Model Resource
Community Forums/Showcase/Model Resource
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Hey guys- I just started my Model resource site feel free to check it out and tell me what you think. |
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It all looks very good, I will be buying a set for my project. |
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Thanks, good luck with your project. Saw the screens they look very nice. |
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They look nice, LMK if you ever get an ordering method set up for those who do not have credit cards. |
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Very nice work. Jazz the site up a bit and I think you're on to a winner. Have you posted on the DB/Gamestudio forums as well? $10 per pack is a bargain. :) |
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@WHITE Im looking into other methods of payment too. @Skitchy Im not great at the web Dev. stuff but I agree it does needs more JAZZ. |
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@DAvis FWIW, ShareIt seems to be VERY accessible to most folks around the globe and they do not have increased fees like others do if your customer needs to pay via snail mail with a check or money order. |
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Looks Good. :) |
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Good stuff - and hardly pricey... great work! I agree Skitchy, the site looks bit dull (luckly the content is good :)). Maybe more screenshots would be good, like wireframe renders, and more info for every object like how many polygons it has and how many textures it uses (and some texture size info) would be good to know? |
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@WHITE I will check out ShareIt, Thanx @Mustang Thanx for the tips. I have decide to remake the site in flash and add the stuff you suggested. Good stuff guys. Thanx |
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remake the site in flash Noooo! Not Flash... that's the anti-christ of all web-things! Just make it neater, but stay away from the Flash! :) |
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Noooo! Not Flash... that's the anti-christ of all web-things! Just make it neater, but stay away from the Flash! :) Flash is SO 20th century. I hit on a site and its flash, I usually just close the window. |
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There is rarely a good reason to create a site in flash, and more often several bad ones. |
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WOW OK I wish would have saw this before I just spent 4 hours on making one LOL! oh well. I didnt think flash was such a big no no. Well I guess I will just spruss up the current one then. thanx again |
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byside HTML flash is the only Alternative, 98% of all Browsers are supporting Flash, that's more than Javascript or whatever. I hate it, but for Animations and some Multimedia Content it's the only way. But I agree, it shouldn't be used for a simple Navigation or a Product Presentation. In fact I hate Flash, but some Artists and Screen Designers cannot live without a Flash Intro... |
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Flash is generally bad. It can be good in small doses and for specific types oif website (multimedia heavy sites) For a site that is trying to make money you should go for clean simple design that the maximum audience can view. Basically that means html. Really if you can get people to your site it doesn't matter how it looks. It's the content you are selling not your web design. I would recommend you dump the image links though. They make navigation for people who turn off images (like me) rather more difficult. |
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Well I just redesigned the site in html NOT flash. And I am pretty happy with it. There is still some cleanup and some additions to do. Im going to focus on modeling right now and slowly get the site tip top. Thanks for all your suggestions and help. |
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Davis, They look good - nice one. As for the web site... hm, I have a poposal for you. I use Virtools, it is like RenderWare but it has an excellent web component. The download is 800k or so. Then you can play or view any 3d stuff in 3d, with whatever interactivity you programme in. If you provide me with one of the models and I'll export it in such a way that you can view your 3d objects in 3d on the web, you'll be able to 'walk' around them and have a proper look, with a small download, in your browser. If you like it, I could do all the objects in their scenes and your web site would come alive. I am prepared to do one model for you as a test. What do you think? What's in it for me? Well I would get a set of your models for each scene you wanted in 3d, e-mail me directly if you wish to chat about my idea. IPete2. |
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Can you use Virtools with commercial stuff? I have on my own website Viewpoint Player (DL section) but it's free only when used to show non-commercial stuff. |
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Just wanted to let everyone know that the plant set has been added to the site. Drop in and check it out. |
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Just added a free samples section. There is only a couple so far but I will periodically be adding more content to it. |
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Very nice! Will you be making any weapon models? I need a rocket launcher, shotgun, grenade launcher, flak cannon, and a few other sci-fi weapons. |
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You might also want to add the website link to you signature (like I have)... or at least add link to you post! :) And I think weapons would be a nice addition, sci-fi or real. |
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Thanks guys, and it looks like the next set of models is going to be sci-fi and there will be weapons in it. Thanks for the tip with the web link. Didnt realy know about that. |