Free GUI GIT Clinet for Windows?

Community Forums/General Help/Free GUI GIT Clinet for Windows?

Amon(Posted 2012) [#1]
I have GIT installed on my server. Just need a free client now for windows.

Any free ones I can use? I've seen GUI Git, TortoiseGIT but have not tested them yet.

Which ones do people use and are the best/stable etc?


Htbaa(Posted 2012) [#2]
I always use msysgit on Windows. It provides both the CLI interface as well as git-gui.

Though on Windows git-gui does hang occasionally. Very annoying, but I take it for granted.

There's TortoiseGit which is much like TortoiseSVN. I only used the SVN version in the past though. Which was quite enjoyable.

You can also try Git Cheetah ( which can be installed as well when installing msysgit. Never tried it myself though. Shows some others as well. I'd stay away from Git Extensions though. It was extremely slow when I last tried it. I've heard some good stuff about SmartGit as well, but I don't want to pay for my Git frontend. Git GUI is good enough for me. All other stuff I do is on the command line.

Amon(Posted 2012) [#3]
Thanks dude! Decided to go with TortoiseGIT. Seems easiest of those to use plus am already used to TortoiseSVN so the GIT version shouldn't be too different to get the hang of.
