i love Blitz3D, these are my last projects
Community Forums/Showcase/i love Blitz3D, these are my last projects
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excuse my bad English , use google translator to write!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------- I remember I started to program in Blitz3D in 2009 , a friend showed me and surprised me . I worked with 3dsmax 3d models doing for many, many years , and 3Dmax with Blitz3D allowed me to do what I wanted. I started from nothing , watching demos, moving entities , did a car , a boat, a tank, and was taking me to the limit to learn to make games Blitz3D I could never bring a lot to the community Blitz3D because my English is very bad, and I can hardly entener texts forum, and every time I wanted to write something that I was with could not, because did not know how . I remember once create a post called " Blitz3D limits" , and asked if Blitz3D was limited, always found problems when wanting to develop very large projects, but all those problems were solved with knowledge, was not blitz , were my own limitations which did not allow me to do what I wanted on this day , I can say that Blitz3D is the best thing happened to me in life, it allows me to play and work at the same time what I like . let me do what I want . you can make huge projects blitz , I say that you can make a GTA in Blitz3D without the help of anyone, without a dollar in your pocket, you know how it works question, amend Blitz3D and enter the correct code. thanks to the developers , creators, and the whole community , this is something that has long wanted to communicate . these are some of the projects I did with Blitz3D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() this is my biggest proyect, a space simulator with a infinte scenary again , thank you for creating blitz , thanks to the community , and what can help to try to be a little community, even my bad English try to pull away. |
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Amazing work there and welcome back! :D Do you still have the demos on those screenshots? |
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Fantastic. |
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Gorgeous! :) Dabz |
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..very very nice work..music is only a bit off (sounds like music from porn or something like that) |
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Nice games ! I am curious to test demos if you have some. (especially the car game and the spaceship game) |
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Nice games ! I am curious to test demos if you have some. (especially the car game and the spaceship game) Looks like there are some demos available for download on his website: http://indiesoft.com.ar/descargas.html |
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Great work, very impressive! |
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hi, thanks!. i no have demos for all games, someones, like the space, is a own project i working on, i have the basic part of the game, but there is no story yet to play. only planets, citys, comunications, and other spaceships, i made some strategyc test on planets, but i no find what i want i never write a game to sell it on web, becouse i never knew how. i only made a few games for close events, like the IndieFarm, or Uvadance. sounds like music from porn or something like that) LOL ! the music in space game is a youtube music :) y upload that video using my phone :) I can upload some new videos of the spacegame to share here to show more of that project. and i can upload a demo of Indie Car Racing 3, is not finish but is playable |
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in this blogspot i upload 500 screenshots of the spacegame. http://indiesoftargentina.blogspot.com.ar/2016/02/indie-space-nuevos-screenshots-del.html ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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I'm curious what do you use for effects like shadows, particles and water. Are they custom coded or did you use 3rd party libraries like AShadow, etc? |
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Great work! I'd like to try them all. Just goes to show what Blitz3D could achieve. Tried the Formula 1 racer (Indie Race). Very fast and a great sense of speed, even if you change the resolution settings in the config file to 1920 X 1080 (although arcade physics). |
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Some great looking stuff there, great work! |
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Some real nice games here, all new to me too, well done! |
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Indie Race I remember from the Gallery, not played it till now. Bloody Desert I remember Santiworld talking about. And Indie Tennis, the video he showed was hilarious - a fun game. |
