Terraed release 2.0.5
Community Forums/Showcase/Terraed release 2.0.5
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Now with shadow+lightmaping :) Official TerraEd page : http://www.3dgametool.com/project_terraed.htm Download the latest version on : http://www.blitz3dfr.com/terraed_projet/TerraEd.zip ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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WHoahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! Very very nice Release Filax ! Thanks you again. Regards, |
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Very nice, may just have to pick this up. |
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Looking good Filax ! |
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can't wait to test it |
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Bought it, just waiting for my email to DL it. |
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Patient, you will receive you Key, etc... :) I think Filax it's in his BED.. It's 5:17 AM at Paris. Regards, |
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very nice. I suggest the lightmap looks a litle too harsh. Might be better to make the sky a bit brighter also. its a similar tonal range to the scenery right now. but still looking very good man.foliage looks good if I was using terrains I would probably use it |
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Hi Falelorn, when share it send me email about your order i send you the reg key quicly :) but i have not receive this morning |
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Once again... Filax makes TerraED shine like the sun! Keep up the great work man! |
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Got it this morning :D to bad I have to work today, I hate letting toys sit lol |
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For the next release i'm working on a textured colormap generator :) |
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Woot cool ! Very interessing... We can using TerraED Colormap system for BlitzTree Engine :) 1 green dot on the Heighmap = 1 Tree Regards, |
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i'm working on :) |
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filax For the next release i'm working on a textured colormap generator :) WOW!!!! This is frick'n GREAT!!!!!!! If you wasn't a guy, Id' would kiss you!! :) Not to rush you as all good things come in the natural course of time and all... But when do you think the next update might be available you think? Just curious...?!? |
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Hehehe Be patient :) Filax working very fast ! Regards, |
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soon as possible :) |
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Very very nice :-D Keep it's Up Filax ! Regards, |
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Mhmm with this addition i think i may just buy it :) |
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well im using the grytech sandbox editor to do my height maps and texturesmaps |
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Does it also lightmap objects placed on it like the trees and bridges etc.. |
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yes |
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Wow, the colormap thingy is just perfect for my project. Glad I purchased it. |
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I plan to a compatibility with AlienCodec BlitzTREE references map :) (The little heightmap with GREEN point) Like that you can use terraed for placing you objects directly. |
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Very nice, filax!! the colormap generator was the thing I was waiting for!!! Thank you very much! |
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Filax, Did I send you the Texture Map rendering code? (for making a new texture map from multiple textures according to heightmap information) |
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no ? but i have made a little colormap rendering engine. but if you want send me by email ! :) Thanks Tim, your help greatly approved. |
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Hi Filax could you add possibility to paint colors of the terrain directy in TerraEd? If you add that or promisse to add it, I'll buy this thing ;) |
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hum ? not for the moment. But with color map generation youcan re work on your map with a real paint program. |
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Sent the code to you. |
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it's easier to add details directly on the terrain, that's why I asked for it ;) btw do you know of any good links of heightmaps for well know canyons and vallies? |
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Use World Machine ! the ultimate Terrain Heightmap generator. |
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I take it you cannot yet edit the heightmap? If not, maybe you can edit them in Total Terrain (click my sig), paint on an initial colourmap and then shade them and add trees etc in Terraed... |
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I think you should merge total terrain with terraed ;) |
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filax, I recently purchased Aliencodec's Blitztree3D programme. I was able to incorporate a treemap into your TerraED code but to do so I had to duplicate the terrain as per Blitz3D normal commands and shift it along X and Z axis (your point of origin not same as Blitz3D's ?) so that it dropped just below the surface of TerraEd's terrain. It worked a treat except that the FPS just died!!! Maybe because I used 2 terrains effectively? I wish to greatly endorse your TerraEd project - it is a must! |
