2D Alpha DLL ready to test
Community Forums/Showcase/2D Alpha DLL ready to test
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This is one of the examples i'll be releasing with the finished DLL. Before I go any further with it I'd like to know how it performs on other systems. Please check out the demo and run it in both windowed and full screen modes. When you exit there will be an alpha.log file with all the stats I need. Thanks!![]() Download Example One | Worklog |
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Windowed: 20-40fps Fullscreen: 75-140fps no constant fps-rate! do you tested my dll: http://www.blitzbasic.com/toolbox/toolbox.php?tool=38 |
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Whoa, thats way off what i'm getting :( Can you post machine specs? Checking out your dll now... *edit* Yours is nice. Your using a very different approach than me and it seems a lot lighter on the CPU. Maybe I should use C for the DLL instead. Thanks for the feedback. Nothing is in stone of course so i'm still requesting testers. @sswift: Correct. Fixed broken low fps logging, thx. |
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Lowest FPS: 1 Average FPS: 958 Highest FPS: 1315 According to that, you could do 60fps at 1280x960 and 239fps at 640x480. But that's not working with any alpha maps I presume? |
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Lowest FPS: 984 Average FPS: 1691 Highest FPS: 2102 AMD XP 2100, 512 DDR, Radeon 9600xt 256 |
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Lowest FPS: 54 Average FPS: 164 Highest FPS: 195 1GHz AMD, 512MB RAM, GeForce2 GTS Andy |
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lowest 2 fps. Average for both window and full screen is around 120-140 fps. |
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my specs: P800, 128MB, 32MB ATI Xpert 2000, DX8, Win98SE |
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Lowest FPS: 1 Average FPS: 305 Highest FPS: 518 |
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Lowest FPS: 1 Average FPS: 2115 Highest FPS: 2904 Yowsa! 2.0Ghz P4, 256Mb RAM, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (128 Mb) Eikon, tell us more ;) Please say it isn't just for B+! |
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Looks like FPS are all over the place, far from consistent :\ I get around: Lowest FPS: 1022 Average FPS: 2896 Highest FPS: 3657 so i'm really suprised with these results. I appreciate everyone's comments and testing. These findings tell me its time to go back to the drawing board. Highest FPS: 2904 Eikon, tell us more ;) Please say it isn't just for B+! @Mearrin69: Thats more like it! The current method works in all versions of Blitz, though the new method im experimenting with does not. I will try to keep it as compatible as possible, its looking like B+/B3D only for now. |
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I'm getting frame rates ranging from 153 to 750 or so ... but no matter how high the frame rate, the alpha blending doesn't run smoothly (it looks like only 10 or so levels of alpha are supported). |
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Thanks for testing PodPerson. The Alpha is done with a Alpha Source_Img, Destination_Img, Opaqueness type function. Meaning you can blend in as large or as small of increments as you like. I think the current demo goes in steps of 10 or so, which may be too quickly for slower machines. The param is limited from 0 (Full Src Image) to 255 (Full Dest Image). |
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do you use a api-function or do you use pixel-maths |
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Hi Credo, API only. |
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ah, i use pixel-maths... i wrote this in C++. I have olways constant fps-rate, but i don't know why your DLL always change speed... |
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Compare to the pure Blitz way:Const a1=255 Const a2=256*255 Const a3=32768*2*255 Graphics 320,240,32,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Dim img(2) img(0)=LoadImage("one.bmp") img(1)=LoadImage("two.bmp") img(2)=LoadImage("three.bmp") LockBuffer ImageBuffer(img(0)) LockBuffer ImageBuffer(img(1)) LockBuffer ImageBuffer(img(2)) Dim imgs(2,239,319,2) For a=0 To 2 For b=0 To 239 For c=0 To 319 imgs(a,b,c,0)=ReadPixelFast(c,b,ImageBuffer(img(a))) And a1 imgs(a,b,c,1)=(ReadPixelFast(c,b,ImageBuffer(img(a))) And a2) Shr 8 imgs(a,b,c,2)=(ReadPixelFast(c,b,ImageBuffer(img(a))) And a3) Shr 16 Next Next Next FreeImage img(0) FreeImage img(1) FreeImage img(2) las=MilliSecs() Dim multa(255) Dim multb(255) While Not KeyHit(1) mil=MilliSecs() time=(mil Shr 12) Mod 3 imga=time imgb=(time+1) Mod 3 gradb=(mil Shr 4) Mod 256 grada=255-gradb For a=0 To 255 multa(a)=(grada*a) Shr 8 multb(a)=(gradb*a) Shr 8 Next LockBuffer BackBuffer() For b=0 To 239 For a=0 To 319 WritePixelFast a,b,multa(imgs(imga,b,a,0))+multb(imgs(imgb,b,a,0)) Or ((multa(imgs(imga,b,a,1))+multb(imgs(imgb,b,a,1))) Shl 8) Or ((multa(imgs(imga,b,a,2))+multb(imgs(imgb,b,a,2))) Shl 16) Next Next UnlockBuffer BackBuffer() Text 0,0,fps Flip If MilliSecs()>las+1000 Then las=las+1000 fps=count count=0 End If count=count+1 WendNeed something better than WritePixel"Fast" |
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Lowest FPS: 5 Average FPS: 6 Highest FPS: 8 I have a P3 1g 1gb of Ram Geforce 5200fx Winxp I also us Bitz3d for future refrence for when this comes out.. |
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Some great FPS there ;) Im guessing the Geforce 5200fx Again, a thank you to all the testers. I don't need any more results atm, testing is officially closed. |