Free container with opening doors

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Free container with opening doors

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#1]
I have been modelling this for a couple of days. It's for my laser cannon game. The container's both doors open. Rotation of the bone of the left door is from 0 to -120 degrees, if that helps when using it in game.

The Bone names are "leftdoor" and "rightdoor". That's from facing the front of the conatiner, not inside it.

The inside is textured, to a lesser quality than the outside, but still decent. The model contains 672 (now 480 odd) polygons (triangles). The sides of the container are ribbed, because i wanted a decent looking model close up, not just a box with a textured slapped on it. Don't get too close though :oP

Use this how you want. Some credit would be nice though :o) Credit is given to SpeedImagery, from where i obtained the textures. All bought and paid for!



Retimer(Posted 2008) [#2]
Nice, and thanks for sharing. Certainly better than what valve came up with for their oh so awsome source engine (A giant rectangle [8 vertices?]).

I haven't kept on track with all the new gismo's in 3d development in a long time. It seems like it has quite a few extra polies though due to the side engravements. Is it possible to apply a shader to the sides to have the same effect, but with a lower polycount?

ex effect:

Or does b3d not support shaders in its format?

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#3]
I'm afraid it doesn't no. 670 odd polygons isn't too bad i don't think. Considering the grunt of graphics cards, i think the optimal rendering amount was 2000 polygons. I could re-do the doors, and shave off around 100 polygons actually. I did model a couple of inwards parts on the door, but the texture didn't line up with them, so they are pretty much redundant.

In fact i will shake that up a bit. But i'm keeping the ridges, as it adds more detail, especially when a light hits it.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#4]
Ok, for anyone who downloaded this before this post became available, please redownload. I have got the polycount down to 478 and fixed problems with the doors.

Retimer(Posted 2008) [#5]
Yeah no need to reduce polies really. It's fine where it's at. Was just trying to figure out/throw out alternatives. Nowadays with new hardware it is sickening how much can be rendered at eye speed in an optimized environment.

I asked also because i'm more of an artist of code. I don't model/draw very well, so anything to have quality improved by code is my preference.

Very nice texturing on the doors btw.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#6]
Yeah, me too. I'm not a great artist. I find though with static objects like this, they are fairly easy to model. You should give it a go :o) And thanks for your comments.

plash(Posted 2008) [#7]
I think your proportions are off, and the indents aren't as round, no offense intended.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#8]
Not a great picture for proportions but i will tighten up the angles. Thanks :o)

EDIT: Ok, tightened up the angles and reuploaded. The texture does worsen the angles though.

Ruz(Posted 2008) [#9]
looks good to me man.would have been nice to have more ribs , but then that would have increased the poly count. does the job though

JoshK(Posted 2008) [#10]
A difference of 100 polygons is absolutely negligible.

t3K|Mac(Posted 2008) [#11]
for one container yes, if you have a huge container depot this will be for sure a difference. freeing polys means adding them elsewhere ;)

nice container!

t3K|Mac(Posted 2008) [#12]
dl does not work anymore... strange..?

_33(Posted 2008) [#13]

Examples I found. But yours looks really good :)

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#14]
Thanks. I will maybe add more ribs tomorrow. I'm using it for my game, so i want to press on to the next item. I'll probably post the rest of the stuff if it's any good, as this was in the spirit of a community project.

Apologies again guys. Link is correct now. It should have been a zip file with the textures.

Mustang(Posted 2008) [#15]
Mmm... there is a reason why Valve didn't use 500-600 polys per container. One is that it's a game, not a demo, another one is that doing the "ribs" with geometry will make it look bad, especially in Blitz3D since it doesn't have ANY kind of AA. With pixel shaders and properly working normal maps you can do pretty good container with 12 triangles (no opening doors then) that won't look bad because of AA or lack of it.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#16]
Well, this game is a small yard. There will be nothing else except the yard, so i'd rather pack in some detail. A stretched cube with a texture slapped on, normalmap or not, wouldn't look as good i reckon. Anyway, it's a free model to use, that's why it's here :o)

I know you were refering to a previous poster though. Would be good to have pixel shaders though, but the extra polies isn't too bad as i say.

lo-tekk(Posted 2008) [#17]
Looks fine, thank you for sharing.

t3K|Mac(Posted 2008) [#18]
ross, when you are inside the container, you can look through part of the doors. i think there is an error in the model. i viewed it with b3d. can you confirm this?

slenkar(Posted 2008) [#19]
looks great thanks for the download

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#20]
Sorry guys. I thought it was just me at first, BUT i DEFINETLY saved the new version. For some reason the file has remained the same... Very odd... I'll redo it again and save it as a new file, instead of overwriting this time. Apologies and thanks :o)

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#21]
Ok, i've fixed it now. Doubled checked it. The doors ARE fixed and i've cleaned up the texturing on the doors.

Sorry for the big mess up :o)

chwaga(Posted 2008) [#22]
wouldnt it be easier to just use a normal map for the ridges??

t3K|Mac(Posted 2008) [#23]
look here:

i just used a good texture. no normalmap.

but with ridges the container looks pretty good when you are near - in my case you'll notice that its just a texture...

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#24]
Looks like i'll be using a flat side after all. Gile[s] makes a right ass of lightmapping those ridges, regardless of how the normals are. Not really Gile[s] fault though!

_33(Posted 2008) [#25]
The containers in Delivery are the bigger ones, Ross C made a much smaller one, usually on a train flat cargo wagon, you can fit 2 of Ross's containers (sometimes 3).

YellBellzDotCom(Posted 2008) [#26]
very nice model Ross, mighty nice of ya to share it too. Thanks!

Mustang(Posted 2008) [#27]

Looks like i'll be using a flat side after all. Gile[s] makes a right ass of lightmapping those ridges, regardless of how the normals are. Not really Gile[s] fault though!

hehe... warned you. There is a reason why game objects are usually surprisingly simple. :)

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#28]
:D Why would i listen to someone who's trade is an artist guy? Why oh why :o)

_33(Posted 2008) [#29]
Why not make a bumpmap texture? :P

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#30]
I might just do that, however, the texture spans the entire length of the container, so any bump detail can be put on the texture itself :o)

_33(Posted 2008) [#31]
Ross C, I know what you're saying. I mean say you make a bump map texture for the whole container, putting al the detail in the bumps. The rest of the color/alpha texture could just be the actual color of the container + logos. Mind you I don't know enough modeling to make such thing, but I know it is possible.

Edit: What I mean is more like a bump skin.