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Using 1 terrain is bad enough.. 2 will just kill your app.. |
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Having used 2 terrains, one say dropped down 25 units below TerraEd's terrain I had assumed the Blitz engine would only be calculating one set of polys i.e. those "in sight" on the surface - would I be wrong then in thinking that? I had assume the slowdown was due to the Aliencodec programme testing the terrain for correct ground level to drop trees onto plus their branch movement routine. Incidentally, filax, the light map generator is very good, but it does seem to produce too much lumonosity to my overall colour map i.e. some parts of it are almost flourescent. I have turned "shininess" off, ambient lighting down but to no effect. Is this just me? |
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Kendo I'm working with alien codec for compatibility with TerraEd and BlitzTree we are ok now ! i think that you receive soon as possible a BlitzTree release :) it work well with terraed (we have made the change Monday) be patient the Blitztree release coming soon :) |
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good news:) |
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Hi, I'm in the middle of putting Blitzgrass on my site but I should be able to get around to adding a new Blitztree function today or tommorow.. BT_LoadTerraEDColorMap(name$). This function will work with exported tree maps produced by TerraED. It also leaves the current system in tact for backward compatibility.. I'll try to get this release online by tommorow... Thursday the latest. |
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Hi there, So this is how to get BlitzTree and TerraED working together.. TerraED Player ------------------ Include "Inc_TerraEdLoader.bb" Include "bt3d_include.bb" <------- You will need to stay for Aliencodec release it's or not for the moment your Trees are not at the good spot. ... Tree_Cam=camera .. Ter_LoadTerraMap("Demo.Ted") LoadTreeColorMap("tree.bmp","mytreelist.txt",Terra_Map,Terra_Scale,0) <------ This one will be called BT_LoadTerraEDColorMap in the new bt3d_include.bb .. Repeat .. Ter_UpdateTerra(camera) UpdateQuads() .. Regards, |
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. |
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Important : My ISP have blocked my site ;( 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded' i'm searching fuc... solution ... If you want register TerraEd send me an email at : blitz3d.fr@... |
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OK, I give up! After a frustrating evening, I have been unable to link up TerraEd and Blitztree3D. I think I've followed Kornflex's example but although I can run the TerraEd map using terraedplayer there is not a tree to be seen. The BT3d include programme is not throwing up any errors. I downloaded aliencodecs 1.4 & 1.41 Blitztree3d files but couldn't find the BT_LoadTerraEDColorMap command. Am I right in thinking you have yet to do, Alienhead? If I am getting ahead of the game, I shall await the new command, but if someone is positive that Kornflex's example is sound I will have to study my version most carefully to find my deliberate mistake. All the best |
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Hi Kendo, send an email to Sabata (AlienHead). He not put them online yet. We fixed them last night and they work perfect. ------------ Edit the TerraED Player.bb ---------------------------------- Include "Inc_TerraEdLoader.bb" Include "bt3d_include.bb" Include "blitzgrass_include.bb" ... Tree_Cam=camera (the camera of TerraED) TREE_SEASON=1 <--------- Season *check in your Btree and Bgrass include for more informations :-D ... Ter_LoadTerraMap("Demo.Ted") BT_LoadTerraEDColorMap("tree.bmp","mytreelist.txt",Terra_Map,Terra_Scale,0) <---- For Trees GR_LoadTerraEDColorMap("grass.bmp",Terra_Map,Terra_Scale) <---- For Grass ... Repeat ... Ter_UpdateTerra(camera) UpdateQuads() <----- Don't forget this function for your Trees ! (animated leaves) ... ------------ Regards, |
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Thanks Kornflex for your prompt answer. I'll be patient for a day or two and give Alienhead time to get the new command online. Hopefully he'll post here to confirm when the new BT3d version is ready. |
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NP Kendo, check you Email. Regards, |
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Terraed 2.0.6 colormap editor colormap generated from heightmap image ;) You can add a texture for create detail on the colormap ![]() and the terrain rendering with this colormap : ![]() |
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Brilliant! Many thanks Kornflex. The trees have just loomed into sight. The merging of the two programmes is just awesome! Catch you later |
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one more thing that terraed woulde need is some way to place fog at water level like so that you have bluefog when your under water surface like why not a particel system implemented in terraed |
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NP Kendo :) Enjoy, Regards, |
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Smurfpuss : i plan the water setup |