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thanks! one of my first proyects in blitz was "Simple race", i never finish that game, like others game i start Bloody desert, is the most biggest project i made, 3 years without stop, but never finish too. i use only this libs, i buy that libs an blitz to many years, i not know others, with jv-ode i have some problems in some computers, never know why, so i stop use that phisics engine, i miss that physics!! Include "include\FastExt.bb" Include "include\FastImage.bb" Include "include\ShadowsMultiple.bb" for sprite i use a simple face mesh i do in 3dmax, or a 3D mesh with and alpha texture. i use entityblend, textureblend, and entityalpha and entityscale, i turn and rotate the sprite using the life variable. generaly i use a pivot to move the meshsprite, and turn the entity linked to the pivot. this is lunar lander sprite, tipo=1 (fire) - tipo=2(dust) Function update_particulas() g_particulas = 1000 For p.particula = Each particula c_particulas = c_particulas + 1 p\vida = p\vida + 1 EntityFX p\entidad,1 TranslateEntity p\pivot,p\v[0],p\v[1],p\v[2] TurnEntity p\pivot,p\r[0],p\r[1],p\r[2] If p\tipo = 1 Then fe# = (.01+Sin(p\vida*1)*.3)*1 EntityAlpha p\entidad,(.5-((p\vida*2)*.01))*1 ScaleEntity p\entidad,fe,fe+Abs(p\v[1])*.10,fe EntityBlend p\entidad,3 End If If p\tipo = 2 Then fe# = (.05+Sin(p\vida*2)*.3)*.5 EntityAlpha p\entidad,(.5-(p\vida*.005))*.4 ScaleEntity p\entidad,fe,fe,fe EntityBlend p\entidad,1 EntityFX p\entidad,0 p\v[0] = p\v[0] *.93 p\v[2] = p\v[2]*.93 End If pick = LinePick (EntityX(p\pivot,1),1000,EntityZ(p\pivot,1), 0,-2000,0,1) alt# = EntityY(p\pivot,1)-PickedY#();alt_terreno# If alt# <= 0 Then p\v[1] = -p\v[1]*.13 PositionEntity p\pivot,EntityX(p\pivot,1),PickedY#(),EntityZ(p\pivot,1) If p\tipo = 1 Then a# = .7 p\v[0] = Rnd(-a,a) p\v[2] = Rnd(-a,a) ;If Int(Rnd(10)) <6 Then p\tipo = 2 p\vida = Rnd(20) c = Rnd(100,255) EntityColor p\entidad,c,c,c EntityBlend p\entidad,1 EntityFX p\entidad,0 ;End If Else p\v[0] = p\v[0] *.3 p\v[2] = p\v[2]*.3 End If End If TurnEntity p\entidad,.5,.5,.5 ;PointEntity p\entidad,cam If p\vida > 100 Then ;freeshadowcaster FirstShadow,p\entidad freeshadowcaster SecondShadow,p\entidad FreeEntity p\entidad FreeEntity p\pivot Delete p End If Next End Function Tried the Formula 1 racer (Indie Race). Very fast and a great sense of speed, even if you change the resolution settings in the config file to 1920 X 1080 (although arcade physics). i go to upload the 3' version of indierace, the last version, is not finished but is funny to play. there is a conf.txt to change the resolution. another important things, is i use 3dsmax9, with 3dpipeline, exported to .b3d and use b3d materiales. that is a great tool!!! thanks for the comments, i very happy, but i like to change my participation in the community, so, i go to try to improve my english! |
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in this link of my web ther is a few videos of my games. http://indiesoft.com.ar/novedades.html |
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Ah ok, I thought so too. It seems it's very hard to pull those effects and glad you got the best out of FastLibs. They are really cool products I have to say. :) |
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Oooh the "latatoy simple race demo" was from you ? Much respect man ! "Off Road 4x4" is pretty good too imo. I am curious : do you code/graph alone or do you have a blitzbasic community in Argentina (i ask this because of the .ar) |
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Oooh the "latatoy simple race demo" was from you ? Much respect man ! "Off Road 4x4" is pretty good too imo. I am curious : do you code/graph alone or do you have a blitzbasic community in Argentina (i ask this because of the .ar) Hi!, thanks! yes, Latatoy Simple race was one of my first big projects!, i play that game sometimes. many time ago i change to Indiesoft for my own, and left latatoy to my friend for use Latatoy for communication enterprise :( I work alone, i work all my life for my own drawing houses and trucks in 3dsmax, so when i need a 3dmodel, textures, i make it fast. for code, i learn for my own, so, at the first i have many dificults to do what i wont, but now, year and years of programming in blitz3d is very easy to make anything. off corse, i have dificults, i never make a multiplayer game, i never understend buffer command, and many other functions!. but i use my tools to avoid my dificults. im from Buenos Aires, Argentina. i don't know others here, but Charrua from Uruguay is a friend thanks to Blitz3d. this is the only Blitz community that i know. the only important is the time, i don't sleep at the nights if i won to finish something. |
