New New Music + New New Website

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/New New Music + New New Website

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#1]
Well, here we go. I got miffed that Caff was getting all the attention. So here is some of the tunes that I've brushed up.
This is original stuff (no remixes), I used various programs including Magix, Fruity, Sonic, Voyetra and more. Woo.

Check it out, see if it's any good. Lemme know.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#2]
Dood gona add some


at the top of your forum SIG. pweze.

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#3]
Dood, click on portfolio...sigh ill change the menu item to 'Tunes' so no one else misses it.

Braincell(Posted 2004) [#4]
Are you kidding?

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#5]
Well, Lenn let's hear your stuff.

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#6]
what kind of stuff do you like / make??

My faves are tech/trance, discohouse, breakbeat, gothic/industrial, classic rock

I'm also 'old school' with the underground mod tracking community. I haven't posted any of my mods yet, though but probably will sometime soon once i convert them to mp3 or something.

I can appreciate your stance. But, I'm looking more for 'constructive' criticsism like , 'It's repetitive' (i know!) the reason for that one in partic is a lot of this stuff isn't really true final cuts so there is filler.
Or I like this about this song, or hate this about that song.

That kind of thing. Like someone told me my sig was too long cuz it was 'only' taking up half a page, so I delivered a brand new sig, and even a new nifty avatar. Does it still suck? maybe...but, do you want to hear about the killer specs on my ultimate gaming/programming rig? Probably not.

Mmmmmm...but, i digress.

Braincell(Posted 2004) [#7]
Oh. I'm into alt-rock i suppose. Huge Beatles fan, or rather a Lennon fan. I make stuff such as Radiohead/Nirvana/Coldplay mixture, however i feel. Of course, i use those names just to give you an outline but music style can never be explained in words. You'd have to hear it. And i hope everyone will soon enough!

And as for constructive criticism, don't count on any from me buddy :) I just "dislike" anything that sounds like that, to understate it nicely. I'd rather go listen to an alien factory production line on the Moon if i wanted those sounds!!

Once again, sorry i posted in the first place, but at least i did.

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#8]
Actually, the Beatles are my number one fave band. I more of a Mccartney fan though. ;) But, of course Lennon and MCcartney were like a package.

wizzlefish(Posted 2004) [#9]
I like the Beatles - but everyone my age is listening to crummy music that does sound like a production line.

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#10]
I get wierd looks from people, and my friends are like what are you listening to because I always listen to the classic rock radio stations when I'm driving.