Grey Alien BlitzMax Game Framework for sale!
Community Forums/Showcase/Grey Alien BlitzMax Game Framework for sale!
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well the title says it all: Try the mini-game demo to see it in action: (5.91Mb) Find out more about the framework: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How To Play ----------- Just move left and right and shoot the UFOs with Z, that's it for now... Keys ---- Press <Esc> to exit the game. Press <F> to toggle full screen/windowed mode. Press <V> to toggle VSync on/off. Press <D> to bring up the debug display Whilst in debug mode, press <T> to toggle full speed. Whilst in debug mode, press <L> to toggle slow motion. Whilst in debug mode, press <I> to toggle Flip modes. Whilst in debug mode, press <A> to toggle anti-lag fix. Press <P> to pause the game. Press <Q> to quit the game. Press <S> to toggle sound on/off. Press <M> to toggle music on/off. Press <-> and <=> to adjust sound volume. Press <F12> to take a screenshot. Press <Ctrl+X> to exit the game instantly. The Game Framework (Windows only) is a collection of files that you can use to make a professional quality game. It also comes with an example mini-game called Attack of the Mutant Greys. You can buy it for $49 or £25.90 or €38 (please ask for prices in other currencies). This gives you a royalty free licence to use the code for freeware and commercial projects. You will receive updates as and when they become available. Get it quick before I enhance it too much and put up the price for commercial projects! To buy it, please go here: and use the Paypal donate button. If you are based in the U.K. and want to pay by cheque or postal order, please email me (my email address is in my profile and on my website). If enough people want to pay via a different method, I'll look into it. Summary of features (in no particular order): - Smooth Fixed Rate Logic timing. - Dynamically change between Full-Screen and Windowed Mode. - Windowed mode has working minimise and close buttons. - Game and music pauses whenever focus is lost. - Full icon support. - Ini file to save user settings. - Extensive debug suite. - Take screenshots with F12. - Integrated mouse pointer. - Sound and music functions. - Sprite type. - Button type. - Menu type. - Splash screen. - Loading screen. - Title screen. - Fully working options screen. - Load, save and enter High Scores. - Other example screens such as Game Over and Credits. - Example types such as Player, Bullet, Alien etc. - Fast fade. - Manage multiple game screens easily. - BlitzMax fixes and workarounds. - And more! List of features in detail: *Timing* - Extra smooth Fixed Rate Logic (an alternative to Delta Timing). Your game will run the same speed on all systems regardless of refresh rate/VSync and in windowed or full-screen mode. - If anything occurs which causes a big delay, such as loading music or changing screen mode or dragging the window etc., the Fixed Rate Logic will reset its timing variables to avoid any skipping caused by the time delay. *Full-Screen/Windowed Mode* - Switch between full-screen and windowed mode easily on-the-fly. - Automatically chooses graphics mode. Will reduce from full-screen 32-bit to 24-bit to 16-bit, then to windowed mode, and will finally error nicely if nothing is supported. - DirectX rendering lag has been fixed. - Option to prevent vertical tearing in windowed mode (on some systems). - Windowed mode has minimise button. - Windowed mode has a working close button. - The window is automatically centred on the desktop. - When game is minimised or focus is lost (even in full-screen mode) the game and music are paused, yet the screen will still redraw to avoid Windows overwriting it. The game and music will resume when the window is restored or refocused. - When the game is in windowed mode and the user clicks in another window, the game and music will pause and the screen will display "Paused" until the user clicks back in the window. - Moving the mouse onto the title bar will show the default Windows cursor so that you can click on minimise and close etc. This is NOT default Blitz Max behaviour! - Windowed mode uses Delay(1) so that Windows can have some CPU power each frame. This stops other applications from running slowly when the Game Framework is running. *Icon* - Icon will show on title bar, task bar, and when alt+tabbing. - Exe can have icon built in (needs some external work) *Ini File* - Important variables are stored in an auto-generated, auto-repairing ini file. This means that you can save options such as Full Screen On/Off, Music and Sound volumes, Particle Quality etc. and have them load in each time the game is run. The ini file is automatically updated whenever a user changes an ini variable, such as when they change screen mode or volume etc. *Debug* - Display Debug variables