Drop Hero - anime style little dude :)
Community Forums/Showcase/Drop Hero - anime style little dude :)
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![]() If you want to see the character dancing, look here: http://www.deadpanda.com/3d/drophero3d.shtml After not working on any 3D (or much of anything else, due to... stuff) for a couple of months, I decided to get back on the proverbial horse and take a stab at making a new character in 3D. This guy is from a game concept I thought up a while ago, but I'm confident that the concept is too complex for me to ever undertake as a blitz project. As a result, I don't anticipate ever using this little dude in Blitz. I am, however, working on a model for a project certainly intended for Blitz... :) Has anyone had much success exporting meshes rigged with Character Studio into Blitz Basic? I used Character FX once, and it's good, but I prefer to work natively in MAX as much as possible. Especially as I don't like having data I can't import back into MAX. How about anyone rigging the character with regular bones in MAX? |
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Top Stuff! Love the dancing, cool character/motion match. |
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This is very cool ! |
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That model is so cool, it's pretty tragic to think that he'll never have his own game! sniff, sniff, waaaaaaaaaaah!! Cheers, Ryan |
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You are my hero. :) Is the character rigged for single bone weighting? |
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Thanks everyone! ^_^ I'm glad you like it! RSbrowndog - I know! I already decided that before I made the model, go figure! Maybe one day I'll find time (and the programming skill o_O) to make the idea, but for now, Drophero will just be left dancing ^_^ The game idea was based around jumping really high and dropping on to platforms, hense the 'drophero' name. Masterbeaker, at the moment the rigging is done in character studio with full envelope rigging. I would like to learn how to easily bone and export characters from MAX into B3D format, ideally using character studio. |
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Well first of all need to use Rigid vertex assignments, that's essential. That's just another way of saying what MasterBeaker already said, but it's the option you'll want when initialising your Character Studio rig. Then fine tune your vetices as you wish, but make sure you keep each vertex assigned to one and only bone. That's pretty much it. All you have to do then is export to SMD using Valve's exporter and convert to b3d with Milkshape. OR export to .X using the DirectX Exporter in the DX9 SDK and convert to b3d using Ultimate Unwrap 3d. Both methods work. I've tried them both. The SMD format is getting on a bit so you might find it breaks with particularly advanced models and/or animation. The .X method should be ok with anything though. Tigerz has just completed a tutorial on going the SMD route which will hopefully be up on Blitzcoder soon. |
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Oh.. almost forgot.. Very cool model. |
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That look so cool man, I love the radiosity on it, it makes it look like clay or a real model! :D |
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Dunno much about 3D modelling and what-have-you, but that dancing guy is well cool! Top stuff, mate. Have fun. |
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I think the guy is a girl. Does that fall into the "what-have-you"? :P |
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Even though i already told him its awsome on icq i can tell it again here :) Great stylish 3d models all of them! |
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That's awesome |
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Bloody Ell, This Sjit is off tha Hook! |
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Sybixsus - that's some great information! Thanks a lot, I shall definitely start trying to make some animated characters in MAX and export them to blitz, probably via unwrap3D. I'm downloading the DX9 SDK now :) 230mb though... might take some time via 56k o_O Masterbeaker - actually the character is male ^^; |
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i want him in a game! now! that is brilliant! |
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Excellent! Fredborg |
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Jesus, this peep is certainly asking to be the next MegaMan..... Ya know, if I had a program thats easy to model with and has a trial version that allows saving, I'd be makin my own anime-models of cat-chicks right now... |
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Ya know, if I had a program thats easy to model with and has a trial version that allows saving, I'd be makin my own anime-models of cat-chicks right now... There is. Since Dock is using 3dsMax, and the learning/modding version of 3dsMax is G-Max. You can only use it as a learning tool or for mods for the games it's compatible with, but you could still be creating those models if you wanted. |
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Absolutely awesome work, Dock. Very strong characterisation. I think that he would look great in a 3d Bomb Jack update. |
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On another topic, what the HELL did you render this in Dock? Just it looks like a freakin real-life toy IMO.... |
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Thanks Lemort! ^_^ Bomb Jack has aged pretty badly though, I don't think it would quite work ^_~ Genexi, the lighting is using Radiosity, so it looks more realistic than usual. |
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Bomb Jack is just as fun to play as it ever was. Great gameplay doesn't age badly. :) Anyway, the decision is made. You're going to make Bomb Jack 3d and let there be no more back chat from you, young man! Btw. I checked out the gallery on your website - There's lots of great stuff there. |
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Eh? Bomb Jack has aged badly? WTF? |
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BJ still is a very cool game! |
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Okay okay enough ^^; lol... I *really* enjoyed Bombjack immensely back in the day (Bombjack 2 was beyond rubbish though), but I just personally didn't feel like it would work well as a modern game for 2003 ^_~ |
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Eh? Bomb Jack 2 was beyond rubbish? WTF? ;o) Heh, I liked that one too, at least the Amstrad version I played. Quite an unusual concept. Not at all like BJ, interestingly. |
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I liked Amstrad Bomb Jack too. I remember it came in a quad pack with Airwolf, Frank Bruno's Boxing and Commando. Still got it somewhere, although I bet the tape doesn't work now. |
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"I'm downloading the DX9 SDK now" Aaaah, don't do that. You don't need the entire SDK, just the 3D Studio Max exporter. You want to look for "DirectX SDK Extras." |
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I had that Elite pack too :o) Mine is long gone though. It was good, except for airwolf. |
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Just wanted to drop in with some more praise. This is top notch stuff for sure. You should seek a position in the industry with talent like this man. |
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his head his face his arm his leg his body his texture his.. his... arghhh no word to describe... toooo awesome |
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yup, cooler the more i look at it. can i have it now? :> |
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I've come to this topic a dozen times, and everytime I look at that pic, I am astounded at the quality of that model. It just looks so much a like a toy... mind blowing! |
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Lovely :) send me the model if you want I'm getting back to work on the max plugin now... (rob (at) redflame . net) (please add the @) and I'll use it to test the plugin. |
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Amazing - looks like a clay / plastecine model... :) |