Maths Problem
Community Forums/General Help/Maths Problem
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Hiya, I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this maths problem - please take a look at the image below: I know the following: - The equation of the line L1 - The point (x1, y1) - The perpendicular distance d - L1 and L are parallel However, I need to determine either: - The equation of the line L, or - The point (X, Y) (from which the equation of the line L can be easily derived) Can anyone help me in finding a solution to this problem? Much appreciated, Ryan |
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In vector notation: A point on L1 = a + t*b. Find the unit vector n perpendicular to b. Then a point on L = a + d*n + t*b. Graphics 600,600,0 Global ax#=300,ay=300# 'a point on L1 Global bx#,by# 'the direction of L1 Global d#=50 'the distance of L from L1 While Not (KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Or AppTerminate()) 'interaction stuff If MouseHit(1) 'left click to place point A ax=MouseX() ay=MouseY() Else 'L1 points in direction of mouse cursor - the vector B bx=MouseX()-ax by=MouseY()-ay EndIf 'press up arrow to increase distance, down to decrease distance d:+KeyDown(KEY_UP) - KeyDown(KEY_Down) If d<0 Then d=0 '''' to find L 'first find n, a unit vector perpendicular to b Local nx#,ny# If by=0 'if by = 0 then we can't divide by it but the perpendicular vector is easy - it's vertical! nx=0 ny=-Sgn(bx) Else 'clever trick to find perpendicular vector 'the *sgn(by) bit is to make sure it's always on the right side of L1 nx=1*Sgn(by) ny=-bx/by*Sgn(by) 'it needs to be a unit vector, so divide it by its length to end up with length 1 Local n#=Sqr(nx*nx+ny*ny) nx:/n ny:/n EndIf 'make n have the length we want to make the lines the right distance apart nx:*d ny:*d 'now the equivalent of point A on L is the point A+N, and the direction of L is the same as that of L1 cx = ax+nx cy = ay+ny 'draw L1 SetColor 255,255,255 DrawLine ax-bx*500,ay-by*500,ax+bx*500,ay+by*500 DrawOval ax-4,ay-4,8,8 SetColor 255,0,0 DrawText "A",ax,ay 'draw B SetColor 0,0,255 drawarrow ax,ay,bx,by DrawText "B",ax+bx/2,ay+by/2 'draw L SetColor 255,255,255 DrawLine cx -bx*500, cy -by*500, cx +bx*500, cy +by*500 DrawOval cx-4,cy-4,8,8 SetColor 255,0,0 DrawText "C",cx,cy 'draw N SetColor 0,0,255 drawarrow ax,ay,nx,ny DrawText "N",ax+nx/2,ay+ny/2 Flip Cls Wend Function drawarrow(ax,ay,vx#,vy#) DrawLine ax,ay,ax+vx,ay+vy Local v#=Sqr(vx*vx+vy*vy) vx:/v vy:/v 'getting lazy, going to use trig Local an#=ATan2(vy,vx) Local px#=Cos(an+90),py#=Sin(an+90) DrawLine ax+vx*v,ay+vy*v,ax+vx*(v-8)+px*8,ay+vy*(v-8)+py*8 DrawLine ax+vx*v,ay+vy*v,ax+vx*(v-8)-px*8,ay+vy*(v-8)-py*8 End Function PS why is it mainly people called Ryan who have maths problems on this forum? |
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