Community Forums/Developer Stations/Landscapes
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out of all the various landscape editors talked about here, made by and/or used by blitzers, are there any that come highly recommended? I really really like KATE, but its export isnt a-typical. I think I could probably open the b3d it spits out into Unwrap3D and export somthing a little more suitable, but if I can avoid that extra step.. great. Kate just needs an optional "normal export" feature to be perfect. :) I would like one that allows me to cut holes in the terrain, use alpha splatting, and specify how many layers. I dont really need to link a bunch of terrains together, or even have massive scale.but easy to use GUI, a decent number of brush options and loading Heightmaps is a must. Lightmapping and object dropplet arent needed. Things I want to avoid are specialized exports and/or a need for drop in "systems code" to use the terrain & unoptimized exports with more tris than they need Im searching on my own too, but if you have any recommended apps please let me know. Thanks |