Bizmark Demo

Community Forums/Showcase/Bizmark Demo

Spikenspan(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hi everyone,

Here's a demo of my first BlitzMax game Bizmark. It is still in early stages of development but already provides somewhat decent gameplay.

Bizmark is a simple 2d action game where you need to capture spheres that match the symbol on top of the screen. First stun spheres with your laser (left-click) and then deploy the bionic arm (right-click) to gather them.

Graphics are all done by myself using Paint Shop Pro and I got all music loops and sound effects from freeware sites.


Download Bizmark here

Game controls:

move space ship    --->  mouse horizontal move
fire stun laser    --->  left-click
deploy bionic arm  --->  right-click
show FPS           --->  'F'
save screenshot    --->  F12

Check it out!



**edited to fix post tags..

Spikenspan(Posted 2005) [#2]
I guess a simple 2d game doesn't grab much interest... I had fun making it though. I couldn't have done any of this without the excellent forums !!

I'll try to put some more time into it to make it more interesting.


Regular K(Posted 2005) [#3]
This game isnt bad, but it lacks a way of losing :o

xlsior(Posted 2005) [#4]
I guess a simple 2d game doesn't grab much interest...

Give it some time -- it's always much quieter during the weekends on this forum, especially during a holiday. :->

Spikenspan(Posted 2005) [#5]
Yeah, I still have some loose ends to tie up.. thanks a lot for the comments!

I noticed that the score board is not visible on some machines I tested the demo on. I later found out that those PC's had video cards integrated on the mother board and offered limited/no OpenGL support.

Are the BlitzMax executables able to run on PC's that do not support OpenGL ? if not, can we detect the presence of OpenGL drivers ?
