Bet everyone's sick of these... mushrooms!
Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Bet everyone's sick of these... mushrooms!
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Yep. More mushrooms. And now you can have some too. PURCHASE |
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You really are a pro at mushrooms. They're looking great |
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How did you make these? What tools did you use? And will they look exactly like that loaded into Blitz WITHOUT requiring any other lighting etc? |
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1. By taking a cylinder and reshaping it. 2. Wings 3D and Photoshop. 3. That picture is taken in gile[s], thus it's realtime and rendered in Blitz. The only special lighting it uses is a lightmap on Mod2X. Here's a picture of one drawn with vertex lighting and the diffuse texture set to Mod2X (works like a lightmap) -- picture taken in gile[s]: |
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mmm yammie, make that 2 kilos Noel, have them delivered by friday boy ;) |
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Hi Noodle, so Wings created the object and texturised it with an image from PhotoShop then you pull it into Giles and light it. Then when you load it in Blitz it looks JUST LIKE THAT? If so Wings and Giles it is for me... |
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I hear you got banned by those northern boys for selling mushrooms on their site! Maybe they ate too many, started to hallucinate and thought you were competition :D |
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I hate mushrooms but I like yours. |
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Boiled: Yeah, I highly recommend buying gile[s]. Photoshop is a bit pricy for indies, so you may also want to look into alternatives like Paintshop Pro or Gimp. Wings 3D can't do animation but it's easily one of the best modelling applications I've ever used. I hear you got banned by those northern boys for selling mushrooms on their site! Maybe they ate too many, started to hallucinate and thought you were competition :D Yeah, twas hilarious :P |
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Noodle, this is your thread so I don't want to hijack it but wasn't wondering if you could give me some help it getting my fiurst object to render correctly? Can I discuess it here? |
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Knock yourself out. |
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OK here is my model created with Wings3d - just dragged and scaled 3 primitives and exported (can you apply textures in Wings3d)? Here is the Giles project... Then I load the 3ds into Giles, add the texture... I add a light - it all looks great - then I export to .b3d Lightmap.bmp But when I load into Blitz with LoadMesh it have no texture on it or sometimes the texture is there but when I rotate the mesh, the mesh rotates and the texture stays still!!! EH??? I am very confused... |
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Well, since you don't have the GLS uploaded, I can only assume you're applying the texture as a spheremap (in the case that it does load). While that's good for faked specular highlights and reflections, it's not something that will help you in this case I think. In the case where the texture isn't loading, I'd guess you don't have the texture in the same folder as the model. Anything other than that and I'm really not sure, since I don't have Blitz3D nor am I able to see what any patches might have introduced. |
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Mushrooms! :p So Noel can you make 3D kittens? |
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Hahaha.. Noel you might want to check that link... |