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You have talent and determination Santiworld, well done! So finish your projects ;) |
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Is your space game just a fly around space simulation or do you plan to develop a real game out of it, with story and objectives? I'm always interested in space game projects written in Blitz as I'm currently *trying* to create a cool space game too (I really must setup a blog about it soon). I'm not that good in 3D modeling yet - but your models look very good. Do you plan to release sourcecode or parts of it or do you keep everything for your own? For example: as I'm not interested in making money with my Blitz projects I always release the full source that others can learn from it or see how a specific algorithm works. And vice versa I love to see how other people solved problems and always learned a lot from their code. And I'd suggest that you should release your games in english language, too or at least add an option to switch the language to english. |
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Hi Santiworld, you have an amazing collection of projects! I would love to see a completed game from your space game, perhaps multiplayer? ;) |
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Hi Santiworld, I remember your impressive work from years gone by, great to see your progress! I'd a lot of fun with Vipers Jv Ode lib, one thing I found was some lthing like the collision detection needed a factor of 2 to work for me.... you are an inspiration. Charrua also has posted some phenomenal blitz3d showcases in the past :-D |
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Hi!, thanks for the comments! well done! So finish your projects Yes!, you have right! i have to say, i only finish at 100% only the games i sell to someone for a showroom or a event. in my own projects, without a time limit, i allways add more and more things to the game, i allways improve something, and never have the final version. maibe that is becouse i don't know how to sell my games. Do you plan to release sourcecode or parts of it or do you keep everything for your own? For example: as I'm not interested in making money with my Blitz projects I always release the full source that others can learn from it or see how a specific algorithm works. And vice versa I love to see how other people solved problems and always learned a lot from their code. Hi Krischan!, i see your works!, impresive!! the spacegame now is waiting for a good idea, i have ready to put misions, objetives, bad and good, but i no finish the idea yet. i no have problem now to share some part of the code, if you want something, i can post the code, not the all code of the game. about the 3dmodels, i not have much time to makes a new models, but if you need something maibe i can help you, alwways with the idea to share in the community. about the english lenguaje, yes, you have right about that!. TeaBoy, hi! i have to say, i'm realy bad programming the multiplayer communications, i never understand thats functions!! :) one thing I found was some lthing like the collision detection needed a factor of 2 to work for me the cardemo!, all the dinamics are great, i don't know if i try with collision factor x2, i go to check that. regards! |
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about the 3d models, i have a simple mesh, with a simple shape of a spaceship and i apply to that mesh the GREEBLE plugin for max i have some object childs, like engines, and the prop are childs too. in the spaceship, the shape of the spaceships are not important, only need to look's fine and that is the important, becouse i no finish the gameplay yet. ![]() http://max.klanky.com/plugins.htm |
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Also like the animated surface of the sun. Very nice. |
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the sun is made with 2 spheres, and 2 planes. here i upload the .b3d and textures i use. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByNb3nyTwzWxWHQ5Q2F2TnBpZ2c/view?pref=2&pli=1 ;creacion del sol Global SOL = LoadAnimMesh("texturas planetas\sol.b3d",master_pivot) s# = e*5 ScaleEntity SOL,s*e_planetas,s*e_planetas,s*e_planetas PositionEntity SOL ,0,0,0 NameEntity (SOL,"Sol (Sitema solar URI)") Global sol_plano1 = FindChild(SOL,"plano1") Global sol_plano2 = FindChild(SOL,"plano2") Global sol_interior = FindChild(SOL,"interior") Global sol_lens1 = FindChild(SOL,"lens1") EntityParent sol_plano1,SOL EntityParent sol_plano2,SOL EntityFX SOL,8 EntityOrder SOL,-2 EntityFX sol_plano1,1+8 EntityOrder sol_plano2,1+8 EntityOrder sol_interior,1+8 EntityOrder sol_lens1,1+8 Function update_sol() ;each frame TurnEntity sol_interior,0,.12,0 TurnEntity SOL,0,-.051,0 PointEntity sol_plano1,cam,(MilliSecs()*.001) PointEntity sol_plano2,cam,-(MilliSecs()*.001) PointEntity sol_lens1,cam End Function |