SketchUp to Blitz3d (.b3d) Exporter

Community Forums/Developer Stations/SketchUp to Blitz3d (.b3d) Exporter

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#1]

SketchUp to B3D
New Trial/Retail Version now available!

Get the newest version of the exporter (SU_B3d_1.07) here:

SketchUp is a fantastic modeler!
Getting your SketchUp models into TED, Blitz, or any modeler that accepts .b3d will rock your world!

Google SketchUp comes in two flavors, free and professional.
Online video tutorials, lots of documentation, and a joy to use.

Get Google SketchUp here:

Create or import your model in SketchUp and export to .b3d format!
Load your .b3d creation into Blitz3d or your favorite application like Ultimate Unwrap 3D, Gile, or use with TED.

Unleash the power of SketchUp.

SketchUp to B3D Exporter
Trail version limits exports to two materials.

Simple installation, just copy the exporter and files to the SketchUp Plugin folder and begin exporting!

The exporter works with both the professional and free version of SketchUp.

Get the exporter (SU_B3d_1.07) here:

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#2]
Took just a few minutes to create.

cLick for full size:

B3D (Grass shows _MIPMAP material option)
cLick for full size:

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#3]
Sample from 3D warehouse

Using SU2B3D
cLick for full size:

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#4]
New trial version available, see above.
Bug fixes, new UI.

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#5]
One of my coworkers created this fortress:

SketchUp view:

cLick for full size:

Exported to B3d:

cLick for full size:

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#6]
I created this 3d castle with two materials in about 20 min.

Using SU2B3D
cLick for full size:

Here is the SketchUp (.skp) file:

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#7]
SU2B3D Updated to Version 1.07

Please download to update your Trial or Registered version.

semar(Posted 2007) [#8]
Thanks for the update :)


Pineapple(Posted 2010) [#9]
The links are dead, and I need this. Can someone temporarily host the files for me if they still have them? Thanks.

Makis(Posted 2012) [#10]

John Blackledge(Posted 2012) [#11]
This is the last version I had...

Makis(Posted 2012) [#12]

Yue(Posted 2012) [#13]
=( it`s trial

Rick Nasher(Posted 2013) [#14]
Is this exporter still alive?

John Blackledge(Posted 2013) [#15]
I just relinked:

Rick Nasher(Posted 2013) [#16]
Many thanks John. It looks very promising, much better results than porting to 3DS and then to B3D(no weird artefacts/shades etc).

Now all I need is a key ofcourse cos the trial has expired. Hope the author still gives out keys cos this would really speed up gfx development(buildings). This piece of software deserves a lot more recognition.

N_Gnom(Posted 2013) [#17]
Buy ultimate unwrap 3d.Thats a great tool f�r texturing and converting.
There is a .skp plugin available.And it exports perfect to .b3d.

RemiD(Posted 2013) [#18]

this would really speed up gfx development(buildings)

I suggest to try 3D World Studio if it is still available. It is really easy to create buildings or furnitures or objects with it.

If you decide to use it, here are some useful tips :
When you open 3DWS, consider that one small square of the grid represents 0.1 Blitz3d unit.
You can increase or decrease the grid size as you want to add more details. (unfortunately the grid squares have a size of 8 instead of 10, this can be confusing...)
Then, when you have finished your model, you export your mesh in.b3d.
Then, when you try to load the .b3d in Blitz3d, use ScaleMesh() or ScaleEntity() to scale the 3DWS mesh at 0.00313 of its 3DWS size, and you will manage to produce and import models with a precise size.

Good luck.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2014) [#19]
Many thanks for the suggestions guys.
3D World Studio appears not to be available, at least not from the Leadworks site. Did see a demo on CNET with the original pricetag which was quite ^ up there lol.

UUwrap indeed has a plugin, I'll check it out.

Very much a pitty though that Wayne abandoned the project without giving away the key for the SketchUp2B3D Exporter so it is going to the electronic waste fields. Don't people care about their code? Strange..