligence and not merely by being slavishly subdued by the terror that comes from it. "A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage. It needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence. It needs hope for the future, not looking back on a past that is dead, which we trust will be far surpassed by the future that we can create." |
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I'm surprisingly enjoying meltdowns from special snowflakes (and celebrities) on facebook and twitter. They are all so deluded. PS, 100% exactly what #166 says, I agree. |
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Perhaps real people are just fed up with the extreme leftist liberal media labelling them racist, xenophobic, and a whole multitude of other labels just because they want to live a decent quality life. The luvvies, Z celebs, SWJs, and millenial snowflakes were all under a false sense of victory. It surprised me to know of this, that the democratic candidate received 220'000 more votes than the republican candidate. The democratic candidate has more popular votes. In the context of the whole country it's just a few more people of course, so the conclusion is that this was close to a 50/50 split in popular votes. The republican candidate received more votes distributed throughout the country rather than in concentrated areas and this is what gave the most electoral votes. |
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This, is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT (and sums up the world so well) A must watch for everyone! PS Lady GAGA is clearly mental. |
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I get that people weren't happy with the status quo, but this really does feel like cleaning up the mess in your apartment by burning it down. |
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It's like that company Digital Homicide, but with real people. I can't believe people, even famous people could get into such a temper tantrum. Go burn the American flag, yeah, you burned a flag that you bought, you burned some cloth. What does that even mean? (Or change anything) Is that what the world is like now? Don't like the result? then go mental on social media hoping that things will change. This is EXACTLY the same as what happened with brexit, and ironically, the vote 52%, and 48% is also very similar. |
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Well, this thread has proven to be disappointingly enlightening. ..i can confirm that this forum is the best place online i have seen so far, where such hot topics, as this one, were discussed, yet, people are very decent and very confident that i could be very very good friend in real with all of you, regardless eventual difference in opinions.. |
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It's scary to me to read a lot of the posts on here, but I guess it's a reflection of the willful ignorance of what this really entails that the majority of Americans themselves have embraced. So many people are acting shocked. So many people acting like they thought this would be a landslide victory for them. So many people in their perfect little echo chambers happily being told and telling others what to do and how to act, dictating what is wrong and right. Then along comes a majority opinion to remind them smack bang, confrontingly, that their echo chambers is not actually how the rest of the world sees things. If these people had soaked in a bit more information about these candidates than social and mainstream media constantly told them was right, none of them would have expected a landslide. They would have been out hunting for blood when the DNC screwed over the public to serve their own self-interests, pushing aside a candidate that would have mopped the floor with Trump. The DNC brought this result entirely on themselves. They did this to you. And next time maybe, just MAYBE, some of these people might actually do some research on matters of import to them, instead of blissfully being told how to feel about everything for the rest of their lives. But I'm not hopeful. No update from Hillary Clinton's twitter in over 8 hours Didn't even address her supporters. Disgraceful. Is it unheard of? Has anybody else shunned their followers at an election before? overall this result feels like the worse of the two options. WWIII was the preferable option? |
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im very confident that i could be very very good friend in real with all of you, regardless eventual difference in opinions.. You're just a stone's throw away from Japan if I recall? If you ever pop round to Tokyo, we should have a drink :) I just read that due to the media, that predicted a landslide victory for Hilary for well over a year, a LOT of HIlary voters thought that her win so on the cards that a lot of them didn't even bother voting. LOL The media helped Trump to win so confident of their victory, that they basically mad a lot of her voters stay at home. Oh the irony. By the way a similar thing happened with Brexit, a lot of young voters didn't bother voting. Didn't even address her supporters. Disgraceful. Is it unheard of? Has anybody else shunned their followers at an election before? You should check it now, it has hilarious quotes of "I'm a woman and I tried my best" and all sorts of odd posts like that. Like she has some sort of legacy. Have to say though, Hilary really has won a legacy. - World wide media bias for her - Wall to wall news of bad coverage for Trump EVEN AFTER ALL THAT, still failed to beat the least popular candidate (Donald Trump) ever to be in the running. It's the same as losing very badly to second to last place in a race where the audience was holding on the legs of the runner. Her loss is such a failure, and she will remembered thanks to all the leaks from Wikileaks. But hey, you know, she's very rich, she has all that money she got donated from foreign criminals that she can enjoy. It's not a bad way to lose. I just hope Trump really does reopen her case with the FBI. America really would have been the joke of the world if they had elected a corrupted criminal. |
