Scintilla Text Editor
Community Forums/Monkey2 Talk/Scintilla Text Editor
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We're having a lot of success with Scintilla in the Leadwerks script editor. It has code folding, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, breakpoints, and it works on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It's written in BlitzMax, so it should be easy to use for the M2 IDE. Talk to me or Klepto2 about it if interested. |
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Wow, is that a MaxGUI app? |
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ya |
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gimme |
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I'm surprised Mark didn't use the Qt port of the scintilla library in Ted. |
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+1 to using this! |
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+1 |
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What I like about this is it's clear interface. It doesn't try to be an IDE and include project management features. I am all for this. /off topic Please get rid of the redundant toolbar items; e.g: copy, paste, undo, save, .... (this is not aimed at JoshKlint directly but more generally) I know nearly every app includes them because ... every app before them did the same. The thing is, your users are programmers. Have you ever seen one click on copy and paste in the toolbar? /off topic |
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A new monkey2 IDE is low priority right now, and I think it's the sort of thing best left to the 3rd parties like the Jungle, Jentos and Mollusc IDE guys anyway. I think they would be able to do a much better job than I could in the long run. Monkey2 will continue to use Ted1 for a while yet, while Ted2 is being developed mainly to show 3rd parties how to 'drive' mx2cc and get it to generate symbol info etc. It will eventually be usable in it's own right though, and should have WAY better F1 help than Ted1 at the very least! But it'll always remain a 'minimal' IDE, along the lines of Ted1. |
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This isn't just a superficial interface layer. This would allow an actual breakpoint system. If you plan to support that in the future, you could probably save time by using this from the start. |
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@dawlane: I'm surprised Mark didn't use the Qt port of the scintilla library in Ted. Nooooo Qt noooooooooooooooooooo!! XD |
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Autocomplete is 90% of an Ide's worth for monkey2 |
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I made this mockup for a other IDE, but maybe people like it after seeing this again, i think, it can be more flatten then I created at that moment. and a little lighter. |
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I think MX2 needs a modern IDE (with autocomplete/intellisense support). Having a paid IDE provided by third party (valid, not doubt about this) for a free open-source language is something... strange. |
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I just downloaded JentosIDE (1.1). It seems quite good (the autocomplete thing works well!) - a giant leap compared with Monkey & TED. It should be packed with MX1 (or MX2). I need to check it deeply, mainly about configurations/localization etc, but it seems a valid (and ready) solution. |
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Jentos needs a hell of a lot of bug fixes. The parser cannot handle non MonkeyX files, so editing a cpp file for example completely f**ks it up and it has a tendency to crash. |
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Hi, I just saw the thread about JentosIDE... last post more than 6 months ago |
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Jentos has been forked at least twice and still very little progress on bug fixes. |
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I have always felt that the basic but functional IDEs offered by Blitz are very friendly to beginning coders, who could be overwhelmed by a powerful IDE with lots of bells and whistles, when they hardly have an idea of how to even code! |
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@GerryQuinn with a sensitivecase language a modern IDE is required. Otherwise first-step users could find the language itself 'hard' to manage and use. And they could check other alternatives. Believe me, after a life writing 'cls', finding that I *must* use Cls it's an agony... I still think that sensitivecase in a language it's a pure lost of time, there's no real gain: just pain and stress. |
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@degac: Believe me, after a life writing 'cls', finding that I *must* use Cls it's an agony... It's that hard to press the shift key? @degac: I still think that sensitivecase in a language it's a pure lost of time, there's no real gain: just pain and stress. You're welcome to name your variable "HelloWorld" and then refer to it in the rest of your code as "helloworld", "Helloworld", "helloWorld", and "HelLowoRLd" if you made a typo. Personally, I'd prefer that it enforce consistency. It means that you can encourage naming conventions too. I'm trying to thinking of an advantage of case-insensitivity, but all I can come up with is "I'm lazy". |
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Default IDE needs some kind of auto-complete intellisense or something since it is working with OOP modules. |
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I just want something that plays nicely with Mac. Ziggy-san please make an OS X version of Jungle! :( |
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I'm trying to thinking of an advantage of case-insensitivity, but all I can come up with is "I'm lazy". It's not lazyness, it's just trying to not spent too much time in something useless like 'pressing shift key' and remember if Books is for a map, for a class or for other thing I didn't remember. I think writing LIST_BOOKS is more clear than BOOKS (and naming convention is not a standard at all). So, as I'm so lazy I need an IDE that does this for me. |
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I like case sensitivity - when it's not there I find it jarring. And since I will always use it, it makes it easier when the language enforces it (though I suppose a good enough compiler could enforce it as an option). Shinkiro: "The thing is, your users are programmers. Have you ever seen one click on copy and paste in the toolbar?" Actually I do that sometimes. Does that make me a bad programmer? [In before someone says "no, your bad programs do!"] |
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I just want something that plays nicely with Mac. Ziggy-san please make an OS X version of Jungle! :( Ditto! I do like the simplicity of Mollusk, but there needs to be something with good code completion / intellisense for Macs... |
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Ever considered that instead of creating an IDE from scratch that it might be easier to create a custom build of eclipse? |
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@Skn3: Ever considered that instead of creating an IDE from scratch that it might be easier to create a custom build of eclipse? Which is essentially what I said here: Getting the grammar parser to do a double pass on the source code is a tricky thing. |
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Atom based forks such as Visual Studio Code would be more promising if they had support for dialect plugins. Even though VSC is not fully open source as far as I know, the code is based upon is |
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This is what I was working with: Just need to hack the parser to work with precompiler directives so that the AST will work properly if you do any target-specific code. |
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Yeah I looked into X text a while back. It would be ideal! Surely a good choice for MX2 purely because of the cross platform nature and much requested *advanced* features. |