fantomX is out
Community Forums/Monkey Talk/fantomX is out
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And here is the first release. fully mojo2 powered. Here are the changes compared to fantomEngine 1.57... Version 2.0 *New functionalities* - fantomX now uses mojo2. - Box2D is more closely integrated into the engine. As mojo2 is now supported, this was unavoidable. *New functions/methods * - ftEngine.CreateCanvas:Canvas(image:Image = Null) - ftEngine.GetCanvas:Canvas() - ftEngine.Render:Void(scene:ftScene) - ftEngine.RenderFlush:Void() - ftEngine.SetAlpha:Void(alpha:Float) - ftEngine.SetCanvas:Void(canvas:Canvas) - ftEngine.SetCanvasAmbientLight : Void ( red:Float, green:Float, blue:Float ) - ftEngine.SetCanvasColorMask:Void(red:Bool, green:Bool, blue:Bool, alpha:Bool) - ftEngine.SetCanvasFogColor:Void(red:Float, green:Float, blue:Float, alpha:float) - ftEngine.SetColor:Void(red:Float, green:Float, blue:Float) - ftEngine.SetupRender:Void() - ftMapTile.GetProperty:String(key:String) - ftMapTile.GetPropertyCount:Int() - ftObject.CreateImage:ftObject(width:Int, height:Int, xpos:Float, ypos:Float, _ucob:Object=Null) - ftScene.Render:Void(setupRender:Bool = False) - ftScene.Update:Void(speed:Float=1.0, updateEngineTimer:Bool = False) - ftTileMap.GetTileSet:ftTileSet(index:Int) - ftTileMap.GetTileSetCount:Int() - ftTileSet.GetImageHeight:Int() - ftTileSet.GetImageWidth:Int() - ftTileSet.GetTileHeight:Int() - ftTileSet.GetTileWidth:Int() - ftVec2D.Lerp:ftVec2D(targetVector:ftVec2D, timeFaktor:Float) *Changes* - ftObject.SetBlendMode regarding usable mojo2 blend modes. - Removed class tPointS and exchanged it with class ftVec2Dp. - Class ftVec2D extends now class ftVec2Dp. - Moved the collision detection methods outside of ftObject into the cftCollisions file and made functions out of them. - Renamed function GetPitchRate:Float(halfStep:Float, base:Float=1.0) inside the cftMisc.monkey file to ftGetPitchRate. - Moved ftEngine._StripDir:String( path:String ) as a function to the cftMisc.monkey file. - ftEngine.GetTouchX:Float(index:Int=0, withCam:Bool = True) ' Added withCam parameter - ftEngine.GetTouchXY:Float[](index:Int=0, withCam:Bool = True) ' Added withCam parameter - ftEngine.GetTouchY:Float(index:Int=0, withCam:Bool = True) ' Added withCam parameter - ftEngine.LoadMusic:ftSound(filename:String, loopFlag:Bool=True) ' Changed the default loop frag to true - ftEngine.SetMaxSoundChannel:Void(maxChannel:Int = 31) ' Changed the channel range to 0-31 *New example* - Sound/Sound.monkey You can grag it here.. The documentation is reachable at To convert an old project to fantomX you need to do just a view changes. At the beginning of your code... ' Tell fantomX to import physics related classes/fields/methods #FantomX_UsePhysics = False ' Import the fantomX framework which imports mojo2 itself Import fantomX And then in the OnRender method of your app... '------------------------------------------ Method OnRender:Int() ' Check if the engine is not paused If fE.GetPaused() = False Then ' Clear the screen fE.Clear( 255,0,0) ' Render all visible objects of the engine fE.Render() ' Now draw the current FPS value to the screen fE.SetColor(255, 255, 0) fE.GetCanvas().DrawText( "FPS= "+fE.GetFPS(),fE.GetLocalX(10), fE.GetLocalY(10)) ' Last, flip the previously drawn content to the screen, make it visible fE.RenderFlush() Else fE.GetCanvas().DrawText("**** PAUSED ****",fE.GetLocalX(fE.GetCanvasWidth()/2.0),fE.GetLocalY(fE.GetCanvasHeight()/2.0),0.5, 0.5) ' Last, flip the previously drawn content to the screen, make it visible fE.RenderFlush() Endif Return 0 End |
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Looks impressive Mike! |