3d Text in action.
Community Forums/Graphic Chat/3d Text in action.
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Well im writing my own text system, the ones on offer didnt allow me to adjust stuff the way I wanted so I created my own. The whole project allows for me to do whatever I want with text. The first ms line is the generation of the first line the second is the ms taken for generating the whole load of text. After generation I can copy, resize, texture or do anthing you can do with a 3d mesh. The 3 milliseconds is how long it took to generate the textured text the 20 milliseconds is how long it took to generate the whole load of text you see in the screen shot. I will upload a demo as soon as I have one compiled. |
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If you need advices for gaining more speed, I can help. |
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I still have to adjust the rendering of the meshes I have a way of tightening up this a bit but I just wanted to see if it works :) |
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What you're saying is the whole font is mesh based? :o That's something a lot of people would like to have actually :P I'd like to display TTF's in 3D :) |
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have a look at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/uptons.place/texttest.zip |
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Next after optimising this I want to make a Truetype font to mesh converter :D |
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Blitz3d already has a 3D text library. Not sure who wrote it but I have the full source code for it. I'll sell it for $200 (USD) - or more. |
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Really puki? Want to exchange it with my latest developer version of my termial emulation system? By the way EdzUp, you sure you want to decode TTF ? http://developer.apple.com/textfonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6.html I tried your exe, got 3ms and 16ms |
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Yes, I got it from Blitzcoder's download section. |
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Edzup - I don't really understand your system. How is it different from Fontext et al? |
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Fontext is using bitmap fonts, EdzUp is using a vector font, a little like TTF. |
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Oh I see. :) |
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ATM im working on Elite Multiplayer, I also am looking at decoding ttf fonts to convert them to polygon meshes for use in a wide range of stuff. ATM the font you see is entirely make up of polygons this makes it easier to play with. |
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EdzUp, can you share your ear clipping code so we can have a bug free one too ? :P |