Medieval Buildings
Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Medieval Buildings
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Hello. I´m currently working on to put together a collection of medieval/fantasy lowpoly models for use with b3d and other game engines. The collection contains 19 models (1 Castle, 1 Mill, 9 Houses, a Gallows, 3 marketplace stalls, 2 wells and 2 carts). Please let me know what you think about. ![]() I have now uploaded the models a few moments ago, for a price of 150$ on Here a Link: Because I can change prices at the3dstudio, you will find there a lot of models with a reduced price. |
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These look really nice. Puki's going to have a fit! :) [edit] Wow! The scenes on your website are utterly gorgeous! The dull, grey appearance of the town scenes just gives them so much atmosphere. Again, really, really nice! |
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A one way ticket to 'self-touching City' for me. Yep, they look nice. Good to see a few market stores in there. The most blatant observation I've made is they are different to "L_Draven's" and "yertari's" building packs in terms of they are more black and white looking. This means they may not merge well with the other 2 building packs. So, I probably wouldn't use the 9 houses as houses. I'd probably use your houses as shops/merchants. Or, on the other hand, there is enough there to allow me to have more than one type of town in my game - using your pack as a completley different setting. IN FACT, WAIT A MINUTE - Your stuff is on TurboSquid - is it not? I have viewed your stuff many times and have been interested in buying. My understanding is TurboSquid take around 50% of the profits. Are you looking to sell your stuff yourself - maybe at a reduced price? I'm not saying half price, but certainly knocking off a chunk of TurboSquid's share would make these very attractive. |
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erm, wait a minute:![]() HAVE YOU GOT ANIMATED PEOPLE TO SELL TOO? |
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Thank you. Currently, I´m not selling animated people. I will upload some people for sale in a few weeks, but I don´t know at the moment, if or how they will be animated. You can also order models directly by me, and yes, you can get them for a reduced price, then. |
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Any idea how much this intial pack of 19 models is going to sell for? |
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Sorry, I´m not finally sure abut the price, but it will be lower priced than the other modelsets on Turbosquid. I will finish this set the next 2-3 days, and will let you know then. |
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Professional. You would make a lot more money if you converted the models to .dts and sold them at |
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Yeh, "halo" is right - we have been discussing this in IRC - some of this stuff (on TurboSquid) is like AAA quality. However, selling them for more would just mean less people would buy them. I reckon sell them cheap and reap the profits of multiple sales. |
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hey... heyyyyy!!!! are you two insinuating that we are not AAA game developer types over here at the world of Blitz!!!! :) that looks damn good Sven... hell, i thought that shot was from a real picture... taken back in medieval times... those lil people looked that real... the whole scene looks real!!!! yeah, don't waste your time around here... you'll only get lambasted by the envious... and lil or no sales will result... of course i'm just kidding... but halo is right... you should also consider alternate markets for your work... heading over to your site now to see what i can see... humbled by what i've just seen displayed in the pic above :) --Mike |
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Erm, can everyone stop telling him to go elsewhere and sell it for higher prices. |
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hey puk... didn't you just license a collection of medieval models from somewhere recently... --Mike |
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I've bought the other medieval model packs being sold recently. Also, managed to reverse engineer some commercial animated models as nobody can sell me any animated characters for my stuff. All I need now is for someone to program my RPG and I am laughing. |
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Svenart, These look very nice indeed. Please keep us posted with formats etc. Halo is absolutely 'bang on' these would sell like hot cakes on garagegames too. I have been looking for animated people along these lines so I'd be interested in both a building and a people pack. I look forward to seeing how much and what format these are finally released in. Excellent work btw. IPete2. |
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Thanks a lot for all the comments. to redoctober: Thank you, I was working more than 3weeks on the marketplace image. I don´t want to sell this models for blitz3d because of I think this would be a very big profit. But I´m working with Blitz3d since a few months now, and I like it a lot, and I hope at least a few people will be interested in them. Also I wanted to show something of my work to the community. to Halo: I currently don´t know the dts modelformat or how to convert to it. But thanks for this hint, I will take a look at garagegames and think about what you said. to ipete2: I will release the models for lwo,3ds,x and b3d format. Maybe I will convert them to dts, If I have time and know how. I´m not sure about the price, I will let you know soon. |
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Nice.. polycounts? |
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Maybe I will convert them to dts, If I have time and know how. Ultimate Unwrap 3d will convert from .b3d or pretty much any other format to .dts. There is a .dts exporter for Milkshape as well - fine for static meshes but doesn't support weighted vertex if the model is animated. |
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Wouldn't it be great to recreate that market scene in Blitz - at a healthy 25+ FPS. Everything animated, shadows dancing, dust moving majestically through the air - fabric billowing in the wind. The thing is - one day it will be possible for that to be a real-time scene that you are playing within. |
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The thing is - one day it will be possible for that to be a real-time scene that you are playing within. My guess is about 5 years, puki. Absolutely brilliant work Sven, you have another potential customer here. And yes, we all badly need animated characters. At a pinch a lot of us can knuckle down and create buildings, but as I found creating a realistic animated character is definitely an 'arty' thing. Hard work won't crack it - you have to really have the knack, a real ability to understand the human body and how it moves - then convert it to vertices. |
