Contributions to Massive Blitz Resource Database
Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Contributions to Massive Blitz Resource Database
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I've decided to create a massive online database with all free art released by Blitz users. This way, all the art wouldn't be scattered all over the internet. If you do not have webspace, I'd gladly load up your art on my server, as long as it is not too big. What I'm asking for is the screenshot you want for your entry, a short description, a download link, and a longer description, with ideals such as polycount, animations, textures, etc. I think this would be a wonderful oppertunity for artists that need to get their work out there and a place for all the Blitz art to be in one, single, section of a website. I'd really like contributions, although if you want your art to be kept secret, go ahead. I just thought it would be a good idea. |
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Not a good idea. |
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Hmmm, A list of resource links would be better. Regards, |
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Possibly. Well, then, does anyone have any links they'd like to put on my website? |
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Well there's my old spacefighter model I gave away a while back. By all means link to it on TurboSquid or download and host it yourself if you prefer. It's free to use, abuse or generally do anything you want with. |
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This should help(alot): |
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Yeah, I've been there. Well, if no one wants stuff on my website, then I'll just collect things myself. |
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One problem with this is.. a lot of people use their "free art/textures" stuff to bring people to their website to generate traffic and show off other stuff that's there. If it's all on your site then.. they'll miss out on this traffic... :o +BlackD |
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I suppose so.... |
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The idea is good, and I think it would be even better to offer both, link to the original release and a mirrored copy on your server, if possible. So if the original link is broken, people still can DL yours. In the same time you will not suggest that their original content is no longer required (because, if they'd free their webspace and then your server's gonna be down one day, it would all be gone) how about to take some time and read trough this graphics showcase forum section, in the past months and years a lot of art has been released here. Including some stuff from me (eg. weapon models). And unlike many other model resources in the web, the models that have been released here are lowpoly-optimized. Also in the code archives some exampes come with royalty-free media (eg. my forest demo). |
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Well I was thinking just a screenshot of their art, and then a download from their site. |
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First you need art. |
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Lots of people have art. |
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Like Psionic. |
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halo's definition of who's an artist and who's not is pretty - uhm - pardonless - and subjective. :) |
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Of course. |
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2 years ago I started with this idea. In the first year I had a lot hits and members. But then I saw blitz3d , I bought it and say goodbye too the website. Now the site is still running but I never use it. But I don't turn the page on black because now I have some trafic and much people are still linking to it. (and a google Pagerank 5) The common problems - You must check automatich more then 100 download links, if they are broke. When the download is broke you must fix it or delete the topic [this cost time] - When you have much visitors you get much datatraffic (because the screenshots) You really must know what your goal. What do you get for it ? Why making it. O yea make everything automatic, so you don't have to do anything (like ------------ the future for gamecreators When I have made a good blitz3D game then I change the site and promote the game there so much people see it. |
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I think it's a good idea. Just have a thumbnail of textures etc, an image of meshes, or a very short clip of sounds/music etc. on the database site, which can link to the owner's website for download. Except of course for those who wish there material to be hosted on the database site. I believe this will help advertise the products, and be much easier for developers to locate the material available. |
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if you're going to do it, don't link directly to images on other peoples websites. That's just stealing their bandwidth to promote usage of your own site. Paste thumbnails/previews and link to their gallery page instead. +BlackD |
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I'm doing it for the community - I don't care what *I* get out of it - I just want the Blitz community to have a gigantatorous media database. |
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Its a great idea, start small though a list of links e.g. A search through these forums for 'free' 'textures' should also yield results: |
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OK. Well, I've *sorta* got the page ready, and I'll be adding links to it every day. I'm planning to continue to add links everyday, and upload it every month, until I get PHP hosting. Once I get PHP hosting, people can do it themselves, and most of the website will be "self-maintained." |
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Optomistic A PHP Gallery Manager Script(s) could easily handle something like this. You can find a slew free ones on the net. It could be used provide a webbased interface for contributors/adminstration and automate the upload, display, and download of art. So when you get PHP you can save yourself some coding. |
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Yeah - I've actually found the script I'm going to use. And if I'm going to get Dot5Hosting, then I'll already have PHP-Nuke, although I'm thinking I won't be needing it. |
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I think a cool feature of this idea would be to have an area where developers could request models they need. It would be a way to link programmers and artists together. I'm always looking for ideas of things to model so I can continue my learning process. It would be really cool to have a master "to do list" of all the different models people need in different projects and I could just choose which one's I want to work on based on the complexity. I get to learn by creating something at my skill level and at the same time my model can be put to good use in someone else's project without me having to join a team or anything. This could be done thru a messageboard in PHP-Nuke or by a seperate module even. If you think this is something you'd like to work on let me know. |
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That sounds really cool, although if anything it shouldn't be on my website - I get about .0000000000000000000000001 unique visitor per week. |