Tattoo Skinning Tool Demo

Community Forums/Showcase/Tattoo Skinning Tool Demo

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#1]
Here's the demo of my new Mesh Skinning tool 'Tattoo'. It is designed to allow you to paint a skin directly onto a Mesh.

Download 1.4 Meg

Here's a screenshot:

Let me know how you get on!

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#2]
Giving it a try right now. I'll let you know what I think.

Al Mackey(Posted 2003) [#3]
Lee, I use your LightWave converter and your Pak Maker, and I've been wishing for an app like this ever since they stopped making Painter3D. You are a God among men. This is a really good start.. With a few more features like smooth airbrush and changable tip sizes, this could be quite a powerful tool. Any plans for tablet pressure support?

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#4]
You can change the tip size with either mouse wheel or + / - keys on the keypad (But the display window must be in focus).

A tip size GUI element will be coming along soon with alpha blended airbrush following shortly.

Hmmm, how would blitz sense Tablet pressure I wonder?

As a general point, if there are ideas on features you would like to see, now's the time to voice them!

superqix(Posted 2003) [#5]
It works pretty well. I'd say it would be great for doing cartoon style textures, but it would need a lot more drawing tools to be an effective mesh painter.

Still, it's very impressive.

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#6]
The textureguide system is intended to make it easier to transfer images from 2D onto the mesh visually, but other options (such as snapshot and MapBack) are being investigated for practicality.

jhocking(Posted 2003) [#7]
How do you save?

It's not much use by itself but I can see this being useful for matching up details across seams in the UV map.

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#8]
There is no save option at the moment.

As the version number suggests (0.5) it's only just functional (Previous versions had no GUI at all!) and still has a fair amount of development work ahead.

It works quite nicely with well set up UVs, but not as well with very fragmented ones.

To do list:
Alpha Brushes (variable size and Hardness)
SnapShot -> Mapback
Scaling of TextureGuides / Textures
More as I think of it...

superqix(Posted 2003) [#9]
The textureguide system is intended to make it easier to transfer images from 2D onto the mesh visually, but other options (such as snapshot and MapBack) are being investigated for practicality.

I think I missed the textureguide system when betaing (is that a word???) But the concept seen in the screenshot looks good.

Ian Thompson(Posted 2003) [#10]
I think this is really cool. Works very well and easy to boot.

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#11]
Hit the button 'Load TextureGuide'. When loaded, you can switch (by pressing space) once focused on the Display module on the textureguide you loaded. Right Click to set your start point, then space again to switch back to the model.

You can then draw with the texture onto the model using the Clone Brush.

Litobyte(Posted 2003) [#12]
Eheheh nice!

Odds On(Posted 2003) [#13]
doh! another application that uses separate exe's for the interface and the 3d display... Not saying it's necessarily a bad thing, I just I hope it doesn't catch on :P

Skitchy(Posted 2003) [#14]
I'm pretty sure I'm responsible for the whole 2 exe thing.

Sorry, I should have kept it a secret ;)

Nice program BTW Terrabit.

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#15]
Got the raging FLU at the moment, so not much is happening with Tattoo at the moment. As soon as BlitzMax arrives I'll put it all in one .exe

I prefer to work from one source, but have little choice as Blitz3D doesn't do GUI.

Beaker(Posted 2003) [#16]
/me pokes Terabit with BlitzUI (by Fullernator). :)

Zo Zo Zee Zar(Posted 2003) [#17]
Yeah stick it into one app, the two app thing is a bit smelly.

Tattoo looks like it's going to be something quite sexy - make the change now and save yourself a lot of work later on.

TeraBit(Posted 2003) [#18]
I know what you mean.

I'll look into BlitzUI and see if it suits what I'm doing.