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Sorry for the second post but, this made me LOL. The article even refers them to "snowflake" |
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im very confident that i could be very very good friend in real with all of you, regardless eventual difference in opinions.. I've heard this: "Just because someone votes for Trump doesn't mean they can't be my friend, they'd just be my dumb friend from now on" |
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I think he was referring to the fact that we all talk openly and (generally speaking anyway) don't get upset and start ranting and getting angry when somebody might happen to have a difference of opinion. It's all about discussin and debate and hearing both sounds of the argument (or it should be anyway) |
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I wouldn't be able to call someone who did such brilliant songs as Poker Face and Paparazzi mental, or the beauty (not only) of a psyche is highly subjective. Hmm, this reminds me of the bass in Hollywood Poker Pro (C64). There was a nice bass in her speech too. During the election Trump had some differences with certain bands he wanted to play songs from. |
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I've heard this: "Just because someone votes for Trump doesn't mean they can't be my friend, they'd just be my dumb friend from now on" ![]() |
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200th Post! Yay! |
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So, seeing/hearing the reactions of the journalists of the mainstream medias, about the results of the USA elections, can we say that they are neutral and only report information without ideology/opinion ? Apparently not... |
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If you watch the video I posted at #189, you'll the see the media haven't changed. Seem to be digging an even bigger hole it seems. |
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I have just watched the "victory speech" of Mr Trump, and while i think the overall message is good (try to find common grounds to be able to live/work together), i really don't like this american way of talking, "everything is great", "i am grateful to everybody", "i want to help everybody", how can you be grateful to your enemies and want to help the people/things which are contributing to the destruction of the people/things that you like/defend. This makes no sense to me, but i suppose that it is the politics way to talk in order to not anger/hurt anybody... (but it is delusional and looks/sounds fake) |
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If these people had soaked in a bit more information about these candidates than social and mainstream media constantly told them was right, none of them would have expected a landslide. They would have been out hunting for blood when the DNC screwed over the public to serve their own self-interests, pushing aside a candidate that would have mopped the floor with Trump. I didn't follow the campaign closely at all tbh. Got bummed when Bernie Sanders lost, and everything just degenerated into a grotesque circus after that. But I still figured Democrats would be the lesser evil, especially with this bizarre clown spearheading the Republicans. But the majority of Americans haven't learned jack shit since Bush II it seems. |
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6 months, and everyone will wonder what the fuss was all about. I like this: |
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![]() bill clinton=taliban bush= al qaede obama= isis what is next ? trump ? walking dead ? |
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if there is no war there is no arms sales so now makes ya wonder doesn't it |
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6 months, and everyone will wonder what the fuss was all about. Uh huh. With a Republican House, Senate, and 1-3 Republican-chosen seats on the Supreme Court, the repercussions of this election will last for 30+ years. Thanks for playing, though.Top headline this morning is... Trump Picks Top Climate Change Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition. |
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Some very interesting points made. Touching upon 'Scotland's devolution', as a Scotsman I've always been against Scotland breaking away from the UK, I wish the self serving Nicola Sturgeon would take a running jump - to be honest, if she does manage to pull off another vote for Scotland to exit the UK then I'd love to see a third option: Turn the Scottish Parliament into a museum and make the gravy train that is the Scottish Parliament go and get some real jobs. Britain already has a Parliament in London that has enough politicians already..... And with the travel links the Scottish MP's would be better of debating in London than Scotland. As for Trump being elected, yeah, I'm Roger Taylor who denied Trump the use of 'We are the Champions' during his campaign. One of the worrying memories I have of Hilary was she visited Africa a few years ago and stated to the American public that 'She was under fire getting of the plane...' (or words to that effect). In reality, she was warmly greeted by African school children - this really struck me as just as bad as Trump's Gaff's - At least Trump's Gaffs seem to be trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and it seems to have worked. Hilary did 'seem' like the sensible voters choice, when I was younger, I'd more interest in politics - I'm sure Hilary's gaff about Africa was not a singular incident, being caught out in lies of this nature could not have sat well with the American public. Trump has to run things by the senate, and thankfully, I imagine the senate has a few folk worth their salt. |
