::: ColdSteel Engine News :::
Community Forums/Showcase/::: ColdSteel Engine News :::
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The release of ColdSteel is near. I have updated the site http://www.coldsteelengine.com . It's still very simple, but I think it looks way better than before. There is a private area http://www.coldsteelengine.com/private/ , where you will be able to download the full versions after purchase. The members area is password protected. You will get you user id and password after buying the software. I Think that it shuld be ready for the beginning of November. Oh! For those reporting the bug that the textures were not loading in the Temple demo, please redownload it (in the Download section of the site). That bug should be fixed now :) |
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A very nice feature set and impressive screenshots. Will certainly have a closer look at this when it becomes available ! |
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Got error message: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000005). Click on OK to terminate the application." Its properly unpacked and everything, so I have no clue whats wrong. WinXP SP2, X850XT, 2GB RAM, Newest ATI driver (Omega build) |
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Oh! For those reporting the bug that the textures were not loading in the Temple demo, please redownload it (in the Download section of the site). That bug should be fixed now :) Nope - let us know when you've had another shot at fixing it and I'll try again. There are also z-order rendering problems at pretty much every intersection of polygons. And it leaves Windows in the application's resolution, which is annoying. |
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@AshMantle: That's because you have an Intel cpu with Hyper-threading enabled. I'm afraid there's not much I can do. You can disable hyper-threading on the BIOS, and I tinhk it is also possible to disable it on a per-application basis. @Sledge: The z-order problem is because the map scale is way too big. I'll use a much smaller map in a future version. I don't have the problem of the application letting Windows in the app's resolution :P. So, you say you still can't see the textures? |
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An unrelated question: As "L_Draven" is selling models that seem to be formally part of 'Myths of Leindar - Century', are you selling any stuff too (code, etc)? I'm assuming the project is no longer. |
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I'm not selling any stuff from 'Myths of Leindar: Century'. The models L_Draven is selling are from the Prototype shown at ArtFutura'04. Project is being redesigned, with a new team of members and new graphics. The problem is that we are currently working on games for different companies (Draven is making an AAA game which were shown at the E3, I am working on a game for Hyundai...), so we are basically debugging the game concept, level maps, history, and such things, to have everything ready for when we restart the project. |
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@AshMantle: That's because you have an Intel cpu with Hyper-threading enabled. I'm afraid there's not much I can do. You can disable hyper-threading on the BIOS, and I tinhk it is also possible to disable it on a per-application basis. Eh? Really weird "feature" you have there :) I wouldn't disable hyper-threading just to try out a demo, and I especially wouldn't wanna buy it. I know, I feel a bit harsh by saying this. However, I really like what you're trying to do with the engine and I wish you good luck :) |
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I wouldn't disable hyper-threading just to try out a demo, and I especially wouldn't wanna buy it. I know, I feel a bit harsh by saying this. Doesn't seem harsh to me. I was looking forward to this, but if it's gonna fail on every HT cpu ( does this affect dual core too? ) then it's not much use to me. What's the problem? Irrlicht? No one's mentioned it in relation to Irrlicht before that I've noticed, so perhaps not. |
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So, you say you still can't see the textures? Not unless you textured the level with hunking great blocks of solid colour, no. |
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The features sound good. I guess this is not a blitz thing is it? (blitz showcase may be the wrong place) |
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I wouldn't disable hyper-threading just to try out a demo, and I especially wouldn't wanna buy it. I know, I feel a bit harsh by saying this. Seems fair to me, not harsh. I've been looking for a solution to this problem, but after saying in The Sims 2 FAQ that the solution is to disable hyper-threading, I thought I wouldn't come to a better solution than their one. Maybe the upcoming Visual Studio 2005 will deal with this problem? I will get VS C++ 2005 when it's released, so I'll be able to check it. Not unless you textured the level with hunking great blocks of solid colour, no. That's strange. I didn't have this problem in my computer, but had it on a laptop I had for a few days, so I could check if I would solve the problem. I found it was a bug with loading the textures from inside compressed packages in the .my3d loader. I fixed it and it worked correctly on the laptop. If you can, please rename 'temple.pak' to 'temple.zip' and decompress. A 'media' folder and a 'temple.cso' file should be generated. Run again to see if it works correctly now. The features sound good. I guess this is not a blitz thing is it? (blitz showcase may be the wrong place) You can use it with Blitz3D, BlitzPlus, and BlitzMax. Anyway, I don't have any problem if a moderator considers that this would fit better in the General Discussion board. |
