Starchon i17 Released! - Feedback Request.
Community Forums/Showcase/Starchon i17 Released! - Feedback Request.
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2005.3.11 - Starchon i17 Released! Iteration 17 of Starchon is available for download. At this point, I am mostly focused on game play enhancements, likes, and dislikes. Screen shots: Download: Controls: Please select input device from the Option Menu (default Mouse). Mouse Controls: - Fire "selected" Energy Weapons - Left Mouse Button - Fire "selected" Missile - Middle Mouse Button - Trust - Right Mouse Button or "W" key - Direction - Mouse to Payers Avatar Vector - Select Blaster - "1" key - Select Duel Blaster - "2" key - Select Laser - "3" key (auto locks and only fires at Starship when in range; not the Sentinel) - Select Heat Seeking Missile "6" - Select Homing Missile "7" Keyboard Controls: - Fire - Right Control Key - Rotate Counter Clockwise - A or Left Arrow Key - Rotate Clockwise - D or Right Arrow Key - Thrust - W or Up Arrow Key Keyboard & Mouse Controls - Toggle Information - I - Alter Alpha Layer One - F1 - Alter Alpha Layer Two - F2 - Alter Alpha Layer Three - F3 - Blend Mode Layer One - F4 - Blend Mode Layer Two - F5 - Blend Mode Layer Three - F6 - Missile Spin Speed - F7 - Alter Slipstream Size - F8 - Alter Sound Effects Mode - F9 I would love some feedback on how to make the game better! |
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Interesting... The organic style of those ships reminds me a lot of the graphics in the old Xenon II game. |
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Those ships are just one of three races in the game. |
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Here's some stuff from my side: Installer: + Make an icon and setup pictures to replace the inno setup ones. Media: % NEVER use BMP, always PNG / JPG + add tool tips for the Upgrade Selector - Fix: The wrong masking color (edges) for the Upgrade Selector Game: + Make destructable asteroids possible - Menu: Fix that the button you have clicked "disappears" when entering a sub menu or getting back to the main menu. + Menu: Make the background more interesting (animated?!?) % a bit smaller HUD would be nice imho % the rockets / bullets of your main ship look dull: => add images accoring to the rocket / weapon u actually use |
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Grisu, Thanks, I don't think I am using any BMP files; which one are you talking about? |
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"images\explosions" |
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Thanks, you are correct! I guess I didn't notice them because I am planning to upgrade the look of the explosions. |
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Why does it say 2005 at the top of the first post? Is it really 1 year old or did you forget its 2006? The gfx remind me a lot of R-Type, very cool! |
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The Year is a copy and paste error.:) |
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What did you think of the game play? Any sugesstions, things you liked, things you didn't? |
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Liked the graphics, but the general gameplay did nothing for me. I think mainly its due to the rotate and thrust control technique which IMO makes it very hard to have a frantic space battle. It becomes a move from one place to the next, shoot everything whilst stationary cos dodging incoming fire is impossible, then move on. I dont like the way it makes your ship and missiles seem to "handbrake turn" when changing direction. Needs some sort of ship to ship collision too. When you "warp out" at the end of a level you can continue to fire even though your ship has gone. Is the frame rate capped? As the counter is showing 25/26 on my system regardless of whats happening on screen. I think the display of your ships remaining "life" should be at least as obvious as the "life" of your enemies, at the moment I don't think it is, as its too similar to the other indicator (gun power???). All seems a bit negative I know, but I think it has potential with a different control system. |
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The fire while warping is the known issue. The framerate has vertical sync enabled and is configured to your refresh rate. You can test the frame frame by going into the game's options and selecting low detail. I see nothing wrong with any of the point that you have made; it is all valid feedback. Some people prefer the mouse and only the mouse and others prefer mouse and keyboard. I guess I need to decide which tatget audience the game is intended. Thanks Anyone else care to comment? |
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I went to run this app and it is trying to establish a connection to Why is it doing that? |
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High Scores. No other data is being passed other than Level, Score, Name "Alpha User". |
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Screenshots look nice. |
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graphics look cool, pro. No time to download right now sorry. |