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I think some Americans just see it as giving a protest vote against the establishment and thinking he ain't that bad but not realising you are just betting everything. Looks like a to big of a gamble to me. Now I am not an American but for the life of me I don't understand why sane sounding people like Ron Paul or Bernie Saunders never get the vote. |
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One of the worrying memories I have of Hilary(sic) That was Bosnia, not Africa. But yeah, that was ridiculous. |
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I don't understand why sane sounding people like Ron Paul or Bernie Saunders(sic) never get the vote. Guess you haven't heard the bad news about the Democratic National Committee taking sides and favoring Clinton over Sanders. That may have been the final nail in the coffin. |
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^^ Freaky pictures! lol I'm Roger Taylor who denied Trump the use of 'We are the Champions' during his campaign. I applaud that. Freddy would have puked hearing that kinda abuse by the Elephant Man. :-) |
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Just maybe the US is suffering from Regan's media laws which absolved the media outlets from balanced coverage. IE Its easy to see only what you want to see (positive feedback loop), you never get to hear the opposing view. As for the UK we get BBC, Euronews and AlJazera to mention just a few and they all gave 50/50 coverage to US elections. Have fun cps |
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you never get to hear the opposing view For some, perhaps that's true. More commonly, I think it's because the conversations degrade rather quickly into personal attacks and soon one side or the other or both are checking out. |
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Maybe it's an internet thing, I suspect people wouldn't be as ready to make personal attacks over a pint/pot of tea. Have fun cps |
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A quote not so long ago that made me smile "If I remember history correctly, we are now in a "factors leading to" paragraph before a unit where maps get super flaggy and arrowy." |
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My overall impression of Trump is that he tells people whatever they want to hear and makes any promise that they are willing to believe. Talk costs nothing. Pretty much every president or leader who's ever run a country has gone into the job wishing to do the things Trump is promising. Most don't make those promises because they know that actually making them happen is incredibly difficult and expensive. But you can make any promise if you have no intention of delivering, and there are always enough fools who believe those ridiculous promises to make it worthwhile. It's also easy to appeal to bigotry and ignorance if you don't care about fucking the people over who'll be targeted by the results of that. And there are always scumbags who'll lap that shit up. Day 1 In Trump's America A collection of tweets about racist episodes POC are facing now that Trump is our President Elect. |
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Just maybe the US is suffering from Regan's media laws which absolved the media outlets from balanced coverage. If you are talking about the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that was Bill Clinton not Reagan, and I have seen many references of it being responsible for the one sided neoliberal agenda they seem to have promoted in unison (until the last 10 days when fox news broke ranks). It is my opinion that multinational globalism is responsible for the 1% owning 99%. Until Brexit and the rejection of Hillary / Wall Street we were on a fast-track to .1% owning 99.9%. We may still be. |
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@ Zethrax, totally agree. And we've had the same sort of racial attacks in the UK after Brexit, because people like Nigel Farrage whipped up hatred and fear concerning anybody that doesn't have a white skin. |
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Day 1 In Trump's America A collection of tweets about racist episodes POC are facing now that Trump is our President Elect. LOL. The media have LEARNED NOTHING. This is what the news did after Brexit happened, a week of "racist news". Those types of people always exist, but no the media have to focus on it to prove their narrative that Trump is bad. Trump has won so let's just get on with it, the hate, it's the sore losers doing this. Remoaners... What do we call people who are bitter that Hillary lost. Hillary Billies? Man, 99.9% of Americans are not doing this, and those that are are probably just bitter/ trolls. On a sort of separate note, this kind of ACTUAL racism, it's in part the media's fault for causing stuff like this. Up until recently the regressive left, absolutely everything is racist, everyone who doesn't agree with you is Hitler. I mean for gods sake, even memes are racist. And yet stops to curb racism through things such as affirmative action is ACTUAL racism towards white people (and often sexism too) We've let too many people in the system (mainly millennials) simply get ahead in the world without any effort and through prevelidge. And now that a bit of reality has set in, they've gone bonkers. |