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Esse Jedive guenoooooo jejeje. Me parece a mi que le tendre que echar un buen ojo a este engine y meterle caña jeje ;-). I think that jedive has made a good work with this engine. Jedive: Have you thought add support for more 3d formats in the future??? (3ds, b3d,...) Good job!!! Greetings. |
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOO. oot. :)# Great work, I cant wait to have a fiddle! |
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Is it wrapped irrlicht? |
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It's a modified version of IrrLicht, with ODE for physics, with OpenAL for audio (not in the SDK edition), with HawkNL for multiplayer (not in the SDK edition), with AngelScript for scripting (guess what... not in the SDK edition), with a nice set of editors to create ragdolls, particles, scenes (a scene editor similar to Torque's Mission Editor). |
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If you can, please rename 'temple.pak' to 'temple.zip' and decompress. A 'media' folder and a 'temple.cso' file should be generated. Run again to see if it works correctly now. Yup, that works now. |
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Here it is 'temple.exe' compiled with VC++ 2005 Beta 2, to see if this version of VC++ also has the hyper-threading problem. People using hyper-threading, please replace the old .exe with the new one: http://webs.ono.com/jedive/coldsteel/files/temple_vc8.zip |
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The demo works on my Hyper Threading PC! The textures don't seem right though (blocky), and it looks a bit like it's running in 256 colours or something... |
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Have you tried both exes? Which one does work? |
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I just downloaded the demo from the main site itself. |
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I regret buying Protean - No BlitzMax version, no support and no continued development. Yet it's still the best IDE available. |
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Not for BlitzMax it's not. The much touted BlitzMax version never materialised. It never left beta, and the current build (I say current but it's not been updated since April) is a waste of time. When you pay for something, you expect a certain level of service. Many of the freeware IDEs receive better levels of support/development. |
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Here is a screenshot of the Material Editor, and another one from the Scene Editor:![]() ![]() |
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Excellent! The problem i had with my 6800GT is fixed, looks good now. Now i see the textures. This is really promising, keep up the good work. |
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Cant get it to work. Tried both exe's and extracting the pak file. Just get: "The application failed to initialize properley (0xc0000005). CLick on OK to terminate the application." System spec in sig with the addition of 2x monitors. |
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Oh damn it. First time I got the error with an AMD cpu. I think I'll have to make a version which outputs debug information so I can check where exactly the problem happens :S |
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"properley"? :) |
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Jedive, I noted that Big& has a dual core CPU. Is that the first time you have a problem with AMD dual core CPU or AMD in general? Does your engine run on a dual core Intel CPU? Perhaps the problem lies with the ability to run on more than one processor, be it a hyperthreaded CPU or true dual core or dual unit CPU's? BTW. What's happening with the DLL version we were discussing in IBPro forum? Perhaps it would point towards the origin of the dual (multi?) CPU error if we can use the DLL only? Barney |
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Yes, it seems it happens with dual-core CPUs, or Intel processors with hyper-threading technology. The following link contains the temple demo coded in BlitzPlus, using the .dll version of the engine. Place the .exe and .dll files over the other temple demo and run. http://webs.ono.com/jedive/coldsteel/files/temple_dll.zip |
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The DLL version is working for me. :) I have Intel hyperthreading CPU. Just to make sure I've tried it on AMD dual core and Intel (P4 and Celeron) dual core CPUs. No problems, too. Barney |
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Which is starting to make me think that the problem is in OpenAL or HawkNL, which are used on the Pro version and no tin the DLL. I will make a build without using these libraries and post it later today. |
