Images of Lights of Dreams

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Images of Lights of Dreams

Xilvan(Posted 2007) [#1]
Buy Lights of Dreams : Angelical Blade
Try Lights of Dreams : Demo

Copyright 2007, Xilvan Design team

Matty(Posted 2007) [#2]
It certainly has a unique look to it.

Why are all the characters in the same static pose in every image?

GfK(Posted 2007) [#3]
Why are all the characters in the same static pose in every image?
I asked the same in the last thread and never really got an answer.

I also saw a video that the characters were animated in, but it all looked very unnatural.

Look around you in the street - people don't stand to attention to speak to each other. Saying that they don't ordinarily have wings either. Meh.

Amon(Posted 2007) [#4]
I think it's a good achievement. It takes time to model & Texture every aspect of a 3d game so maybe we should look at the effort put in and not why some animations dont look right.


jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#5]
This is looking much better than your first releases a couple of years ago. Some aspects of the level design are unconventional and maybe some stuff should not be mixed (eg: solid shape trees and alpha leafes trees) but basicly it's looking good, there IS a design concept.

Characters is the kings disciplin in modelling. These are well done, probably they use a little too much polies. The only thing that confuses me are their feet. There should be a distance between them of about 30 to 40 centimeters as long as they are standing on the ground.

And maybe the shadow blob textures of the chars should be scaled smaller.

I know how hard it is to develop everything simultanously: Code, Level, Chars, Animation, Textures, even music, so whenever I see substancial work like yours I have to say: respect, well done.

Xilvan(Posted 2007) [#6]

The game has been updated and has an awesome particle effect and a unique quest system... Now the map are shown at the same time you play without pausing the game...

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#7]
Looks great.

Xilvan(Posted 2007) [#8]
Please buy my game I need money for upgrading it and buying softwares... I need AShadow, Gile[s] Global Illumination and support. The game is sold 10 $ US and will be distribued with the online version in July...

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#9]
I'd help you but I've lost my onassis attributes lately, so I rather try to SELL things as well.

Suggestion: Use a thumbs gallery, don't put so many pics in one thread, this is almost freezing my browser.

Get some webspace without ads and annoyance, design a professional looking webpage for the game (Do I get this right, there is none yet?). THen try to get some ad space on various indie and shareware games portals.
You may also contact papermags and offer them a free version, probably with a limited number of levels or so.
You should also allow Free Games sites to mirror your limite version, this will generate a lot of traffic. You best mention this in a readme file, so it may become a self-runner.

The latest images are looking extremly atmospheric. Good luck with this baby.

Xilvan(Posted 2007) [#10]
All I need is Giles and AShadow... If u offer me one or two of them u will get a free copy of all my 5 games:
-Soul of Sphere
-Age of Dreams
-Lights of Dreams
-LOD Online
-Candy World

Some will include source

GfK(Posted 2007) [#11]
You're going to have to go beyond this forum and invest a little in marketing if you want it to sell.

Follow jfk's advice (his advice about adding so many fullsize screenshots, too).

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#12]
I like the style of the graphics, they're very otherworldly. I think you have a very unique style; simple, clean and effective.