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because people like Nigel Farrage whipped up hatred and fear concerning anybody that doesn't have a white skin No he did not. Can you post one link from a reputable source that proves your statement to show this "whipped up hatred and fear concerning anybody that doesn't have a white skin". Nothing vague please. |
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...i dont know why everything ends up been racial or related to skin color...i mean..tell me, what to think when after 13 years you go back to home country and see everywhere brochures and even signboards instructing why not to rape(women or men, yes) and that woman walking in skirt is not a prostitute? An i racial to be pissed off when i see this in places and when i left country it was nothing like that? And i know domestic people didnt do this.. |
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What do Trump/Clinton supporters think of this blog post? Makes some good points regards why the Clintons got caned. |
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Yep Neoliberalism, and the fight against it. That's what it all is. |
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Decent folk just get alone no matter what. End of... |
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@Steve Elliott>>is it possible for your "i know what is good or bad better than everybody else" mind, to consider that some people living in european regions for hundreds/thousands of years, don"t want to live side by side with others people who don't have a compatible view of the world, way to think, way to act, customs, practices, wants for the future ? It has nothing to do with racism since some of the people of these "races" adopt compatible ways of thinking/acting with the ways of the european regions and all goes well. But some are just incompatible, and will only lead to conflicts and civil wars... So it is certainly not a good approach to deny the problems and to insult the originate people who complain. |
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To be honest I've spelt out many times on fb lengthy paragraphs of why Brexit was a bad idea - and now why Trump and his success through fear and division are also...I've no more energy left for trying to justify something that is so obvious too me. That we are more divided than ever as a world population, because the far right wing have preyed on people's fears and prejudices. So much so that the racists and bigots, organisations like the KKK feel empowered and justified...Well if the politicians are saying it... And that others have been carried on a wave of nationalism - but nationalism in a bad way. Based on negativity, not hope and togetherness - all working together for prosperity. Instead simply bitterness. Fine. Go and build your wall. I won't mention politics here again, I'd just hoped that some people would wake up before it's too late...Back to programming and game issues... |
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To be honest I've spelt out many times on fb lengthy paragraphs of why Brexit was a bad idea - and now why Trump and his success through fear and division are also...I've no more energy left for trying to justify something that is so obvious too me. Oh it obvious to you! well case closed then if only your opinion is the only correct one. because the far right wing have preyed on people's fears and prejudices. There's that attitude again. Those that don't conform to YOUR views are far right wing *sigh* Back to programming and game issues... Yay! sense at last. |
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@Steve Elliott>>nationalism and racism are 2 different things. Regulating reasonably the flow of humans/things at borders to prevent conflicts between incompatible people (or rather their viewsoftheworld/mindset/behaviors/wants), and to prevent unfair competition and the destruction of the small companies in a country is different than nationalism. (insulting people of racists and bigots, makes you look fascist) |
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It seems to me that Brexit and now Trump's election is in big part a backlash to the increasingly harsh economic conditions that have been imposed on the middle and lower class during the last twenty years. Combine that with the ease with which the elites responsible for the crises have avoided real punishment, and you're going to get a lot of resentment. Resentment that a politician like Trump can take advantage of. Do I think Trump was the best choice? No - the people he's choosing to surround himself are scary and there's a good chance all the social progress made in the last few decades in the US will be lost - but I'm starting to understand why he got in. |
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the people he's choosing to surround himself are scary Indeed they are! |
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Yeah, I'm not a fan. I still figured Democrats would be the lesser evil, especially with this bizarre clown spearheading the Republicans. Nah, WWIII was the worse option. More commonly, I think it's because the conversations degrade rather quickly into personal attacks and soon one side or the other or both are checking out. I'm loving the crap out of this guys speech right now: the far right wing have preyed on people's fears and prejudices. The far left have done that. Every white is racist. Every man is sexist. The far left are too used to screaming, shouting and breaking the law and getting off scot free whenever something minuscule doesn't go their way. It's high time they learn how to act like adults. Universities are the first organisations that need to be completely reformed. organisations like the KKK feel empowered and justified... Love this one. ![]() Who formed the democrats, Steve? I'd just hoped that some people would wake up before it's too late.. Fortunately not as many people were as brainwashed as your ilk were counting on. Or maybe there were, but voted simply to spite the people barraging them with slurs. |