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maybe for the 2.0.6 ? :) |
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Fast=Double Posts hahahahaha nice work Filax :) Regards, |
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filax, the example of the terrain with the colormap is very good !!! Is the 2.0.6 version ready ? |
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Filax. When we getting that colour map editor. in 2.0.6 ? if so I cant wait. Also Again I need access to much larger terrains. *50 in the editor is about a 4th the size id like. possibly even smaller. Im wondering how easy you would think it would be to load more than one terraed map, and stich them together ???? |
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No guys :) i'm working on but the release soon :) Let me work !!! :) lol For the moment TerraEd load only one terrain I have add 3 new terrain size 60 and 70 and 80 |
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filax, that's good news but at the risk of incurring your wrath, dare I suggest that you need to raise the height limit so that it exceeds 5000, otherwise the mountains on larger terrains will start "lowering" effectively. Just a suggestion! :) |
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This new size destroy shadow quality :( |
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Bad news! In which case I, for one, would be more than happy to accept current terrain size limitations - we don't want to break something if it's working!!! Regards |
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Apologies - open rereading, my use of the word "limitations" sounds bad and I didn't intend it to read that way. No intent to give offense :( I should have phrased it : I'm happy for terrain size to remain as is! :) |
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Good new i have resolved the problem !! (a bug in my shadow mapper) thanks for your help ! I confirm : I have add 3 new terrain size 60 and 70 and 80 |
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Well done Filax !!! What about adding sounds entities in terrain ? Or at least "pivot" entities with names so in main program we are able to localize these objects and place "sounds" or "particle emitters" or anything else on a particular location ? (Désolé Filax je te donne du boulot :) ) |
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Apologies guys if this is a stupid question - but why is there "edit" against my entries? Am I doing something wrong? |
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The edit against your entries is merely so you can click edit and edit your post in case you made a mistake.. everybody see's them against their post :) |
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the app looks really good :-) but there is a bad problem with the demo: when I put in a lightmap the whole terrain becomes white with the shadowmap on it! may I ask which layers you used for what on the terrain? 0 - detail map 1 - lightmap 2 - color map ? |
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It's because you have an older GFX Card (like geforce 2 mx) i plan an option for setup the entitytexture blend for lightmap.That resolve the problem Olive : It's a good idea ! |
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I have GF4 Go yes But in normal cases there is no problem with up to 4 texture layers and in this case even just 3 are used ... |
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The number is not the problem :) but i have used two texture with blend 5.Don't panic for the next release the problem will resolved. |
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Hi Filax, If you want bandwidth for files then let me know, I run multiple dedicated servers and can easily provide you 200-300GB downloads a month. Andy |
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Thx 23v, but i have buy 5 GO of bandwish ! the user on blitz3dfr have eat more than 20Go on this month ! lol |
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lol that's hard *ggg* pushed to the nirvana by others *ggg* |
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For the 2.0.6 version : i have modify a little bit the right toolbar :) you can now setup the shadows color and alpha, because sometime the shadow are too dark when you have many objects like trees at the same place. |
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Just released BlitzTree 1.42 featuring colormap support produced by terraED. Enjoy! |
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Nice work Sab ! Regards, |
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Thanks Kornflex for the spec on terraED loader.. couldnt have done it without ya. :)>> |
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Hi AlienHead ;) hello french :) |
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Filax did you ever get your bandwidth shoveled yet because you sent me a couple of emails, And I emailed you back telling you that I didn't recieve the file attachments you sent me! The file attachments you sent me are as follows: TerraED Player ParticleCandy.bb TerraED Player ParticleCandy Weather.bb Grass01.b3d Grass01.png I also downloaded the latest version of TerraEd from your supplied link in my email... But the following features never showed up after installation of the update. Here's what you sent me: Hi dear customer's :) this is a little release before the final ; Worklog 2.0.6 : ; ---------------------- -Function added : TerraEd is compatible with BlitzTree references map (heightmap with green pixel) for paste objects from bitmap. -Function added : The OBJECT window have 3D preview now :) (Beta) I havn't got these features from the supplied download from the link you have in the email you sent me? I've installed past version of TerraED with no problems until now! I wonder what I could be possibly doing wrong then?!? :( P.S. The file attachments in thoes emails you sent me are also Greyed out!!! for some strange reason, and I can not save them! Any clue's as to why? |
