Blox Mania DEMO!

Community Forums/Showcase/Blox Mania DEMO!

coffeedotbean(Posted 2005) [#1]
Heres my latest puzzle game, although I should be working on a diffeent game (Battle Kingdoms).
This is a remake of an old game I played back my amiga days, and I recently saw a flash version but cant remember where.

Any why... you can download a BETA version here, and also the editor, if you make some puzzles you'll get your name in the credits.

Download here:

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#2]
Go Blue! and Backtrack don't *appear* to be solvable.
Backtrack certainly because you can't move the orange block onto it's square without the blue block being below it.

This modified version of Backtrack is solvable

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#3]
ok, here's my first level for it.

And here's my second.

coffeedotbean(Posted 2005) [#4]
Haha I beat Perturbatio.. they are all solvable.. honest.

A clue for back track is to get the orange into position first.

A clue for Go Blue is to get the left most blue into position first.

Thanks for the puzzle.


If any 1 downloads pertabatio's puzzles thay wont work cus they're missing the .dat file (ill probably change the files so a puzzle is only 1 file in next release), to make em playable you neeed to load em into the editor and then save em so that a .dat fiel is created.

Solved Whittle Devious.. thats a fun puzzle.

Perturbatio(Posted 2005) [#5]
Yeah ok, I'll concede that one, after staring at it in the cold light of day I realised how blatantly obvious they were :)

You can download the zips with dat files included now.

{cYan|de}(Posted 2005) [#6]
is this the same game you have made like 10210291021 times:P hehe jk (thou u do alot of games that look pretty much the same) might be sellable as a pack?

flaith(Posted 2005) [#7]
my first level

coffeedotbean(Posted 2005) [#8]
{cYanide}... hehe no its that game, its a different game, but it does involve moving cubes... um.. like my other games =)

thanks for the puzzle flaith.

flaith(Posted 2005) [#9]
another one

coffeedotbean(Posted 2005) [#10]
Wow thanks flaith. =)

coffeedotbean(Posted 2005) [#11]
Ok puzzle count is upto 50... i need another 10... and im all puzzled out. Any of you got some more puzzles in you?

BTW: The game will be FREEWARE.

Jolly(Posted 2007) [#12]
can anybody tell me where i can find the games Blox Fall and Blox Mania?? The links all are dead :((

Torrente(Posted 2007) [#13]
They are? I just downloaded blox mania from the given link with no problem.

Jolly(Posted 2007) [#14]
well the one on this site works...but this arent the full games...all links leads to

but there i can't find it...maybe i'm to silly for it :-(

Starwar(Posted 2007) [#15]
Nice and difficult. Cool idea!