Programer Visual Task Project

Community Forums/Showcase/Programer Visual Task Project

mag.(Posted 2003) [#1]
This is my current project. 90% done.

Thanks for all forum member who help answer some of my question related to this VT programming.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2003) [#2]
Looks nice!

Koriolis(Posted 2003) [#3]
Indeed! Gimme gimme gimme :)

Koriolis(Posted 2003) [#4]
I'm really suprised to see how few people seem interested right now. It may not be so impressive programming-wise (though it seems very polished), but I know it will be a pleasure to use for me, as I tend to have never ending todo lists. The thing is I don't wanna forget anything, so as soon as I think about the *least* thing I have to do I write it down in my list. So it gets huge pretty fast, and as I don't like to spend hours to manage it, the list gets close to unreadable pretty fast, which is not very pleasant when you come back to it.
Not to say that having a hierarchical todo list (and not having to spend hours managing it) makes it hugely easier to have a global vision of what needs to be done.
That will definietely a handy tool.

[/Support Mag post]

PS: BTW, it's free I guess?
PPS: and any release date?

Kuron(Posted 2003) [#5]
This looks very nice. I would definitely make good use of this...

Qcat(Posted 2003) [#6]
this looks like a fantastic tool I have been looking for sum think to manage my projects. Has I am always forgetting what I shod be doing.

Is there any features to assist in team based projects. I.e. submitting bugs to be assets

I look forward to trying a beta in the near future

mag.(Posted 2003) [#7]
Thanks your many support.

This program is actually started just for my own use. But then its getting intresting and I can't believe I really enjoy doing it.


PS: BTW, it's free I guess?

Well the thing can be more intresting now and then. But let be a free tool for now. By the way its just a Task Schedule ;)
In future if its really satable and after I spend 100 hours more of my timee, why not. ;)

PPS: and any release date?

I think you all can have it now. But Its not a complete program yet. ;)
I can use it, I don't know you ;)

And lastly, I would like any suggession and bug report on it. Please just post here cos I don't have any website for it yet.


Koriolis(Posted 2003) [#8]
By the way its just a Task Schedule ;)
Just what I had understood, and just what I need :)

First bug reports (other than those already listed):
- when clicking on the priority icon (not in the toolbar but on the left of the item) it cycles from 1 to 3 instead of 1 to 9
- when folding all tasks I have lost all the items! It's just a visual problem though, as relaoding the file (not saved) doesn't help, but quiting and reloading make them come back.
- when clicking "task property" from the menu it just made the window lose the focus, and block the app.

Suggestions (none vital):
- a "most recent files".
- a percent display on top of the progress bar, and an optional snap (say snapping values to the nearest multiple of 10%).
- being able to add new file extensions supported in the open dialog for setting document references, and presetting the one that is selected by default. Chances are I will use this tool for my C++/java/whatever projects too, so that would be nice. Of course I can use the "all files" filter... but why not making it perfect rather than only near perfect? :)
- being able to use our own icons.

Thanks again for that, this lil tool is really cool :)
The downside being: no more any excuse for not getting things done :p