Converted old c64 basic program to blitz.
Community Forums/Showcase/Converted old c64 basic program to blitz.
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Just to let some people know, there is this old children's programming book called "Write your own program (series) : Creating a database / adventure game" It's a tiny text adventure game called "Neptune's Caverns" was published in 1985 and I converted it to blitz. I may post it in the code archives. I'm going to modernize it (take out goto's line numbers, gosubs, replace with functions etc) and then modify it to learn adventure game programming inside and out. If anyone wants me to post it in the code archives, let me know, if not, then don't :-) |
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Sounds interesting :c) The C64 was a goldmine of awesome games. My 3 1/3 year old and I fool around with something similiar called Tales Animator She enjoys making up stories and having me set them up for her to watch. Its helping her learn reading and letters and numbers, etc. |
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1 person, gee i guess no one cares ;-) Oh this is just a simple text adventure... from a kids book in 85... I'm going to use it as a spring board to learn adventure game programming, and to possibly enhance my storytelling ablities. I'm already modernizing the code that is, got rid of all subroutines in favor of functions, and got rid of all goto's. After I finish renaming some variables and commenting, i'm going to see about making it flexible. So I can make other games with the system. |
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I am interested as well. I have a lot of old text based TRS-80 progs I have thought about converting into something I can run today. |
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when i'm done with the 2nd version (goto-less version), i'll post both versions, so you can see how it goes. I'm thinking about also setting up a webpage for my project, and putting the source up. If I can figure out how, I may even make a system that runs from an executable. Since this game is about less than 32k and I have blitz3d, which means the exe is about 1 meg, it's rediculous to release such a game... Instead i'll put up a single exe that will run the game files... i'll also put up the source for blitz basic users, since the exe version would be for non-blitzers |
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Cool, I appreciate it. Maybe this will give me some drive to get busy on some of my TRS-80 conversions. :) Thanks! |
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Okay go check both out in the code archives, in the Miscellaneous section, since this is a full game. There's the original ugly version, and the nice updated version. Knock yerself out ;-) |
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Double post :-( |
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I would like to get a hold of some of the old Compute! programming books. A still have most all the books I had back then, and still flip through them. Anyone know of some e-book links for the olde 8-16 bit computers ? (if you know how to work newsgroups check out alt.binaries.e-book.technical) I think I am going to start a post asking people to list all the computer books they own partly for kicks. I love computer books... i am such-a-nerd! HAHA! |
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I do for some atari stuff... - Basically it has a bunch of books online about atari programming. |
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Thanks for the code! |
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@Uhfgood Yeah, I actually found and bookmarked that site. It has an adventure book that was given to me many moons ago that has since vanished. It was really cool to see it again. There was a book on TI games by Compute! that I had too, it too vanished. I would like to see THAT one again. It had a simulation of an AirTraffic controller in it. But that's all I can remember. |
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Oooh, i didn't notice "Creating adventure games on your computer" there... (the atari archives site)... i'll have to check it out now :-D |
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@Uhfgood <grin> I saved each page from the site onto my harddrive. I have "COMPUTE!'s Guide to Adventure Games". This one hasn't vanished.. yet.. |
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cool... I noticed though that the book in atari archives is leaning in the rpg direction... not into rpg's, stats and fighting monsters and such... Although it looks like it has some solid information. |
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I don't know who's moderating this forum, but could someone move this thread to Miscellaneous\User Projects? Thanks. |
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I remember that adventure. I think I typed it in as a kid as well... |
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Moved as requested! (I love old computer books too, no matter how practically useless. Spectrum manuals are the best of all.) |
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I still own my c64 programmers reference guide... great stuff to flick through on a rainy afternoon |
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Thanks for moving it! After looking at it I realized it would be better seen and served in here (the projects forum) ------------- Unfortunately at the time I owned a c64 I wasn't into programming, just playing games ;-) But it's fun to see something and convert it to blitz. It's also cool to see some people who like to play around like this. You could take all the old program listings and convert them, it would be fun. Anyways i'm reading "Creating adventure games on your computer" from the atari archives site, giving me some good ideas. Although it is a little on the rpg side (meaning stats, and random monster battles <grin>) it looks to be a decent resource. After i'm done going through it, i'll be taking neptune's caverns and writing a small system off of it, then i'll start adding to it, and eventually making it something really cool. Stay tuned! |
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I still have this very worn book, a lot better than the reference guide IMHO:![]() |
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yep... definately looks worn ;-) Of course general computer usage books aren't very useful to me, except maybe for a reference when porting. Really i'm just looking for adventure related text... Stuff like language parsing, and how they structured their program, etc. The book i got at the library, and even that one on are very simplistic ie... make a map, create an array, some variables, load data statements in, move by changing your position, etc... (verb-noun, extract 3 letters of each)... pretty simple stuff. that's why i'm contemplating entering in the programs in that online book... mainly because i've already covered it in this kids book. Even though it would be fun, it's not very productive. Wellp have fun :-) |
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Cool Wedoe... The Reference Guide was the only decent thing to buy in Holland, really. |
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Wow, that IS worn ! I live near Athens, GA, just moved here about two years ago. I found out not too long ago about a series of used book stores. I think I'll be hitting them soon to see if I can find any lost gems. |
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Stuff like language parsing, and how they structured their program, etc. You could learn a LOT from the ZORK source, they released the source code for three of them. |
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White Eagle - thanks i'll be searching that out. I've already started building my little game system. The hope is to have everything done in such a way that it's not hardcoded, so I could take the same game and change the data and come up with a new game. Then i get to expand :-) Keith |
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My favorite C64 game of all time was "Below The Root". Moving around in a world were everyone lives in giant trees. Maybe someone could do a 3D version of it. Anyone have a Shubba handy. |
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I'd like to see a blitz version of Telengard. It very well may be the first game I ever played on an Apple//. Then when I got my C64 I had to have it. Then I found out it was written... in BASIC. It was one of the first lengthy source codes I perused and it helped me want to start programming games. Kanati |
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Everybody who's interested in text adventures: check out freeware 'engines' like TADS or ALAN. These are quite handy to create text adventures (or 'interactive fiction' as most adventurewriters seem to prefer). Obviously you can do it in Blitz too, but then you have to write your own parser and stuff like that. On the TADS and ALAN sites are also lots of links to sites which go in detail about designing adventures, apart from the technical stuff. Although I didn't use these apps much, I had great fun exploring them. Check out |
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The idea was to learn to write my own, but lately i've been busy, so i haven't done anything with that source for a while. |