bmp logo convertion
Community Forums/General Help/bmp logo convertion
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Anyone interested in converting this rough logo into a vector art illustration thingy, wish I could be more specific but I just want it so that I can recreate it at any resolution very crisp and clean. maybe even have a few version of it with those snazzy shinny effects applied to it. I can send you the font used here. ![]() I cant pay much but if you are interested let me know thanks Edit: I guess convert is the wrong term, recreate would be more accurate. |
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Just a mockup you can keep for free. I don't know which format you can process so try these two: Cheers ! |
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Wow, thank you lo-tekk ! can you recommend an easy to use illustrator for things like this ? |
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Inkscape is pretty good, and free: |
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I am using Xara Xtreme but Inkscape is free, so you can try first. |
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I'd definitely recommend trying a free one first -- vector graphics are a very different animal from bitmap graphics, and it takes a pretty different skillset to create good-looking vector images. :-? |
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hi, does any one know if there is an svg lib for blitz? i saw a mini svg once in a post i participate, not strictly related with the post it self: thank's Juan |
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InkScape gets my vote too, it's the only real vector drawing program I've found, plus it's open source and free. It can also save/print as PostScript with vectors, which printers print correctly. All other programs which use vectors, like PowerPoint, don't create vector PostScript, but replace it with huge bitmaps, so I get a 20GB file when printing to a 2 meter paper, instead of a 20KB file with vector PS from InkScape. |