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AMAZING. If only Neverwinter nights looked as god as that! |
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The polycount of the models is very different, also I have different versions of most of this buildings. Currently, the most Houses do have between 200-800 Polygons, but two houses are more detailed (1000-2000 polygons). The Gallows has 1200 polys, the carts 1200-1900, the wells 600 & 1800. The castle has currently ca. 20.000 polygons and I´m still working on to reduce polycount a little bit more. Thanks for the tip about converting to .dts. I will also think about doing some animated people, if you are really interested. In Lightwave this is basically no problem but currently, I don´t know wich is the best way to export animated characters to blitz3d. |
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With regard to polycounts - they seem okay to me. With regard to .dts - I'm not sure how useful that is to Blitz users. I think when "halo" says 'You would make a lot more money if you converted the models to .dts and sold them at' I think it is because Garage Gamess Torque engines use the .dts format. So, I think he is just advising you of how to sell it to that comunity as a separate community. |
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Puki, You are quite right about Halo's comments there, however, there are a number of closet Torque users on these forums who would be very interested in these for both platforms. ;) IPete2. |
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Yea, this looks great. So did you set the price yet Mr. Svenart? |
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My vehicles are 3000-5000 polygons. You are well within acceptable ranges. |
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very nice models. Probably I need to add time traveling in my theme :) |
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there are a number of closet Torque users on these forums who would be very interested in these for both platforms. So true... *evil cackle* :) |
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Really good stuff. Sincere congratulations :) |
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In Lightwave this is basically no problem but currently, I don´t know wich is the best way to export animated characters to blitz3d. Lee made a LW>B3D converter that takes care of that! Your model needs to be boned and use UV maps... ie standard way to do animated characters. Here's a linky: If you have questions, email Lee: Lightwave Deforming Character Convertor & Lightwave Rigid Geometry Convertor Version 2.11 Copyright Lee Page TeraBit Software 2004 I *think* that this is the latest version... be sure to read the included readme.txt for instructions. |
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This pack looks absolutely amaising... I think it might be the first model pack that I actually buy :P... I was wondering do you have any other packs with bridges or any bridges in general? I've looked but have never been able to find a really good one. Again, it looks fantastic |
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Right, I just want everyone one to know that there is a pecking order here. The queue starts behind me. Plus, we don't know yet how much he is charging. I am happy to be the guinea pig who buys first. I championed the other 2 medieval building packs. |
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I think $500 is rather stiff, unless you are catering exclusively to professionals. $100 would be pretty reasonable, and anything below that would be generous. I'd pay $100 just to make a scene in my map editor with them, and get some nice screenshots. |
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100$ for all that? well, perhaps you are true...Maybe if he sells a lot... Nope, maybe you are right.I don't see in Blitz or similar comunity(seen some that was ridiculous) people paying 500$. But I think that pack deserve a minimum of 500$, and counting that he sells quite a bunch of copies. Dunno, with some extra models you can do a whole world, maybe customizing yourself a bit the object textures. Add to it like 3 trees, some rock, bridge, table+chair,(for the occasional interior) , maybe some wood sign(stuff like a psd or Gimp file with the text layer would be clever for this type of stuff), and some other element, and at least in what is not characters, you can populate a world, with a bit of texture changing in your game. True that a whole medieval game needs way more, but you'd have a base to construct it, quite a very solid one. 100$ is absolutely a bargain for it... Maybe you're right Halo. You know much better the selling aspect of it :) I love medieval stuff, in case you all didn't notice :) And this quality is not so usual(yet it sometimes pops up) in indy field. Imho. |
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Halo, can we assume that you already have a financial through-put from your ventures? In which case you'd be justified paying $100 as a business expense to further your work/marketing. But most of us can't justify that. |
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Then maybe you shouldn't be programming. |
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I had absolutely no clue how much models are charged for. To be honest i thought something like $100 is for exclusive rights, not for open sale. Not to say this isnt good, it is a good pack. Maybe it has to do with the fact that i have "some" skills in modeling/texturing so i always believe its easier to put in hard work than pay. But if you cant make it yourself, and you need to models base a game on, thats an ok price. I'm also only prepared to pay 100+ on marketing and advertising. Thats the primary investment any game needs. |
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this pack should be priced 250$, bigshot guys like Halo can even afford 2x250, so throw in special deal for him :P what do you think swen, 250$ is bargain for this quallity and amount of work I know you had put in this ;) |
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Wow Svenart, this is just what I need for one of my projects :-) If it's <= $100 consider me a customer. anymore than 100 and I can't justify it unless the project I have it in mind for does better than I expect it to (which is unlikely). Beautiful work! |
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If it's <= $100 consider me a customer. anymore than 100 and I can't justify it unless the project I have it in mind for does better than I expect it to (which is unlikely). If you follow the link to his site, you'll find that it currently has a $500 pricetag |
