Will do small 3D jobs Free

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Will do small 3D jobs Free

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#1]
Here is the current request queue:
DarkHalf - Natura character model [In Progress]
Dan - Spaceship - in progress [In Progress]
Slenkar - Space Marine - need char sketch front/left [Pending]
Gman - teddy bear - pookie-ish, no mid-joints [Pending]
Day - Pineapple toon char, w/pants [Pending]
Eddy - toon dog [Pending]

Here's a fairly recent model I did of my head. There's a better one but, it's 16bit-png, I don't wanna kill all you 56k'ers.

To further my learning with 3DS Max 7, I'm offering to do small 3D jobs for free. I'm not that great but, I'm not too shabby either.
Just drop me an email or post here. Don't be afraid to email. I don't bite. Just click on my name above this post, email at the address shown.

I've been working through tuts, and also have the 3DS Max 7 Bible book. It's a great book, you can get it from Amazon.

I'm also the proud proprieter of the 3DS Max 7 Bible (the actual physical book) which I thoroughly recommend for anyone working with 3DSMax7, you can get it for about 30 bucks on Amazon and it comes with a cd, with example files for everything and the full book in pdf format in full color as well.

I can export to .3ds, maybe b3d. Anyone have a 3ds to b3d converter?

Wanna give me advice? Gimme advice.

Also, I own my copy of 3ds Max 7, it's registered to me legally. I got it because I have a good friend who has a good friend at Discreet. No way, could I afford to pay 3200 bucks for a program. Not with 2 kids.

slenkar(Posted 2005) [#2]
Very generous you could make a Space Marine type guy for me if you want?

Animations: walk,fire pistol, fire rifle,die

or some spaceships

Xception(Posted 2005) [#3]
If you had bought 3DS MAX 7 you would not make models for free, would you?

TroM(Posted 2005) [#4]
There's a trial version and a student version, so why not?

gman(Posted 2005) [#5]
im looking for a 3D teddybear model if your interested.

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#6]
You're new here right? Or do you just pop up on the forum to make random accusations? At any rate, I forgive you. There are indeed many version of 3DS Max 7 availiable. I do happen to have a fully registered version of it, and you're actually right X, I didn't buy it. I have a friend who has a hookup at Discreet. My copy of Max is legally registered to me. So, lucky me.

Even if I had paid for it myself, why wouldn't I want to offer to do free jobs? It's not that far-fetched.

Yes, I can do a teddybear. Are we talking classic teddy, overstuffed teddy, Pookie?

I'll need concept art for that.

For characters, you should email me a concept sketch that includes:
A front view of the character (davinchi pose) full body, and a side view of the character full body.

For anything vague you can send a screenshot, like a spaceship from a game or magazine or whatever, just send a pic.

Also, include any other specific details you might want.

Here's some stuff I did last night:

you'll have to copy/paste that to address bar because i can't hotlink pics from tripod, and i can't access my ftp servers on this nanny net crap, here in iraq.

gman(Posted 2005) [#7]

Yes, I can do a teddybear. Are we talking classic teddy, overstuffed teddy, Pookie?

thx for the interest :) pookie would be a good look. the main thing is that it needs legs that are able to walk. some teddies have legs that are so short or attached in a way that they could not possibly walk. this one needs to be able to be rigged and animated :)

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#8]
Ooh, I see. Okay, well I will look for some pookie references asap. What sort of articulation are we talking about, fully jointed like a human? i.e. knees, elbows, wrist?

DaY(Posted 2005) [#9]
as crazy as it sounds i need a walking pinaple that just walks,jumps with a funny face and the top green part as hair ;) dont ask its wot the kids want for a game im making for them like a cartoon rendered thing hehe
btw they named him jonny Pinapple lol btw he does need trouses just blue bottoms hehe thatl teach me to get the kids help me desighn a game.

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#10]
Alright, pineapple I can do. Are you any good at Texturing? I can send you the mesh when the model is done, and you can paint it yourself in photoshop or whatever if you're a good artist. If not, I've watched enough Spongebob with my 2 1/2 year old son, to imagine what a Pineapple with pants would look like.

