FINAL version of Cod2Doc released!!

Community Forums/Showcase/FINAL version of Cod2Doc released!!

RepeatUntil(Posted 2004) [#1]
FINAL VERSION OF COD2DOC NOW RELEASED!!! Cod2Doc is the documentation generator for Blitz.

There is a lot of new stuff in this version:
- Full drag and drop functionnality:
-> drag file(s)/directory(ies) on the Cod2Doc .exe icon, and Cod2Doc will start documenting the given files.
-> drag a file or a directory on the Cod2Doc application, and Cod2Doc will document it.
- Cod2Doc can now be easily interfaced with any IDE.
- Cod2Doc can now be called with a command line.
- Now you can add your own html header and footer to the documentation.
- Re-organisation of the Cod2Doc interface.
- New veto tag: put !! after a variable/type/field/function prevent it to be documented.
- Formatting of html improved. No more text going beyond the table.
- New styles added:
-> styles identical to the one of Blitz 3D: Blitz3D.
-> styles inspired from Blitzui, Doiron, Tan, XpeaBars.
- New languages added: japanese, german, italiano, portuguese, spanish (many thanks to BitManiak, Kbit, Luiz Ribeiro, Ren� Aye).
- Added a "Save" button for the configuration file ("Application" tab) to save the options of Cod2Doc.
- Bug with type in function argument for decls file corrected.
- A few more bugs were also corrected...

Don't forget to donate if you use regularly Cod2Doc!! Number of donation up to now: 0 :-(

Go on the Cod2Doc web page to download this version.

Feel free to give me your opinion!

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#2]
This is a massive enhancement to the prior versions. Very nice tool.

RepeatUntil(Posted 2004) [#3]
Just to announce a small bug correction to Cod2Doc. You can get Cod2Doc version 1.2b at the usual place (see my sig).

RepeatUntil(Posted 2004) [#4]
Sorry to bother you with this: for those who are interested, you can now get the version 1.2c of Cod2Doc (here).
Added russian language (thanks to MANIAK_dobrii). This was pointing to a missing feature of Cod2Doc: the ability to set the character encoding of the html pages (cyrillic in this case).
Now you can set any character encoding in the language files themselves.
Thus you could now have chinese, japanese, or whatever non-occidental encoding!

Falelorn(Posted 2004) [#5]
NICE great work