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The "Grand Dragon" part is a fabrication. It's Robert Byrd, and he was a member for one year back in the forties and has disavowed them ever since. That's hardly the same as David Duke. Mr. Duke is no longer a member of the Klan, but he is still a member of another white supremacist organization. I'm with Steve on this. Trump is scary and right now all I can do is hope for the best. His choices, so far, have done nothing to put me at ease. |
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There is some pretty good analysis finally coming through and I have hope the media is going to become more impartial. I do fear political discussion here at is going to be in the long run divisive and harmful to this community so unless there is any good reason not to, this thread will be locked on Monday. |
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Wait, wait, before the curtain closes. Let me say this about that (Nixon). As mentioned above, the Democratic Party elite tried to derail Bernie Sanders populism at every turn to so their pre-chosen candidate would survive. The Republican party elite tried to derail (crude) Donald's populism at every Primary so that any other candidate would rise up. Perhaps it's time to eliminate political parties! More individuals might just think for themselves. |
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The bigger picture is that the people close to us and the homeless we walk past every day are Local issues and are far more deserving of emotional investment than Global politics. (see what I did there). |
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Perhaps it's time to eliminate political parties! More individuals might just think for themselves. I think that's what they would call ANARCHY!Quote from Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. "Democracy may be only a few steps removed from Anarchy, but at least it's not as loud." -- Crowned In Starlight, Than Hegemon CY 9843 |
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NSFW but sums up the hysteria surrounding the election |
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Telecommunications Act of 1996 ? passed by Clinton but created by committee that started under Regan and proposed by ? Was there a requirement to provide balanced coverage before this ? or ever ? Fox news breaking from one sided neoliberal agenda ? I watched fox news a few times and stating that is was pushing a neoliberal agenda until recently just doesn't match what I saw. Did US media confront Bush/Rumsfelt over torture of suspects? Not heard any US media confronting Trump over his support for 'waterboarding and worse' to be used against suspects (ie people who you suspect but haven't found any evidence against). I would have thought that a media with a neoliberal agenda would have made this centre stage. Have fun cps |
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i like this guy |
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skidracer, thanks for letting thread run as long as it has. Programmers have been effected by US election so probably good to let of steam. Must point out that nothing said in this thread has caused me offence (may be surprise) and hope that I haven't caused any. I worked for many years with people opposed to my politics and hope to continue to exchange ideas with coders on this site regardless of politics. Hope for a better future, have fun cps. |
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> Fox news breaking from one sided neoliberal agenda ? I watched fox news a few times and stating that is was pushing a neoliberal agenda until recently just doesn't match what I saw. I admit my handle on American media behaviour is second hand from the internet. I also admit to enjoying r_thedonald which has caused me some self loathing as I soaked up the high energy levels from that particular EPU. |
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The bigger picture is that the people close to us and the homeless we walk past every day are Local issues and are far more deserving of emotional investment than Global politics. (see what I did there). ..this is 100% correct..first step to really do this is to throw away from home TV..nations zombified by media mongers scares me far more than Trump.. |
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> Fox news breaking from one sided neoliberal agenda ? I watched fox news a few times and stating that is was pushing a neoliberal agenda until recently just doesn't match what I saw. Fox news has been the propaganda branch of the republican party forever |
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this reminded me a song that i used to listen to : ( not claiming that i know what is good for bad, imo it is all relative depending on who you are and your situation and what you want, just defend the ideas/groups/things that you like with power :) ) |
