Reading image data.

Community Forums/Monkey2 Talk/Reading image data.

Steve Ancell(Posted 2015) [#1]
Rather than having to read the screen directly, will there be the inclusion of a method that reads ARGB values directly from an image buffer?. It would be a bonus for that and maybe a built-in pixel-perfect collision function or method with rotation.

Pleeeeeeze! :-D

ElectricBoogaloo(Posted 2015) [#2]
Wish list
1. Lighting and Shadows. Getting totally cheesed off that I can't make dark levels without cutting holes in giant bit maps and overlaying them!!
2. "Shaders". Since I've spent 95% of my time loving the bejesus out of your many languages, I STILL haven't had a chance to play with shaders!!!
3. MOD/XM playback. *fap fap fap*
4. ReadPixel that works properly, I got SO annoyed when I discovered Android's broken read pixel inabilities. Even if it requires a seperate "load raw ping as data" command, I don't care.

... That's all I've got.
On a personal note, I really could NOT get to grips with Unity and it's IDE focussed dev-style. Please, for the love of all that is holy, leave us with the old "blank screen, type text here" TED none-IDE that we know and love, even if as a secondary thing.
I know loads of people would prefer Unity-style, but .. Not everybody does!

Oh, and if you could wrangle any kind of none-exe stuff, be it html/flash/otherwise, that'd be handy, because I'm pretty sure Apple and Microsoft are doing everything in their power to close us out. That was my particular plus-point for HTML5.

Wishing you the Best of Luck with the new project.
..and I'm still waiting for that Atari Jaguar support..

rIKmAN(Posted 2015) [#3]
+1 for shader support

Nobuyuki(Posted 2015) [#4]
oh yes, shaders.

I WONDER, if we may even have our own shader meta-language, for compiling to GLSL / HLSL where appropriate... Valve tried this though, and I believe the results were mixed!