Monkey-x example code blog
Community Forums/Monkey Talk/Monkey-x example code blog
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This is really good stuff! |
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Yep, good idea! |
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While i applaud your effort, i think you should have at least give explainations to the beginners in your code. They will miss that. |
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I have put direct links to the blog posts in the first post here. I wil update the list every now and then with the new things. |
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Good Blog you got there, too bad I'm not into monkeyx atm. Keep it up dude |
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Awesome code - found exactly what I was looking for in taking my first steps with Monkey, Thankyou ;) |
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IF Someone is new to Monkey and this is it. There really good things to learn from there. Well Done Pekz :-) |
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I have kept adding posts with code and flash applets to the blog over the months. The list in the first post has grown to almost 150 posts. I have had under 10.000 pageviews since the start. Sadly Flash will not be supported long in the future so the applets will stop working this year or next year maybe. I hope blogger wil not dissapear in the next years either. I still have space for thousands of flash applets on google sites and can show them in blogger. I think it is pretty neat to have the working programs near the code. I will keep updating the list in post 1 with the new things. |
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Instead of Flash, couldn't you target HTML5 instead? |
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I have not been able to find a guide/way for publishing html5 yet. |
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Firstly - TOP JOB! Great work! find a guide/way for publishing html5 yet. It's really easy, you just need to upload the html page (or just embed the js into a page of your own), the generated javascript and your assets. 1. Build for HTML5 2. Go into the build folder for the HTML output 3. Upload main.js 4. Upload a HTML which refers to main.js 4a. Either the MonkeyGame.html 4b. Or your own HTML page with something like this in it: <div><canvas id="GameCanvas" width=640 height=480 tabindex=1></canvas></div> <script language="javascript" src="main.js">Javascript not supported!</script> 5. Upload the data folder |
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I tried it. I made a data folder on my google sites page and put the font there and the javascript file one directory up but it does not show on the posts when I make the post in blogger with the html part.<div> <canvas height="480" id="GameCanvas" tabindex="1" width="640"></canvas></div> <script language="javascript" src="">Javascript not supported!</script> I can host flash and could host java so I would expect js to work to. |
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I hope blogger wil not dissapear in the next years either. I will copy the content site immediately at this point! I like the 'simple' style coding, basic & direct for the goal. |
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I tried it. I made a data folder on my google sites page and put the font there and the javascript file one directory up but it does not show on the posts when I make the post in blogger with the html part. Looks like it how Google Site deals with javascript files. It is not displaying because of this error: Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. And when you access the js directly, Google Site converts the GET to this: So it is dealing with it as a HTML file, not a JS file :( Do you know if you can access the "raw" JS file somehow from Google sites? You might be better uploading it to GitHub: |
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Pakz, This is awesome, thanks for doing this. Jason |
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I just checked my blog and saw a message in the title of my test post that javascript is not supported. I put a post on the blogger forum asking for more info on what I can do. (maybe they will update with this feature) I have not tried the github thing yet. This is probably not working since javascript is not supported in blogger. Will wait until I get/find more information in the future. The new Dropbox accounts also do not allow making html5 pages. from what I read and tried. Google drive also not. I have not found any way of putting html5 things online yet that goes as easy as I had it with google drive for flash and java applets. So I wil not be able to put Mojo 2 program windows on the blog since it does not work with flash. Haven't used mojo2 yet. Maybe I will just record video's for that then when I start in that. Btw : I bought Monkey at the same time as BlitzMax and I liked Monkey so much that I have not programmed a single line in bmax yet! :) The programming with/in classes experience is very cool! And having programs run in browsers is da bomb! |
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The new Dropbox accounts also do not allow making html5 pages. How new? It works for me: |
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I got a dropbox account this year and tried to follow the instructions from webpages that I found online. Did not work. I spend some time trying to get html pages to display with dropbox but I could not get it working. I just checked if there were new pages with a search but I got the same. This is the link that I get when I share the monkey game html file from one of my dropbox filders. Is does not have that dl. part in front of it as with your link. |
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Hmmm... This is what I do: 1. Copy the whole html5 build folder to the DropBox "Public" folder. 2. Right click on the MonkeyGame.html file and select "Copy public link" 3. Paste the link into a browser |
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I have no Public folder. From what I read they changed that in later dropbox accounts. You can create a link from anything now in the dropbox account. I did try and create a public folder but it did not work. Other: If you follow me on google+ then you can see the new blog posts when they are posted. The list in this thread can take some time to be updated. my google+ page. |
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Did you try this, Pakz? |
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In the video it says that it is not possible to do this with accounts created after 2012. The link in the video takes me to a page that says you can enable the public folder with a pro dropbox account. |
