Advice on bluetooth adapters for PC (win7 64bit)

Community Forums/General Help/Advice on bluetooth adapters for PC (win7 64bit)

Matty(Posted 2015) [#1]
Hi again,

I'm looking for a bluetooth adapter(usb dongle) for my dev PC so that I can play audio from my computer (which has no speakers nor wireless internet) through my separate sound system (which can receive bluetooth signals).

I live in Melbourne Australia so a product available at a standard retailer in Aus would be nice (rather than purchasing online).

I've done a bit of a search online already and it is difficult to gauge the reliability and quality of the devices available at some outlets - but they don't seem that good.

Alternatively ->
if there is a way to stream data from PC to phone and then playback via bluetooth through my speakers that would possibly work too. (I may have to write my own app for this if not...which could be fun)

(Worst comes to worst I buy a couple of cheapy $15 speakers from the grocery store on the way home as a temporary solution....)

Floyd(Posted 2015) [#2]
I've tried a couple of Bluetooth dongles, with uneven results. My only advice is to buy at a local store so you can easily return it.

Matty(Posted 2015) [#3]
Yeah...that's kind of what I thought after reading online reviews....there's a store near my home and office which sells one...unfortunately it gets mixed reviews regarding sound transmission.

Matty(Posted 2015) [#4]
I took the simple solution for usb speakers from my local grocery store. ...

virtlands(Posted 2015) [#5]
Maybe these could work for you :: : USB Stereo Audio Adapter: : SoundBot� SB340 Bluetooth 4.0 USB Adapter: : SoundBot� SB220 Bluetooth Noise-Reduction Stereo Headphone

Grisu(Posted 2015) [#6]
Have tried several systems over the last years. None worked properly. Poor sound quality and range limitations. In the end I'm streaming my audio over the WLAN or Power LAN connection.