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Looks like Facebook is under fire again. First it was bias against Trump and now it's because of fake news stories being promoted more that my have helped him to win, while the news stories debunking them barely got any tending at all. In the article. "For an increasing number of people, particularly Americans, Facebook is becoming the primary source of news coverage. The site's News Feed is specifically designed to show users content it thinks will be of most interest, creating what some describe as a "filter bubble" that reinforces a person's view without injecting differences in opinion." Well whats the difference when the main stream media is spoon feeding them what their political masters, financial backers and editors tell them to print or broadcast. How many people read more than one news paper or view a news channel that doesn't conflict with their political views. I try to get as much information as much as possible from a number of sources and base my opinions on the past actions of those individuals or organisations mentioned. |
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^That give me a chuckle! :D Dabz |
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How many people read more than one news paper or view a news channel that doesn't conflict with their political views. i do, regularly, just to challenge my understanding of the world and beliefs and behaviors, and that's why i say that there is no good or bad, harmful or beneficial, it depends which organism you are, what is your situation, and which ideas/organisms/things are beneficial to you. The people who claim to know what is good or bad for everybody are just too conditioned to realize that there is no such thing, and there will never be (just look at what is going on in the wild nature). However, between humans, we can certainly find ways to agree and work together on the things which are essentials for all of us, the common grounds (for the others things, the battles will never end...) |
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The Pie one was nicely articulated. Btw. i wouldn't close this thread (linking to a new one from a certain count on) and similar ones. What's left from the community is currently more alive than ever. People are posting about things they care, instead of making a few posts in one of the more boring other threads (look at the comments numbers). The consequences of this election will go on for years with influences on a large part of the world. People will continue to post about bits and bytes too. An open minded moderation could give people a chance to communicate with each other, making mistakes and learning from those. |
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Having continued issues filtering out the negative personality / identity politics on facebook and wondering if continued participation has any value. As a high school educated white male I still find social science a great hobby and finding a lot of the class based analysis great food for thought. |
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Having continued issues filtering out the negative personality / identity politics on facebook and wondering if continued participation has any value. I would think that any internet based forum, social media or IRC chat would turn into a verbal abuse match rather than a serious discussion when political differences or religion are raised. Must have something to do with the user having the feeling of being anonymous and can get away with such things without any real repercussions; unless said users actions are considered a real threat or offensive enough to warrant action to be taken. But then, parliament had been known to get a little bit on the rough side once in a while. That's the reason for the red lines that you see on the floor. |
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For TV I don't venture outside of cartoons. Homer Simpson in particular has been there for me - a significant identity for my non partisan world view. |
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Homer Simpson in particular as been significant identity for my non partisan world view. Ha, ha. The Simpson have also been better at making accurate predictions than TV pundits, electioneering polls and Nostradamus, who's works can be made to fit anything after the event has happened, as some of his believers have done and now claim that the apocalypse is upon us! |
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Sums it up for me. |
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I am surprised that Sam Harris does not use his critical thinking capabilities for everything, i heard a lot of ideology and unjustified insults in his comments... I suppose that some people are too disconnected from the basic problems of the real world, they will learn with time... |
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And some hear what they want to hear and never learn... But it happens on both sides, I suppose. Sam's critical thinking skills have never been better, IMO. He uses the insults to make his point (or vent, rather), but they are hardly without merit or citation. I just don't feel like looking everything up and presenting a hundred links. |
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And some hear what they want to hear and never learn... Isn't that always the case. Many would call those type of people fanatics. They except every word spoken by those they follow as gospel truth and lo and behold, expect the wrath of God to descend down upon anyone who says different. |
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From my swiss POV: Hillary openly confessed to be part of the global govt. that is nothing less than a conspiracy against democracy, let's face it. Doing war against terror BS propaganda of very low niveau, Goebbels style, feardriven, aggressively, and as a sideeffect producing next gen public enemies such as isis, together with refugee waves all over europe, to stir the whole mankind up, setting the seed for upcoming wars... At the other hand, Trump, stupid, may become a muppet easily, knowingly or unknowingly. And if not, he gets shot like jfk. The US are totally screwed, only a choice between lepra and cancer you get. Unless you "provide new guardians" as your constitution actually obliges you, better don't waste your time with politics. Just try to enjoy your life. |
