BetaTesters Wanted....
Community Forums/Showcase/BetaTesters Wanted....
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Alrighty My first 'REAL' 3D game project complete... - 2 Player and Multiplayer - Included GNet - Uses Playlist for you fav. ingame music. - External CFGTool. - Antialiasing, Hardware Mutlitexturing, Dithering. Etc etc etc... Now i need betatesters and i need to work out bugs.... screenies... download now! ![]() ![]() |
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Played two player, all was fine. Went to the <join game> menu item, where there is a choice to input an ip address... pressed <esc> (thinking to return to the menu) and got the message "connecting (attempting) to Press (esc) to abort" then my system froze and I had to reboot. |
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Hmm odd never happened to me. Srry for any probs i might have caused....I'll defenitely look into it... |
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Yes, this is the first time I've had to reboot Windows. < keeps a straight face > ... |
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Well Thanks for testing keyboard. I fixed it (Mine Rebooted as well... :( ) Just redownload. The problem was i used my graphical inputbox function, and escape exits that function but proceeds the joingame function.... witch results in system failure.... but it's fixed now thanks for that... |
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That seems fixed... nice graphics on the installer... a cute installer always makes a good first impression :) would there be a helpfile, like a html file, to walk new users through setting the remote addressing? |
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yes there wil be some documentation (chm) but on the completion stage like the topic says beta testers.. it's fairly simple on eplayer hosts. his/her ip apears in the other players join game listbox and the other player clicks and joins the game or if the listed ip is incorrect he/she can always enter the ip manualy... the cfg tool allows you to configure ports that the program uses.... this game also uses aplaylist allowing users to play their fav music dusing play.... f1 for ingame chat.... still havent heard what u think of the game... |
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Oh... sorry! Nice Graphics and background, well, and the gameplay was smooth, and it was the most fun I've had playing tic-tac-toe by myself. Sorry, Darklordz, to be a bit vague, its just that I have never been any good at tic-tac-toe, anyone can beat me, so I really was checking the game for bugs... You need a tic-tac-toe enthusiast to give a proper rating! All I can say is that I was impressed that you made it as attractive as it is, given that the playfield is just a #. cheers |
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Anyone else who wants to help out? |
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in 1958 world exhibition in Brussels Belgium, the main attraction of the american pavilion was a computer on which you could play tictactoe. Right in front of the american pavilion was standing the russian one where the main attraction was Sputnik. Tictactoe is to my opinion a game that is just funny to program AI for. Then to test the AI by playing against the computer. Remember "Wargames" the movie. Tictactoe is "nerdy". Altough I can remember vaguely a 3D tictactoe which was composed of 3 grids of 3x3 supperposed, you could make three in a line on the X,Y or Z axis (or diagonals). All this to say that I see two "ideas" to enhance your game. Either put some of "the history of tictactoe" to it, or transform the game into something less minimal. I like it minimal (but then really rough ala "wargames") but it could evolve along with levels... And I don't understand why there isn't a mode against the computer. You miss all the fun of it! Programming the "AI" (not sure you can say its AI!). The game has a good graphic layout and I experienced no bugs, it is fun for 30 seconds (been programming a tictactoe myself). I see no point of making a multiuser out of it, I can play this on messenger with the whiteboard and I will see my oponent, I can chat with him and send him some files and pictures while playing. And even all of this doesn't make tictactoe really enjoyable for more than a few seconds. In the tictactoe I programmed (it is a small subgame) the aim is to let the computer win (for this in the AI one of the "rules" to win has been disbled so that you have deliberately to let it win) then the computer take control of the environment ... for little stories read this also maybe some inspiration! |
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I know ive seen those ideas the 3d ttt and the normal ttt. Now bout the ai,call me lazy but i don't feel like pre claculating every possible move for the computer and than having it make a rnd desision on witch move to make... The 3d matrix i had already tought of a matric with 6 arenas all playable @ once..( the original had 3 ) but a cube like arena that could be turned or twisted n stuff... it's highly possible for me to add a hyper arena in the game. But this is an evolving game there will be updates n stuff.... other then that since this is myfirst real 3d game i think i did ok... erhmm about the multiplayer thing. Chatting is possible and it's the 3d experience that gives it an edge besides this is a game aimed @ children from to age of 5 to 9... something of interest to you. When playing TTT players always have a starting strategy. Ive played my TTT alot and ivenarrowed it down to 2 main strategy's and he other usualy are counteredby other strategys and end in draw's. Now when creating an ai id have to checkcontinuesly of the 2 strategy's could be applies in anyway. and then let the ai react accordingly..... all and all. thanks for the quick review.... |
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Oh yes you did ok! It is a very sleek design altough I think 5 to 9 years old audience are enjoying mario-kart clones, really things that build up reflex. Thus the aim of your game would be to learn these strategies to win. Also I think the design (I mean graphic layout) is more intented for a web audience that likes stylish designs, certainly not a 5 to 9 audience. You don't have pre calculate every possible move (this is the way it is teached in AI lessons I know) you can make a decision making loop (using the rules of your strategies f.e.). You know its like in wargames when the hero puts his mark in the center spot and then the AI is crashing because it cannot win. "Be smarter than the AI" has some game appeal :) |
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This game will apear on a bundle disc. it's also has a significan value for me. my website has a logo (bal with point innit.) this game is like an ode to my website. an arena representing a point in 3d space within a 3d sphere. I understand that it is more intended for an internet audience. and that thisis in fact a lil boring with sleek design. your points are quite valid and i'll give it some tought to spice it up a bit. I was working on particle fx but i havent quite got the hang of particle system n fx n stuff....i always write my ownsjit so... |
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This looks to me what we call Noughts And Crosses. Your game looks great, nice work. You do know of course that it's impossible to lose (or even win) in this game if you know the trick of where to go on the second turn in relation to the first? |
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Thanks Enay, Thats why i created a 2 player mode and a multiplayer mode to go along because it's you against ur friends and u all get to c who is more stupid :p point n laugh.... |