For now I've got on the table:
Rpg Character (humanoid), Spaceship, Pookie, and Pineapple.

Feel free to continue to submit requests to me, or email me but, bear in mind I'm going to have to finish these models before I get to new ones.


DaY(Posted 2005) [#11]
you best do it lol im a coder thats about it god the things you gotta do to keep the monsters happy lol
thanx alot

sting(Posted 2005) [#12]
Hey It seems you have alot on your plate but ive already e-mailed you my request so i can stand in line :P

I hope it got to you, i wasnt sure you could use dots in email addresses?! Whatever help you sent helps me monumentaly.

gman(Posted 2005) [#13]
@CodeD - for jointing of the teddy, nothing major... just shoulders so the arms can move and hips for the legs. no need for elbows or knees. a way to tilt the head would be a bonus.

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#14]
Got it sting, and yes for everyone's reference you can have as dots in your email, inside it I believe but you can't have ......@....com as far as I know.

Gman, got it, head tilt no problem.

Anyone who wants a 3D model just post here. Now, don't ask me to model the Taj Mahal but, in reason is Fine. I could probably do a low-poly of the taj mahal though. But, don't ask me to low-poly the taj mahal either. Look, forget the Taj Mahal already.

Anybody, who wants a 3D model and has time to wait, unless you're at the front of my queue you shouldn't have to wait long. Post your request here or email me. Models such as characters, people, toons, etc. that require rigging and animation will take considerable longer than simple ones.
Anything that can be done in less than an hour will go to the top of my queue or alongside the top of my queue.

Once, again I really appreciate everyone's response. After all, I'm learning here.

I will post the current queue and some examples on my first post here.

RktMan(Posted 2005) [#15]
could you do something along these lines ?

doesn't need to be as detailed of course.


preferably one of the ones with a rifle/pistol ...

then some basic animations : walking, firing, falling over ...

and no rush ... i'm not in a position to do much with it immediately ... but i'm hankering to do a takeoff of the warhammer 40,000 type of universe as an FPS ...

... that's my dream anyway.

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#16]
Oh, well there's already a bunch of premade models that I suspect were ripped right out of the game, wh40k. They're availiable at TurboSquid, I guess I could try to bone and rig them for you. Or could do one from scratch, just will take longer. Lemme know.

crn(Posted 2005) [#17]
Hi CodeD,
Would you consider doing a character (man) doing some basic moves (walking, jumping) but rendered in a 2D bitmap to be used as a sprite?

CodeD(Posted 2005) [#18]
yep, i'm kind of back-logged right now but, i can add it to the list. I've been having problems with my pc ever since I sent it back to best buy for like the 4th time to be fixed. Sometimes it works, and sometimes the screen glitches, flickers, shows lines, the display wraps itself vertically, and it will freeze at random moments. This is after I already re-installed everything, updated gfx drivers, down-dated gfx drivers, and the whole bit, so I'm thinking when the replaced the screen (toshiba the makers no less) screwed it up. Also, the dvd drive they replaced is something called a panasonic UJ-820s I think, and the panasonic website doesn't even acknowledge it's existence. And there are absolutely no drivers for it, whatsoever. And also, here's the kicker, it won't recognize the drive from boot, so I can't boot from cd or dvd, can't reformat etc, etc. I'm going back home soon, and when I do I'm going to walk into best buy and beat the stuffing out of those geek squad kids with my 9.9lb. toshiba. Not really. But, it might be fun. Anyway, yes you want a 3D model of a dude rendered as a 2D bitmap that's easy. Any character description, what he's wearing, looks like, etc?

Anatoly(Posted 2005) [#19]
Hi CodeD,
Well, I see that you have many requests already, but I really need a simple low-poly character, like in MDickie games (very primitive), with basic texture (just to see the mapping, so I can put my texture by myself) and unanimated (well, you can animate walking cycle if you really want to, but I think that I can manage) in 3ds format.
Best Buy, eh? I've used to work there! Geeks are useless! ;-)

asdfasdf(Posted 2005) [#20]
Are you still making models for free?