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I think that come December the 4th we will be seeing another topic opened on the constitutional reform referendum that the Italians are holding. Many are thinking that it will be more of a vote of confidence in the current Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who has threatened to resign if he looses the vote. All sign so far point that it will be a narrow result that will go against him. EDIT: This is going to ruffle feathers. Edit2: I see that the blame game is well underway. I wonder when we will be seeing comments coming from the US media that there was British interference in the shape of Farage in the US presidential election. But then fair is fair, Obama did try to interfere in the UK EU referendum. |
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Haha Gil Scott Heron is the best. "Civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, it's all wrong. Call in the cavalry to disrupt this perception of freedom gone wild" XD |
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Clinton openly campaigned against video games at one point, saying they led to murders. It could have been bad for the games industry if she had gotten in. That's the limit to my interest in the whole affair. Trump, well he's an idiot, but as Bush has shown, America has elected idiots(as has the UK) before and survived unscathed. |
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but as Bush has shown, America has elected idiots(as has the UK) before and survived unscathed. I'll agree with the 'survived' bit :P |
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Trump is no idiot. stop compering him to Bush.. Thats silly.. Trump is many things but idiot he is certainly not. I think he is a little infantile |
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Trump is many things but idiot he is certainly not. |
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Ok. Slightly an idiot :P |
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Hilary probably wasn't mentally or physically fit for office anyway, there were concerns about her health, as if she was suffering from epilepsy, and she has fallen over a few times as well. Someone in that frame of mind shouldn't be running a country. HIlary probably lost when she told everyone that anyone voting for Trump goes in the basket of deplorables. Surprisingly Clinton's campaign and the media has been negative whilst Trump's is actually quite positive, he wants to start making changes. Although every single day they put all his worst quotes in the news. Well media bias, it's their own fault. Very interesting listening here:- (contains strong language) |
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The American political landscape is about to be up shit creek. Across the entirety of America (and likely other countries), extreme left college and University students are being encouraged to skip mid-term exams, hug 'therapy' dogs and play with play-doh due to the trauma of this election result. These are people who are supposed to be ready to enter the real world in under 3 years and contribute to society with high position work secured by their fancy degrees. These are people whose high paid, well to do, privileged positions will inflict mountains of stress and burden, yet they have to curl up for days? weeks? when they can't even cope with a bad election result. This is untenable. They won't be able to hold a job. These supposed places of learning, with their endless pandering and safe spaces and not being allowed to talk about certain subjects and actively teaching that exercising your freedom of speech means silencing your opposition, have completely failed to prepare these 'adults' for entry into the real world. Welfare and homelessness and crime will skyrocket. The average family already struggles to make a living on a two income budget and taxes will need to be raised to cover at least the welfare, many will not be able to cater to it and fall into homelessness themselves, eventually catapulting their entire economy into a complete meltdown. Known Marxists creating curriculum for primary and high school students in Australia will be pleased. Americans may have averted serious conflict with Russia in the short term, but this result has highlighted serious problems affecting most western countries internally today and for the foreseeable future. If this ridiculous treatment of supposed young adult human beings is not squashed almost immediately... for all their squabbles with their neighbours, Mexico might be one of the safest places to live in the next 5 years... |
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The American political landscape is about to be up shit creek. Watch the video I just posted, especially the part that starts from 42:29 (right near the end) and then you finally understand why Trump is the best choice. We can't have lunatics in power. |
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The New York Times Admit They Are Biased. What's that you say? We're finally going to have to tell the truth?! LOL |
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@xlsior>>this was funny :D (i hope this is not true !) |
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They do seem to raise some interesting observations, though... |
