gile[s] & model objects!!!
Community Forums/Developer Stations/gile[s] & model objects!!!
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Hi All... I was just playing around with gile[s] again, And I was wondering if you can save the imported model objects that you merge in through gile[s] and save it altogether as a map file! Basically putting it here... gile[s] isn't just a lightmapper... It is also an editor for placing your model objects in the game level. Correct?!? I really don't know here since I have the demo version and can't save a map with it... But I wanted to find this out before I made the purchase for it. Thank's again to all! |
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Giles B3D parser example in gallery section: |
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"gile[s] isn't just a lightmapper... It is also an editor for placing your model objects in the game level. Correct?" Yes. Buy gile[s], you won't regret it. |
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Hey thank's guy's for your imput! Im' going to place my order NOW!!!!! |
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Doctor Who that's one thing I was asking for from the begining. Giles is an excellent light mapper and I would love to use it to light my levels but my levels are created in a proprietary format and saving the whole thing out as a .b3d wouldn't work very well when I needed to split it back out again. I was wanting a simple scriptable text file to load objects into giles based on X,Y,Z,Pitch,Yaw,Roll from a file and maybe some light creation parameters in the same file. You could create your levels in your own editor and import the levels into giles export the light maps and be done with it. |
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Wo-Hoo! Just ordered gile[s] just now! I hope I get my License Key hopfully soon! |
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Arbitrage - Mikkel is adding plugin support for Importing and Exporting at the moment ( So I guess you should be able to do what you want (assuming you can compile dlls) |
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thanks for the heads up Binary_moon dll shouldn't be a problem |
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Hi, .b3d wouldn't work very well when I needed to split it back out again. b3d files are export with hierachy fully intact, so it shouldn't be nescessary to split the models up again after export.Doctor Who: Cool :) I'll send your reg info as soon as I get the order in! |
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Thank's Fredborg! Your program really ROCKS THE HOUSE DOWN!!!!! |
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Gile[s] works great with .b3d files. I load them into Blitz with LoadAnimMesh then parse through the file and place decals/coronas etc. Very easy and efficient. |
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"b3d files are export with hierachy fully intact, so it shouldn't be nescessary to split the models up again after export." It's not that it has to be split up. The way my level files work. I have a number of premade level objects that I use to build a level. They are currently .x models. They are loaded at run time and based on whether the player has selected lightmaps or not the objects are either cloned if no light map and loaded individualy if there are light maps. There are also objects that cast shadows yet have no light maps on their mesh. What would be nice is if I could load all the objects and position them based on where they are in the level then export the light map either for each object or one lightmap texture for several objects. right now I've built a level loader for YAL and I can set light positions in my level editor. I run the YAL tool against the level and it generates the light maps for each object but I admit gile[s] capabilities are a hundred times better. What I'm using works for what I'm doing but for a higher graphic edge it would be nice to be able to lightmap the level with giles That's the load function Function LoadData(file$) ClearAll() file=ReadFile(file$) ResourceDir$=ReadLine(file) NextLevel$=ReadLine(file) For x=0 To 300 For z=0 To 10 Path(x,z)\Y#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\start#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\mEnd#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\speed#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\jump#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\friction#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\X#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\Z#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\entity=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\obstacle#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\PathType=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\DecoType=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\LifeType=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemType=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\Decoentity=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\Lifeentity=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemEntity=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\LifeStart#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\LifeEnd#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\LifeHealth=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\PathResource$=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\DecoResource$=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\Liferesource$=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemResource$=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\BlockType=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\DecoX#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\DecoY#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\DecoZ#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemX#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemY#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemZ#=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\ItemValue=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\DropItem=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerEntity=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerType=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerActive=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerMessage$=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerValue=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget1X=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget1Y=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget2X=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget2Y=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget3X=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget3Y=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget4X=ReadLine(file) Path(x,z)\TriggerTarget4Y=ReadLine(file) EntName$=Path(x,z)\Entity DecoName$=Path(x,z)\Decoentity LifeEntity$=Path(x,z)\Lifeentity ItemEntity$=Path(x,z)\ItemEntity If Path(x,z)\PathResource$<>"" If Path(x,z)\PathType<17 Or Path(x,z)\PathType>24 PPP$=Path(x,z)\PathResource$ Path(x,z)\entity=LoadMesh(PPP$) UnWeld(Path(x,z)\entity) EntityFX(Path(x,z)\entity, 1+16) ScaleEntity path(x,z)\entity,0.05,0.05,0.05 PositionEntity path(x,z)\entity,Path(x,z)\X#*0.05,Path(x,z)\Y#*0.05,Path(x,z)\Z#*0.05 EntityPickMode(Path(x,z)\entity, 2) NameEntity(Path(x,z)\entity, ("path"+EntName$)) TotalMesh=TotalMesh+1 Else path(x,z)\Entity=0 EndIf EndIf If Path(x,z)\DecoResource$<>"" DDD$=Path(x,z)\DecoResource$ Path(x,z)\Decoentity=LoadMesh(DDD$) UnWeld(Path(x,z)\Decoentity) EntityFX(Path(x,z)\Decoentity, 1+16) ScaleEntity path(x,z)\Decoentity,0.05,0.05,0.05 PositionEntity path(x,z)\Decoentity,Path(x,z)\DecoX#*0.05,Path(x,z)\DecoY#*0.05,Path(x,z)\DecoZ#*0.05 EntityPickMode(Path(x,z)\decoentity, 2) NameEntity(Path(x,z)\decoentity, ("deco"+DecoName$)) TotalMesh=TotalMesh+1 EndIf Next Next CloseFile file End Function I then hide all meshes except those immediately in range of the mesh that needs to be lightmapped and generate the lightmap for the mesh. |