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Ah, bummer -- I didn't see that bit, but yeah I found the statement here. Such a shame that they turned this feature off for new accounts! I wonder if the other options listed here still work? Failing that, there's a post here that mentions a few alternatives. Great blog, BTW! |
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Still loving this blog thread ;) Helping me tuns ;) |
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What are your 'tuns'? :D |
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Me tuns are the tingers at the end of me guns. Shoulda been tons ;) |
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@Pakz, I've been coding in Monkey for about six weeks (albeit VERY sporadically), I continue to marvel at your fine examples of Monkey code - great work! |
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List updated after 4 month break. Made an mining level generator today. It is in the more difficult section. |
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@Pakz, thanks for the update, great work ;-) |
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I put a link on the right top side of the blog to a webpage that can compile and run monkey code. I think most of the code on the blog wil be able to run without errors on that. The linked to page is by ImmutableOctet(SKNG) who made the compiler work online(html5) |
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I added more on the list above... The blog dashboard says I have 184 posts. Maybe I will reach 200 posts this month. I still have not touched Mojo2 though. I just tried programming Monkey-X on the ipad mini in chrome. Not to sure if typing like that is good. |
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I still have not touched Mojo2 though. Me neither Pakz, still focused on Monkey One - theres enough there for me to be getting my head around. Thanks for te additional examples - sterling work ;) |
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Wow, you weren't messing around! That's an amazing list now. Great work! |
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Added 6 more links to the more difficult section(bottom 6) A number with Pixmaps based on instructions from hugi magazine code articles. The speedtest is interesting. In Flash(in the blog post) it is very slow and in glfw and html5 it is pretty fast. There is a link on the blog where you can paste the code into a monkey 2 html5 compiler(textbox). |
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Hey Pakz - great work as normal! Have you considered creating a GitHub project to host your examples? |
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Yeah i opened up a github called monkeyxexamples i thouhgt it was called. But I can not understand the setup phase. It has the quick setup page currently. I downloaded the desktop git tool and it makes no sense. I do not know yet how to put the code on it. need to find a video or so. Maybe one of you has a link to a tut video? Or is it really needed that you do the setup through the command prompt? I just want to put textfiles with code examples on it. |
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I found this tutorial pretty useful when I started to learn Git: |
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I spend some time looking and trying and was able to get a file to show on my github page. Here is the github. edit:Took me 30 minutes to copy paste create 40 examples to github. Going to take a while :) edit2:It said it took me some 2 hours but everything is on it. |
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Excellent - now when you do your blog posts just post a link to the github. Oh, I would do a mass rename and append .monkey to the end of the files and commit them. |
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The github files are now .monkey files 183 files right now at about 600kb. |
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I started putting mojo2 examples on the github page. I already think I found a bug with drawtext in imagecanvas. So far mojo2 seems like a nice library. |
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I don't know but even with Monkey free and Mojo2 is available I don't have any idea what's different about it. But now with Brucey's port to Blitzmax I have seen its potential and it's really awesome what he has done with it so far. Don't get me wrong, I'm still looking forward to switching to Monkey when I'm ready. Btw Pakz, what's the best way to convert those examples to BMX? |
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I have not used blitz max yet. So no idea. When I wil have some time to learn blitzmax I wil probably learn to port them. I already have a github page for blitzmax. |
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I added new Monkey 1 examples. Now at 218 published posts. List in first post in this thread is updated. On the github page there are more things that would not fit the blog. |
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Nice! |
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So much juicy code here to try, I pop in from time to time to find something, usually end up spotting something else that intrigues me, fire up monkey and give it a whirl. Really great Monkey resource ;) |
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I added 10 links to posts about vectors on the bottom of the getting started/beginners list. I am still learning about vector math and recently bought a book that has a chapter on it. I created the new posts with help from the book. In the book there are also a whole bunch of 2d game collision functions(using vector math) that I plan on adding to the blog as examples. iirc there were 21 different ones. If I can learn how to recreate them in monkeyx then they will start to appear. btw - The blog has had more then 31000 views since it started :) |
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31000 views, thats a pretty healthy number of views, as I mentioned already, great work. |
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I received a new book. "mazes for programmers" I have started reading it and have already added 3 maze creation examples on the blog and github. Over the next few days if all goes well I will add/finish 12 maze generation examples. Each a different method. There is maybe more from the book that I can turn into examples. Several methods (The first 3) are pretty simple to code and the results are some nice levels for games. |
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I added the maze algorithms to the middle part of the list in thread 1. I did all but 1 from the maze book(mazes for programmers) |
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I had gotten close to 40.000 all time page views. This in 2 years and some. When a monkeyx forum is created on the monkey2 site I will probably create a post there with the links to the blog applets/code and github. |