Portfolio Re-Design

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Portfolio Re-Design

N(Posted 2010) [#1]
I've gotten tired of keeping my site, Spifftastic, as a blog. I don't use it as a blog, so I'm moving it over to be a strictly portfolio site (maybe a subdomain will be used for a blog or something). Anyhow, I've begun working on a new design for the site that is, hopefully, a little more .. graphic design-ish and less "that looks cool, why don't I put that there." The current work-in-progress is visible here:


This currently uses zero javascript, it does not and never will use any Flash whatsoever. The result of this is that, provided you're using one of the phones out there with Webkit browsers, as most of them are (until Windows Phone 7 comes along and ruins that consistency we have going), this site will render really nicely. With the exception of the transitions - those are slow on Android and the iPhone (Android occasionally beats the iPhone for speed on them, but overall the iPhone wins if that sort of thing interests you).

It only works in Chrome, Safari 4 and up, and Firefox 3.6 and up (4.0 is required if you want to see transitions, but otherwise it will render fine in 3.6 - possibly 3.5, but I don't have 3.5 and so haven't tested it). If you don't have one of those browsers for god knows what reason (in other words, you use IE or Opera, in which case you either have failed to get with the program or don't care that your browser is the unusable Swiss army knife with 80 different tools), here's a picture of it as it stands in Chrome:

Comments and feedback are more or less welcome, depending on whether or not the comment is related to Internet Explorer.

xlsior(Posted 2010) [#2]
Looks nice, although the kind of backhanded comment about using IE makes it appear less professional -- I'd cut the second part of the sentence.

N(Posted 2010) [#3]
The IE comment is - or was, since it was temporary - there specifically because when I ran it by people, they ignored the part where I said it wouldn't work in IE. It's not that hard to comprehend, but for some reason nobody pays attention to it.

Ked(Posted 2010) [#4]
I like the last comment. Internet Explorer shouldn't even be considered among the choices of powerful browsers.

dogzer(Posted 2010) [#5]
amazing work, noelpower

N(Posted 2010) [#6]
Switched to a column layout, since it's easier to maintain. Looks like this, for those of you unwilling to bury the dead (IE):


big10p(Posted 2010) [#7]
Unfortunately, IE isn't going to die anytime soon. It stumbles on like a zombie, feasting off the innocent.

N(Posted 2010) [#8]
This is probably going to end up being, more or less, the final sort of look:

Only thing that noticeably changed was the top bar, so I've turned the previous image into a link as well. I think this has turned out pretty nicely, personally. Have to say that I love all the stuff I can do with CSS nowadays.

Foppy(Posted 2010) [#9]
The links at the top, as well as the links on the images, don't go anywhere, or is that because it's not finished yet? (Using Firefox 3.6.8)