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I'd never heard of that Yuri Bezmenov (in the above video), I shall have to read up more on him. This whole whole year with brexit and now the American election has been fascinating, amazing how deep the rabbit hole goes! |
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A large part of the media in the USA is propaganda (it turned into the same here too). Sometimes even in an disturbingly obvious way, sometimes more sublime. Hmm, this reminds me of the teaser-image which the New York Times recently used for their Trump-Obama meeting video, a picture from the meeting but underlining their point of view. As so often: Cui bono?! A few fingertips of research about a 'journalist' can sometimes give you an idea about how someone is thinking, where they're coming from and how they talk to each other on social platforms about the rest of the world already. This can be eye opening and explain otherwise confusing situations. 2017 will be interesting. Due to how our political system works, chances for a reasonable change are low too but i'm hoping for a/enough reasonable change nonetheless because the status quo is simply wrong - SYS 64738. |
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Since there's been a lot of talk going on about media-spin and government distrust, some of you might find this documentary interesting. I certainly did. Adam Curtis - Hyper-normalisation: Trump's in there too from time to time, so it's still on topic ;) |
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Also this America has LITERALLY become brainwashed and this guy sums it in (spookily in 1984) disturbing accuracy. |
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I say give Trump a chance, let him run loose on his great experiment, then elect Bernie or Michelle Obama in 2020 and all will be right with the world. |
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![]() Donald Trump's salary per year will be one dollar? |
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interesting : true or false ? conspiracy theorists are paranoid and delusional, stealth actions with undisclosed interests and lobbies do not exist ! ;) |
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true or false Sounds wacky, but we don't know yet. But that link is Fox News, which is pretty well known for getting their information from very questionable sources. If you search for it, all of the top results are coming from conservative fake news sites. conspiracy theorists are paranoid and delusional Glad we agree on something! ;) |
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@LT>>many conspiracy theorists are indeed paranoid and delusional (and excessive!), but this does not mean that conspiracies (="a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp. with political motivation") do not exist... (what the second part of my sentence describes) |
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what the second part of my sentence describes I know - I was making a point about how easily a person's words can be distorted. :)I am very much aware that both sides utilize underhanded tactics (the phrase I prefer over conspiracy), but I think the far right is much better at it. I wouldn't begrudge them so much, if this was only a game. |
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I say give Trump a chance, let him run loose on his great experiment I think bringing Bannon onto his staff and the complete disregard for climate change is a complete disaster. |
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Donald Trump's salary per year will be one dollar? Steve Jobs also took only $1 per year. ![]() |
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> I think bringing Bannon onto his staff and the complete disregard for climate change is a complete disaster. Gotta agree there. |
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I know it dont concern me coz im from the UK. YOU VOTED FOR HIM. Deal with it. |
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Michelle Obama in 2020 and all will be right with the world. Why would anyone want to vote in a talentless sexist and racist? I didn't even know who she was until I saw her with Oprah Winfrey and after watching that, I don't think I've cringed so much since David Brent of the office. Lunatics the pair of them. Speaking of Oprah |
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Steve Jobs also took only $1 per year. Yeah, he just settled for a bazillion shares of Apple instead. Jobs $1 salary is piece of feel-good marketing fluff, he got billions out of Apple during his tenure, and paid less taxes over it then he would have over his 'salary' |
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I thought this thread was going to be closed this Monday. |
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I thought this thread was going to be closed this Monday. They're not finished with their insufferable alt-right bs. :/I happen to like Michelle, but she'd have almost no chance of winning. And Bernie would be 79...uhhhh. |
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LOL. Unbelievable. "CNN’s Jeff Zucker: We Probably Should Not Have Aired So Many Unedited Trump Rallies" All the footage was heavily edited. So what we needed was more censorship?! CNN should have just gone one step further and denied reality that Donald Trump doesn't exist on this planet. Must have been all that media bias supporting Trump that got him his win... (It was the exact opposite) Lunatics. How are there so many people that don't exist in reality anymore? |
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I agree, the alt-right are lunatics. :) |
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Thank you all. Until next time, take care! |