ME P.1110 "Ente"
Community Forums/Graphic Chat/ME P.1110 "Ente"
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Greetings, here is a mesh I modelled and textured myself, and I'd like to share it. ![]() Comes with a 1024² PNG texture, with a see-through glass. The mesh has separate flaps and landing gears with bay doors. I'd recommend setting the glass as a double-sided (also known as "disabling backface culling") type of mesh, so it's seen from both inside and outside of the cockpit, allowing for FPS views. DOWNLOAD LINK - 2.07 MB Inside the ZIP you'll find it in B3D, OBJ, 3DS and MAX formats, along with two texture maps (one has the Swastika, the other does not). The MAX format is for 3DS Max version 9 and above. The B3D format already has 2 brushes, one being specific to the glass and having the Double-Sided FX. License: - You are entitled to use this mesh and its texture maps for any purpose. - You cannot claim authorship on these assets. - Credit is optional. If you are feeling generous, don't hesitate to ![]() Thank you and have a pleasant day. |
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Just a point of note, the Swastika you have shown on the tail is a banned symbol (under law) in Germany. Might be an idea to remove or replace it or offer it as an optional download for users not in Germany. |
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On digital media? Really? There must be an exemption for depictions of WWII? |
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Yup, and as the law relates to the goings on of WWII it would be strange to be exempt because of it. "The law prohibits the distribution or public use of symbols of unconstitutional groups, in particular, flags, insignia, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting." German users should steer clear of this. Flight sims don't usually use this symbol. Some can have it as a configurable setting but usually through an unofficial mod with modified skins. |
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Updated the ZIP with two texture versions: with and without that symbol. The user can ignore or delete the texture which conflicts with his country's law. |
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Very nice model. Thank you for sharing it with us! |
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Just a point of note, the Swastika you have shown on the tail is a banned symbol (under law) in Germany. ....bit ironic since that's where the Nazis came from.I could understand Poland taking a dislike to it, but not Germany. |
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@Kryzon I'd try selling this model if I was you ;) There are a lot of 3D model web sites out there that might be willing to sell this for you, taking a portion of the profit. Is but one of many. You could find more either on google, or probably by searching the forums. Good luck! |
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bit ironic since that's where the Nazis came from. Well that's a part of their past they probably don't ever want to be reminded of. |
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Just a point of note, the Swastika you have shown on the tail is a banned symbol (under law) in Germany. Sounds like Germany hasn't changed much since the 30s & 40s if the government is still outlawing what they do not agree with. Well that's a part of their past they probably don't ever want to be reminded of. They should have changed their name after WWII. It would have accomplished putting the past in the past and leaving it there better than simply outlawing the past and pretending it never existed. |
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Very nice model. Thank you for sharing it with us! Yep, very nice. Thanks for sharing. |
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It would have accomplished putting the past in the past and leaving it there better than simply outlawing the past and pretending it never existed. Seems like you do not know much about Germany. :-) And yes, symbols of "verfassungsfeindliche Gruppierungen" (groups who work against the constitution) are indeed forbidden outside of art or documentations within Germany. As computer games aren't considered as art you aren't allowed to use those within computer games, manuals etc. (some games like Panzer General and a version of Silent Service were forbidden here just because they had printed Svastikas in the manual). Forbidding those however doesn't have anything to do with pretending the time from 1933 - 1945 never existed. If we would, the time period (and the questions why the Nazi party came to rule Germany, started the second world war, the murder of the yews happened and why so few people seemed to be against it) wouldn't be a big part of history lessons at school and we wouldn't have monuments like this one: Last edited 2010 |
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Hear hear. I remember clearly my german neighbours kids didn't believe me when I told them about the genicode, about gas chambers etc. It was explicitely excluded in their schools history lessons. Besides, the reason why the illustration of swastika is prohibited is: many people supported the nazi regime and the allies were afraid they could continue to glorify these symbols. Therefor any glorification is strictly forbidden. But you can see it often in movies. Of course, pro nazi movies are forbidden. Since the Disnazification that was forced in Austria and Germany after 45 by the allies, there wasn't a single Artist who was successful if he didn't follow the rules of the new leaders. There weren't many parties left who had the skills to rule the land, the BRD was founded at 23. may 49 and was politically dominated by masons and jews until today, some of those who survived the nazi camps. So it isn't illegal to use the swastika as long as it isn't glorified. It just doesn't make sense to walk around with a swastika. But