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If you follow the link to his site, you'll find that it currently has a $500 pricetag I DID follow the link to the site and saw now "The price is..." anywhere. I went to the links for turbosquid and saw them seperatly priced out there. $500 is too much for me personally. It's not that I think the work isn't worth much (its great work), it's just that trying to recover time with one sale isn't a good decision in my opinion. |
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Eight of the houses, two carts, a stall, a fountain, a trebuchet and and a bunch of smaller objects are offered for free through Turbosquid: The other houses (and combination packs) are paid downloads, and can be obtained seperately. |
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I hope "Svenart" hasn't forgotten about us. |
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>I hope "Svenart" hasn't forgotten about us. I don't think he has, he's just been busy putting this together, he'll respond here as soon as he get's online :) I also belive you can expect resonable price for this pack, nothing like prices on turbosquid. You'll probly be able to buy from Sven directly at very nice price... |
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Hello to all, and please excuse the delay. It has taken much more time than I have excpected to finish this set. The Set contains now 20models (1 building more). I have now uploaded the models a few moments ago, for a price of 150$ on Here a Link: Because I can change prices at the3dstudio, you will find there a lot of models with a reduced price. To SSS: I have currently 2 Bridges for sale, but unfortunately, they are not lowpoly. I will make one, and another for free, soon. To Halo, Dark Half, excelsior: Maybe you mean another package, I have uploaded some months ago. But this package contains more Castles and Churches and 25 models, not 20. I tried to reduce the price some days ago, but Turbosquid won´t let me... again, please excuse the delay. |
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Oooooh. Taking a look now. |
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Right, I've put my money where my mouth is and bought it. Am waiting for a download link from - 'You will be able to download your files within 12 hours'. In fact, the download link took about 60s to arrive. I would have preferred to pay $100. Hoewever, I probably won't regret paying $150. Downloading now. |
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Hey Puki. Thanks for beeing the first one who has buyed this models. If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to give you support. My email: svenart@... |
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Mmm, I've had a quick look. "Svenart" has made a couple of the buildings have very flat doors and windows. Whereas most have inset doors and windows. One slight observation is they are not all in scale with each other. I compared one of the tall houses with one of the bungalow types and they are noticeably not in scale. The only noticeable area for improvement is the some of the tall buildings (the 5 grouped together in the picture at the top of the thread) could do with a bit more geometry on their ground floor sections. Having flat windows on the upper floors is not a problem - but when you walk up close to a flat door and window on at the ground floor level then it doesn't look good. However, they are meant to be low-poly models. I like the way the walls of the tall buildings have a sort of 'weathered/worn' look to them. The bungalow-type house on the far right - the red one - is very modern looking - in fact, it is built of red house bricks. Still suspicious that this should cost $100. I've looked at all the models in Deep Exploration, but not yet loaded all of them into Blitz3D to walk around them. I'm itching to take a look at the castle. It's a good pack and "Svenart" has done well. Let's hope he has more stuff for us. Nice one "Sven". |
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In fact, the visual quality of the doors differs. I will probably edit the textures. The building with the cartwheel and horseshoe outside it has a very nice detailed looking door texture. Whereas many others are very washed out and undefined. I will replace some of the other doors with this door. There is a very noticable difference. Doing this will help to make the ground floor sections look better - due to the flat nature. EDIT: Yet the ground floor stonework on the building with the nice door (with cartwheel) is bad compared to that of fw45.3ds (fw45.3ds being one of the buildings with a washed-out looking door). The stonework does not tile well and is visually in rectangular patches that don't tile. Basically, they should both have a nice door and nice stonework - not one each. This reinforces my previous observation that the ground floor sections of the tall buildings could be better. |
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With regard to the bungalow-type buildings - I am going to use them for dwarves - so, the fact that they appear to be a smaller scale (going by door height and some of the window heights) is not a problem - the thatched roofs are also quite dwarf-like. My dwarves will like them. |
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Hey Puki. The doorheight of the buildings is almost between 1.70-2.10 meters (There are some bigger gates, also). There is one exception (fw36), wich really too small. I will resize the model, upload the new package and can sent you the new model if you want in a few moments (please give me your email then). Because of the limits of blitz3d, I tried to keep the polycount as low as possible. The building fw45 is one of the buildings, meant to used often in a big town for example, and is so very low poly. Nontheless, I think you are right about your critical points. I will rework the model a little bit and add some details to make it fit to the others. |
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Nice renders always win Blitz Graphics contests, same goes for promotional purposes. As "coders" you wouldn't have a sense of what is a good render and what is a good model, like puki has also concluded. Still, sounds worth 100. |
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To Halo, Dark Half, excelsior: Maybe you mean another package, I have uploaded some months ago. But this package contains more Castles and Churches and 25 models, not 20. I tried to reduce the price some days ago, but Turbosquid won´t let me... COOL!!! Please dont think that I think they aren't worth their weight in gold, they are! I just know that 500 was steep for me. 150 will work perfectly! Thanks |
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looking really nice man |