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Users with hyper-threading or dual-core cpus, please redownload the temple demo form the engine webpage, and tell me if it works now. The new zip file should not contain OpenAL32.dll nor HawkNL.dll. |
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The only downloadable temple.zip file still contains OpenAL and HawkNL DLLs. The date of the temple.exe file is 20.10.2005 so it looks like you still have old version setup for download. I've checked the private page of your site. It's finally active! Nice. Does that mean you'll start selling the engine soon? Barney |
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Then there is maybe a problem with your browser's cache? I tried downloading the file, and in Opera and Internet Explorer I get the correct file, but Firefox gets the .zip with the dlls. The download is almost instant with Firefox, so I guess it has cached the file or something. The private area is there so beta testers can get the betas. As soon as I finish the IBasic Pro import files, I'll contact you and add you to the beta testers team :). I have .inc and .lib files to use with IBPro, but they fail. I am not very experienced with this language, but don't worry, I will address the problems soon and when the port becomes usable you will be able to play with it :) |
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Yup. It was the cache. The new version works OK on my hyperthreaded CPU. Will test it tomorrow on dual CPU machines but I don't think there'll be any problems. I get between 96 and 120 fps. CPU is 3.0 GHz P4 and the graphics card is ATI X800XT PE. Barney |
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I am looking for good 3dengine for bmax. I would like to download the lite version . how i can do it? Art<>< |
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art, its not out yet. Seems like it wont be too long though, sounds like there are only a few niggles to sort out and the demo looks good. Looking forward to this! |
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*cries* It's early November now, C'MON MAN!!!! :D |
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Jedive, its now looking good for me aswell with Hyper threading. Both versions tried, unpacked the .pak to see the textures. btw... what are the controls? I've only found the movement keys. no jumping? fps? |
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It works well on my AMD 64. Vamos Jedive animo, saca ya tu engine ! |
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i only can see the skay in temple_b+ ( Solo puedo ver el cielo en temple_b+, el resto sale en gris. Otra cosa, Javier y Alvaro me suena. ¿De donde sois? ) Saludos Arturo desde Valencia... <>< |
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@AshMantle: You just can move and look around with the arrow keys and the mouse. I promise there will be a more interesting demo for the moment of release, using an XML file for configuration, real playability, and more. @art <><: Do you mean the rest looks white? Would you mind posting a screenshot of it? :) (Buenas Arturo. Yo soy de Santander. Álvaro F. Celis, el autor del mapa de ejemplo es, si no recuerdo mal, de Colombia). |
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I have a few questions: 1- Is there going to be a good art path? I mean which 3d model file types will be available? I'd like to have something as good as b3d. 2- Can you show us some examples of how the code would look in BlitzMax (or even Blitz3D) ? |
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Will this engine be a multi-game engine or just a FPS or something similar? I couldn't really tell from the screenshots, and on dialup as of now and so it'd take me forever to download a demo.. Overall it looks pretty cool, good job, and lookin forward to your answers. |
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For AMD64X2 Users: Just as side node, go here and download the driver for your CPU to safe further headaches ;-) www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/TechnicalResources/0,,30_182_871_13118,00.html |
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Sorry for not answering this. I have been busy lately. @Chad: It is a general-purpose engine. The function set looks similar to the Blitz3D one. @Lenn: There is a gile[s] exporter for the levels. For the rest of the models, you can import Quake2 .md2, MilkShape .ms3d, and DirectX .x files. BlitzPlus example code of the temple demo: Include "coldsteel.bb" ;Device csDeviceOpen 1024, 768, 32, CSDF_FULLSCREEN + CSDF_OPENGL, 0 csDeviceCaption "ColdSteel Temple Example" csMouseHide True ;Ambient light csSceneAmbient csGetColor(255, 255, 255, 255) ;Fog csSceneFog csGetColor(0,20,20,120), 0, 12500 ;Load skybox top = csTextureLoad("media/skybox/rocky_up.jpg", True) bottom = csTextureLoad("media/skybox/rocky_dn.jpg", True) left_ = csTextureLoad("media/skybox/rocky_lf.jpg", True) right_ = csTextureLoad("media/skybox/rocky_rt.jpg", True) front = csTextureLoad("media/skybox/rocky_ft.jpg", True) back = csTextureLoad("media/skybox/rocky_bk.jpg", True) csSceneSkybox top, bottom, left_, right_, front, back ;Load map csSceneTexturePath "media/maps/temple01/" mesh = csMeshLoad("media/maps/temple01/temple01.my3d") map = csMeshOctreeNode(mesh, 0, CSCI_OCTREE, 0) csMeshFree mesh ;Load skydome texture = csTextureLoad("media/maps/temple01/clouds.jpg", 1) mesh = csMeshLoad("media/maps/temple01/skydome.my3d") skydome = csMeshNode(mesh, 0, 0, 0) csNodeSetMaterialFast(skydome, CSMT_ADD, CSMF_FULLBRIGHT, texture, 0) csMeshFree mesh ;Load particles texture = csTextureLoad("media/textures/particle_white.bmp", True) emitter = csEmitterCreate() csEmitterType emitter, CSET_BOX csEmitterBox emitter, 14, 1, 14 csEmitterDirection emitter, 0, 0.03, 0 csEmitterRate emitter, 60, 200 csEmitterColor emitter, csGetColor(0,255,255,100), csGetColor(0,0,255,0) csEmitterLifeTime emitter, 100, 3400 csEmitterMaxAngle emitter, 108 particles = csParticlesNode(emitter, 0) csParticlesSize particles, 300, 300 csParticlesAddFadeOutAffector particles, 0, 1000 csParticlesAddGravityAffector particles, 0, 0.3, 0, 2400 csNodeSetMaterialFast particles, CSMT_ADD, CSMF_FULLBRIGHT, texture, 0 csNodePosition particles, -5200, 850, 2000 csNodeScale particles, 50, 50, 50 ;Create sun billboard sun = csBillboardNode(0) csBillboardResize sun, 30000, 30000 csNodeSetMaterialFast sun, CSMT_ADD, CSMF_FULLBRIGHT, texture, 0 csNodePosition sun, 25000, 25000, 0 ;Create camera cam = csCameraNode(0) csCameraRange cam, 1, 50000 csCameraFov cam, 1.1 csNodePosition cam, 240, 305, 2150 csNodeRotate cam, 0, 90, 0 csNodeCollision cam, map, 32, 128, 32 ;Move mouse to screen center csMousePosition csDeviceWidth()/2, csDeviceHeight()/2 mx = csMouseX() my = csMouseY() mxs = 0 mys = 0 lastframe = MilliSecs() While Not csKeyHit(CSKEY_ESC) frametime = MilliSecs() - lastframe lastframe = MilliSecs() elapsed# = frametime / 1000.0 ;Check if we must exit If csDeviceClosed() = True Then Exit ;Get mouse movement mxs = csMouseX() - mx mys = csMouseY() - my csMousePosition csDeviceWidth()/2, csDeviceHeight()/2 mx = csMouseX() : my = csMouseY() ;Rotate camera pitch# = csNodePitch(cam) + (mys * 0.4) If pitch < -80 Then pitch = -80 If pitch > 80 Then pitch = 80 csNodeRotate cam, pitch, csNodeYaw(cam) + (mxs * 0.4), 0 ;Move camera If csKeyDown(CSKEY_UP) = 1 Then csNodeMove cam, 0, 0, 512 * elapsed If csKeyDown(CSKEY_DOWN) = 1 Then csNodeMove cam, 0, 0, -512 * elapsed If csKeyDown(CSKEY_LEFT) = 1 Then csNodeMove cam, -512 * elapsed, 0, 0 If csKeyDown(CSKEY_RIGHT) = 1 Then csNodeMove cam, 512 * elapsed, 0, 0 csNodePosition cam, csNodeX(cam,0), csNodeY(cam,0) - (512 * elapsed), csNodeZ(cam,0) ;Rotate skydome csNodeTurn skydome, 0, 3 * elapsed, 0 csSceneBegin CSCF_BACKBUFFER + CSCF_ZBUFFER, csGetColor(0, 0, 0, 0) csSceneRender cam csSceneEnd Wend |
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Hey the code looks very neat, really, except "csNodeMove" ?? Wouldnt it be better just csMove ? Or for blitz3ders csMoveEntity? You have the word "Node" in most of those commands, why? And another stupid question, i assume CS will be usable in blitz3d as well? |
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The concept of "scene nodes" are more used in 3D engines than "entities", like Blitz3D uses. I have preferred to keep it the standard way. Yes, it will be usable in Blitz3D. |
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Will it be out this Year? |
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Buen trabajo Jedive. Sigue así. Ahh un saludo para Draven. Amazing job !!! Jedive Marcos Medina |
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Hi sigi. Yes, I plan to release it this year. My plans were to have it released during this month, now it's just a matter of how much time will take me to fix some bugs. Basically, I have to fix the BlitzMax (the debugger seems to do really strange things), PureBasic, and IBasic Pro ports (do not handle return floats properly), finish 3D maths functions (will take less than an hour to do), finish light functions (also less than an hour), replace collision system (probably one or two days of work), and finish the editors (basically done now). I spend a lot of time at the library of my university lately, so I've been away from my computer. I requested a grant at the university to buy a PC laptop for a bit more than 500€, supposedly to help me with my studying, but in fact, it will let me continue working on the engine while I am at the library. Thanks for the comments, Marcos :) |
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Great, can`t wait. Thank You for the Infos. |
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New Infos ? Waiting is hard. :( |
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Yes I want news about your engine too !!! Please !! Por favor Jedive date prisa y saca ya el engine, que promete mucho !!! Un saludo. |
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Give him a break, he said he would release it this year so there should be not much left. I'm really looking into this, it's promising |
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Hi guys. Everything is practically done now. All the Blitz versions, C++, IBasic Professional and PureBasic are supported. Material Editor is now 99% finished. Making it made me add a few more material functions, and I like the result a lot. Now there are then csMaterialLoad() and csMaterialSave() functions which allow you to load and save a material in just one command. These are used in the editor. I have to finish the collision system, add light and matrix functions, and do some bug fixes before the release, just be a bit more patient. I am sure that people who has ever published a piece of software know about complications and delays on the last stage of development :). Believe me, ColdSteel is around the corner :) |