when you are telling a story about WW2, no matter if it's a movie or a game, then, by the meaning of the law, it isn't prohibited. But you cannont always count on german Judges. Most of them remained in their position after WW2... So it isn't surprising that they often act in a fashistoid way, even if politically 100% correct. EG. when they would say swastikas are ok in movies, but not in a game because a game is not art. Saying a Game is no artwork sounds like saying a certain race is not a real human being. Oh man, it's getting political. I guess I better stop here. Nice model BTW. Were they meant as kamikaze bombs? Kindof man-controlled missiles. I remember there was a female test pilot, she tested these things (early jet engine tests), in Penemünde and so on. She said is was extremly hard to control, but also extremly kicking the adrenalin level due to a speed that was never seen before. |
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..i have seen so many glorified swastikas around here (asia) that such law in Germany, looks like a joke..I do understand reasons behind it, but somehow i think people should see what swastika really is, instead of recognizing it by exposure done by some crazy, sick loser in WW2... |
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Seems like you do not know much about Germany. :-) I was stationed there for several years. I also returned in November of '89 to witness the wall coming down and to celebrate all Germans finally getting a chance at freedom. |
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jfk EO-11110: I think you got many things about Germany nowadays wrong. In school THE main topics of the history lessons are the crimes of the Nazi-regime. Movies, books, documentations, presentations and visiting historical sites .. sometimes it becomes a bit annoying, since everybody here with the slightest bit of intelligence knows that there are few to no reasons to glorify that past. In contrast to the crimes the US, GB or Russia committed - every one of them has plenty of skeletons in his closet, too - the German society is very self-critical about what past generations did. About the law: It really is forbidden, just like the NSDAP. Doesn't matter if you only tell a story or glorify the Nazis. |
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Bringing the thread back slightly more toward its origins... Kryzon, did you ever hear more about this competition that you obviously modelled this for? I started too, but stopped as the responses died off for it. Like your model tho, it looks very clean as far as polygon construction goes. |
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According to the guy who started the competition, none of the entries were near the expected quality, so he retropectively changed the rules and withdrew the prize. Not sure what he was expecting for a £50 prize; Kryzon's work would not look out of place in a commercial title, IMO. There were some other great entries, too. |
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LMAO, not the expected quality!? Ok what EXACTLY was he expecting? I agree that Kryzon's work is beyond what he should have expected. Cant please some people. |
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According to the guy who started the competition, none of the entries were near the expected quality, so he retropectively changed the rules and withdrew the prize. lol, let's not bring that up again! Last time that spread to at least 3 posts, Chroma was admittedly wrong in not awarding a prize, but let's let dead dogs lie, as the saying goes ;) Cheers folks! And, as previously said, that's an awesome model Kryzon. Try selling it to or |
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Germany should ban their football team.. Knocking England out of the World Cup... The buggers!!! ;) Hehehe Seriously though, nice model that, I very much like!!! Dabz |
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lol, let's not bring that up again! I'm not suggesting we trawl through it all again, but the question was asked and as ICECAP did work for the compo, I believe he has the right to that answer. |
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Kryzon, did you ever hear more about this competition that you obviously modelled this for? I started too, but stopped as the responses died off for it. Like your model tho, it looks very clean as far as polygon construction goes. Yes I did hear. Not what I expected, though - as WERDNA said, there were was a thread about it (do a search for "contest" - include the quotes) but I think it did enough exposure of what was the issue, so no more is necessary. Nobody feels good with something like this, in either side. Thanks for the compliment, I took my time with it - actually got to learn a little more along the way, like Max's Face and Edge constraints; so useful! By the way, thanks all for the compliments. It's always a pleasure to hear such things. I hope you find some use for the model. Now I'm off to finish a commercial MaxScript plugin related to the B3D format. |
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i have seen so many glorified swastikas around here (asia) Thing is the eastern swastika isn't a swastika, its a religious symbol of sorts denoting the sun spewing out energy and hitler nicked the design and flipped it to represent drawing of energy, a black hole if you will. so unless the swastika is facing the same way (and not just viewed from the back like a lattice fence carving or a semi transparant flag) its the original design in it's original use |
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I never heard of an eastern swastika that was mistaken as a german swastika, so that's not a problem. DTC, I'd really like to discuss this, but one of the basic principles of this forum, that I try to respect, is no politics. |
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Okay, it's fine with me : ) |