Well I finally got the this part of treemagikx2 working so i can offically announce that it will be included in the treemagikX2 bundle, further more; via the plugin feature; it'll be intergrated right into the treemagikx2 building editor.
This product will also be available as a standalone option for those wanting only to create tree textures.
Okay with that said, what is it!?
Simple, this tool allows for creation of high definition tree textures (leaf chunks). Using a series of included tools you can design pratically any type of tree skin.
Here's a few simple steps used to create super skin textures in about 120seconds.
Step 1) Select a branch layout and apply a wood texture to it (usually you would want the wood of the branches to match that of the tree trunk). Then select a leaf style-set ( style sets include 4-24 leaf patterns) There will be roughly 32 style-sets avaiable at 4-24 leaves per set. Define colors to use or load up some presets. step1
Step 2) Spray the leaf patterns across the canvas createing spectacular leaf patterns. Use the sliders to give your texture a unique look. Next, to test your skin, export the texture to the virtual buffer and leave the designer tool. You should be back inside the treemagikX2 editor now. step2
Step 3) Conitnue building your unique tree and when ready click the 'use virtual buffer texture' option to apply the skin to the tree. Now you have your tree and texture showing in the editor.. step3
Step 4) Click the preview to wittness the tree in action. step4
If happy with your results, load the designer back up (via the Extras tab) and you'll see your skin creation is still intact, simply export the skin to a png file (supporting alpha transparencies as well as normal masking). The deisgner code will use a seires of cameras and zoom angles to establish the most optimal positioning for texture creation. Exit the deisgner again. Click the 'rebuild leaf textures catalog' option and you'll see your freshly created tree-skin in one of the boxes. Select it, apply it to the tree and export the tree... Yay you have easily created a high quality looking tree at super low poly count.. ( the tree in the screenshots is less than 230 polys).
More later!