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Here is a screenshot of the finished Material Editor :)![]() |
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Cool... what collision system do you use? And Particles, did you do your own system or what? Sounds? |
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I use Irrlicht's collision and particle systems. The first release won't have sound support. I was writing the audio library using OpenAL, but will rewrite it in DirectSound directly. |
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Thank You for the Infos, now i don`t ask again... maybe :) |
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Irrlicht? Isn't that an engine too - so do you have to have (buy) Irrlicht licence to use Coldsteel? |
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Irrlicht is free I think! well I d/led it for free. :D |
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Irrlicht is completely free. |
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IrrLicht is a really good open source graphics engine. The intention behind ColdSteel is to produce a compelte professional-quality game engine that may fit the needs of most game developers. That's why you can use it as a standalone product, making your games with the built'in scripting language, or as a complement dll for the programming language of your choice. It comes with a set of tools to provide an appropiate pipeline for game production. The first release will come with the font, material and particle editors, and the new editors will be added in each update: gui editor, physics editor, and scene editor. The experience of using ColdSteel to make a game will be more similar to using Torque than to using IrrLicht. For example, you can use the scene editor to make a new terrain, add foliage, trees and rocks to it, using the built'in mesh and billboard replicators, place your map building on top of the landscape, add water planes, place your entities and add properties to them, define paths for the bots, etc. |
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OK, thanks for the explanation! Now Coldsteel really interests me and I will my eye on it how things progress. But it looks very promising idea. |
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Isn't Irrlicht still being developed? Last time i had a look at their website they were only adding anisotropic filtering, and antialias. Without AF option at least, most 3d games look same as Blitz3D (or worse). So, as Irrlicht is still improving, correct me if i'm wrong, will you be updating CS in the future as well? I'm looking forward to checking it out. |
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Yes, IrrLicht is still being developed. And yes, ColdSteel will be updated, not only to introduce new IrrLicht features, also to add other things. |
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A screenshot of the Font Editor. Nothing impressive, but hey, it is finished :)![]() |
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The Particle Editor 99% finished (just have to add affectors):![]() |
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wow, looks cool!! :D |
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Particle Editor is finished! Check the previous pic again. I have replaced it with the new version. I have added many new particle commands to the engine, and I have renamed all of them. |
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Would there be any benefit for me to move from <ENGINE> to Coldsteel? To name a few: Truevision 3D, Blitz3D, DarkBasic Pro, Cipher, Irrlicht (why switch from the same engine?), Realmforge. Considering Coldsteel is at its core using Irrlicht for rendering, this means it would also suffer from the same graphical flaws of Irrlicht. Have you done anything to remove these problems? What are you using for particles? Standard billboards, point sprites, etc.? Do you have a choice to use one or the other if both are available? I don't see how the particle editor works, really, are there loads up pop-up dialogs? Why not use a property grid if so? What features of AngelScript are you using? Have you kept the version of AngelScript Coldsteel uses up to date? Are any of the new features from the latest version available? What is the speed of the byte code produced by the compiler? Do we get the source code to the tools? If so, what license do we have to modify them? If not, why not? Is there a built-in GUI? Is it the horribly slow and ugly one in Irrlicht or did you write your own? Why did you choose to use ODE when there are faster and more refined physics libraries available? Why isn't DDS under the supported texture formats? Is any form of texture compression available? If so, why isn't it listed? If not, why not? Do you plan to add DDS and texture compression? Once again, if not, why not? What format are the compressed packages in? ZIP? A proprietary format? If the latter, do you provide a tool for packaging? Why isn't the octree occlusion available in the lite version of the SDK? Why do you even support PCX and MD2? They're old and archaic formats with no inherent benefits considering your obvious aim at new technology. You support MS3D, why not other common ASCII formats such as OBJ and ASE? Why not LWO? Don't you think you should provide exporters or converters for common formats to .my3d for users who don't have gile[s] or want animated meshes? Why isn't AngelScript (aka ColdSteel Script) available in the SDK as a seperate library in the case licensees don't feel like writing their own script API? Why go with AngelScript when other interpreted languages, such as Python and Lua, have had more time to be refined, made stable, and are generally faster? I'm pretty much trying to cover every aspect a potential licensee should be concerned with. |
