Framework Assistant v2.04
Community Forums/Showcase/Framework Assistant v2.04
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Re-coded entirely in BlitzMax v1.12 and for use with V1.12 only ...![]() To install: * Unzip to a folder of your choice. * Run Framework Assistant and set the BlitzMax ROOT folder * via the Max menu. (One-time only) To use: Drag a *.bmx file onto the GUI (not in the HTLM output) or use the file menu and select your source code. Let me know if it goes belly up. Thanks! *DOWNLOAD FROM SITE* |
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Yey |
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Good job ! Thanks ! |
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This is so essential it should be incorporated into the standard IDE. Good work. |
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Nice, thanks again. One thing I noticed: when throwing a source at it, it generates: Max2D DirectX template Framework BRL.D3D7Max2D Import Pub.Win32 Import BRL.RamStream Import BRL.PNGLoader Import BRL.WAVLoader Import BRL.JPGLoader Import BRL.FreeAudioAudio ' modules which may be required: ' Import BRL.BMPLoader ' Import BRL.TGALoader ' Import BRL.OGGLoader SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver() Any chance of also seeing the required framework if I wanted to use OpenGL instead? |
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Awesome, thanks! |
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Could you add support for the different MaxGui drivers. Like the OpenGL or DX templates which are created by the Assistant there should be an equeal thing for the MaxGui. But else very nice work !!! |
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Any chance of also seeing the required framework if I wanted to use OpenGL instead? If you do not specify a graphics driver in your code you'll get a choice of DirectX/Max OpenGL frameworks. Could you add support for the different MaxGui drivers Do you mean BRL.FLTKMaxGUI and BRL.CocoaMaxGUI?If so, they will show up if you run FA on Linux and Mac respectively since they are specific GUI drivers for those systems. Although I have not got said versions compiled yet. You can in fact have all three imported like the MaxIDE does. The correct one will be imported thanks to ?Win32, ?Linux, and ?Mac directives being present. |
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Sorry, I have accidently used the previous Version of the FA. ReDownloaded the new Version and everything works right. |