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filax have you tried the Sandbox editor for Far Cry? TerraEd is starting to look remarkably like it in some ways. How does the colormap for 2.0.6 work -- is it based on height ranges? If you can add the ability to paint textures on the terrain I'll by 5 more copies and never bother you again :) |
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DoctorWho, I had the same problem with regard to the greyed out attachments. I use Outlook Express 6 which I assume you are also. The solution below is curtesy of my wife. In Outlook express you need to go to Tools/Options/Security Tab. Once there you need to untick "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus". Then apply, come back out go back in and, with a bit of luck, filax's attachments will be available to you. |
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I'm sorry doctor who but your are the only one :) I have send to you 3 email where i say : "Can you give me a valid email adress, where i can send to you the terraed release" Wihtout success, so when you say that the feature are not included !! please verify your terraed directory, because the blitztree feature is in the online version since 5 days, i'm sorry.... Verify you terraed directory you must have this : <DIR> Map Demo <DIR> TerraEd Doc <DIR> Toolbar Important.txt Licence.txt TerraEd 2.exe TerraEd 2.txt TerraEd Player.exe Version.Txt That's all, well re-download correctly please the terraed link. http://www.blitz3dfr.com/terraed_projet/TerraEd.zip My other's customer's don't have problem, and in the future if you have some problems, please use the terraed support forum please ? Because i don't like bad publicity about my services on this forum. I try to satisfy my customers of best than i can !, and when I send a release i does not lie on the contents. |
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So relax all. I have same the problem before, some anti virus and Outlook don't like .bb files. The best way it's next time filax sending to all .zip files. If your Outlook don't let you get your files in the filax emails try the Kendo's solution :-D Regards, |
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@filax My other's customer's don't have problem, and in the future if you have some problems, please use the terraed support forum please ? Because i don't like bad publicity about my services on this forum. Well... I didn't have problems before on recieving your file attachments! And im' not trying to give bad publicity of your services either!!! I was just merly trying to get some help from you that's all! I never doubted your abilities & services in anyway at all! Actually... I recommended them to others quite often! So please don't take or imply that im' giving you bad publicity because that wasn't what I was trying to do. I was merly telling you of my problem here because you stated that your ISP was giving you some problems and all, And I took it that you wasn't recieving my emails about this situation, and thus posted it here for you to hopfully recieve it so you would know about it! Im' sorry if you took what I was trying to tell you here the wrong way! Believe you me, Me giving or trying to give you bad publicity was the farthest thing from my mind!! And also, Like I said in my last post as well.. It could be my fault here and me not doing something right! So I am sorry about this, But I just needed some help that's all! I try to satisfy my customers of best than i can !, and when I send a release i does not lie on the contents. I never once said you lied about the contents of your packages!! I think you just misunderstood me that's all! Please don't take this the wrong way! Your services are excellent as well as your products. :) P.S. I havn't been to the 3D GameTool website in a few... Does that site have the TerraED forum on it? And also too... My valid email address you can send my file attachments to is: doctorwho@...> |
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@Kendo DoctorWho, I had the same problem with regard to the greyed out attachments. I use Outlook Express 6 which I assume you are also. The solution below is curtesy of my wife. In Outlook express you need to go to Tools/Options/Security Tab. Once there you need to untick "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus". Then apply, come back out go back in and, with a bit of luck, filax's attachments will be available to you. Well..... Kendo it looks like your right here!!! And it also looks like Im' a total idiot too for not checking Outlook Explorer a little bit to find out this problem!! filax, I do appologize very much so for the enconvience here!!! The attachments are available now!!!! I must have gotten in a hurry at some point in time and probably clicked on the wrong button and thus Outlook express was set not to accept file attachment!! Duh!!!! However though, The problem has been corrected and filax's attachments should come through now without any problems. And once again filax... Im' sorry about this problem. :( |
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No problemo Doctor :) i love you :) |