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Moving from another engine to ColdSteel is a matter of personal preferences. Each engine has its own way of working, its own art pipeline, different language and command set, etc. The user must find the one in which he feels more comfortable. Of the engines you mention, for example: TrueVision3D, Blitz3D and Cipher are dated engines (although TV3D 6.5 will change that). Many people can't stand DBPro syntax and language inconsistencies. IrrLicht is jsut a rendering engine, while ColdSteel pretends to be a whole game engine with a custom set of tools. I haven't tried RealmForge. The last version of IrrLicht (0.14) has improved rendering quality a lot. Particles are done using standard billboards. About the editors, yes, clicking on a field of the listbox opens a pop-up dialog which configure a specific setting. There may be better ways to do it, but my main objective was to have a functional set of tools in the first version, and I'll have time to refine them later. I am using AngelScript 2.1.0c. I'll update it to the last stable version and, if everything works correclty, use that. The speed is very good, but honestly, on current computer the CPU overhead taking in interpretng a script instead of running machine code is hardly noticeable is the virtual machine is well done. And AngelScript is really good. Source code will remain private. Bigger software sellers are strong enough to be able to give their source code and being able to defend their rights in a court to ensure it is not used to write a competitor product, but I am afraid that I prefer not to take that risk. There is no GUI yet, the plans are to add GUI support and a GUI editor. And yes, I will use IrrLicht's built-in GUI. I've chosen ODE mainly for two things: 1) Its license. 2) There are commercial games made with it. 3) I have worked with it before and I know it will do the job. There is no DDS support, and no texture compression available yet. Compressed packages come in ZIP format. Octree occlusion is not included in the Lite version and nor are shaders, particles, and many other features, because the Lite version is a cut-down version of the engine, whose only intention is to allow people to get into 3D games programming without spending money. MD2 is supported because some genres like strategy games do not need bone-animated meshes, and using vertex-based animation means speed increase. PCX is supported because is the standard texture format used by MD2 meshes. Removing some of the Irrlicht supported formats has decreased the file size of the engine a lot. Many of the formats supported are incomplete, and I finally chose these formats.You should be easily allowed to convert other formats into one of these. The SDK version supports XML scripting for making configuration scripts and so. The intention is not to implement a scripting language to write the game logic, but use the languages supported by the SDK to make the game (C++, Blitz3D/Plus/Max, IBasic Professional, PureBasic). The Pro version does not use AngelScript as a complement language, but as a complete programming language in which you do the whole game. It does not run the script directly. I have written a compiler which takes the source fo the game and compiles it to bytecode. The compiler support the #include directive to split the source into multiple files. I discarded Python because I am not a huge fan of it. I love Lua, but AngelScript offered some things that I wanted in the language, like param types, explicit declaration, and so on. Phew! A long post you have written here, Noel, and interesting questions. I have decided not too quote your post as it would make mine way too long. |
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Sorry, I don't understand well the difference between Coldsteel SDK and Pro versions, because if I want to use Cooldsteel with Blitz(B3d or Max) then what version I need? Un saludo. |
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The SDK version is a .dll that you can use with another programming language. If you want ot use it with Blitz3D, BlitzPlus, o BlitzMax, that's the version you need. The Pro version is a standalone engine, and you do not need to own any additional programing language to make your game. |
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But then with SDK version some features(networking,3d sound)are not supported...(from features list). |
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That will change in the future. |
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[childs voice] is it there thet? [/childs voice] |
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http://blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=54250 :) |