anywhere on-screen, including: - Logic Time - Draw Time - FPS - Desktop Hz - Game Hz - Fixed Rate Logic Ticks - Lag Fix (on/off) - Flip mode (-1,0,1) - Fast (on/off) - Slow Motion (on/off) - VSync (on/off) - Memory Allocated - Music Volume (0-100) - Sound Volume (0-100) - FPS Counter. - Fast on/off toggle. Good for testing maximum frame rate. - Slow Motion mode. Runs at 25% (or user-defined speed), good for testing movement and animation. - Toggle Direct X Lag Fix - Toggle Flip modes - VSync toggle. *Functionality* - Screenshot with F12. - Quick Exit key for developers. - Toggle VSync On/Off (user can do this) - Boss Key automatically minimises and pauses game and music, even in full-screen mode. - Sound and music on/off hot keys. - Adjust music volume and sound volume separately. - Pause Key. Also pauses and resumes music (if any is playing). Also shows a paused image on-screen (if an image is assigned). - Protection against two copies of game running at once. - Current Screen and Destination Screen are tracked to enable a clever centralised screen change function to be used. - Ability to play a sound when escape is pressed to exit from a screen. *Other Useful Types* - TMousePointer handles loading a cursor, getting mouse values once per logic loop (to ensure constant coords and button readings), supports offsets for where point is not in top left, and slides the game cursor smoothly off the edges of the window instead of leaving it at the last known position. - TSprite includes animation, brightness, scale and rotation capabilities. - TButton with mouse-over graphic, sound and management code. - TGameSound incorporates name, pitch and volume. - TSoundBank for easy storage and retrieval of sounds. - TGameImage incorporates name, width and height. - TImageBank for easy storage and retrieval of images. - TGameFade fades the screen and music without any GrabImage delay. The fade is tied into the game timing so it will pause if the game is paused or suspended, plus you can optionally fade a still or animated screen. The fade can be skipped with a key press or mouse click. An ini flag can be disabled to skip fades; this is useful for developers. - TMenu allows you to easily group together and manage several buttons, and to track which one the user clicked. - TScreen includes background image, header, menu and default behaviour so that you can extend it for other screens. - THighScoreList loads and saves high scores. - TTextInput allows user to input text such as their name. *Splash screens* - Splash screen with fade image and sound in/out functionality. - Support for a publisher/portal splash screen. *Loading screen* - Loading screen with a loading bar supported. - After Loading is complete, the loading bar is optionally replaced with a "Click here to play" button. *Title screen* - Example title screen with music and a menu that launches other screens as well as exiting the game. *Options screen* - Fully working options screen including separate music and sound volumes, full-screen toggle, vsync toggle and particles level. It also has a button which shows the credits screen. *Example Types* - TExplosion extends TSprite, and TExplosionList. - TPlayer extends TSprite and has shield bar and lives, and when you die you are taken to the game over screen. - TBullet extends TSprite, and TBulletList. - TAlien extends TSprite, and TAlienList. - TInstructionScreen extends TScreen - TCreditsScreen extends TScreen - TGameOverScreen extends TScreen Yep, you are getting a lot for your money! Plus I keep on enhancing the code with more cool suff. Next up: Full Profile Management System, Level Start, Level Complete, and Game Complete screens. Watch this space! BIG thanks to everyone on the forums who has offered advice and helped with testing! Read the FAQ here: (this FAQ will be constantly updated with new queries as they occur) |
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Cool man. Hey I was going to offer that if you give me a free copy I'll compile it on my Mac and give you the executable, but I guess that's pointless because the end users do the compiling. ;-) However, if you need beta testing of a Mac version let me know. |
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AngelDaniel: Thanks for the offer :-) I will be doing a Mac version one day (in about 2-3 months) just after my next PC game is released, so I may call upon you then. It's already selling :-D I'm making a web-based FAQ right now. |
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I just have to say that its a great framework. Lots of hard work have already been done for you and its well structured and commented. |
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I just bought the framework. This is money very well spent. Considering all the effort Grey has put into this framework in terms of resolving all the tearing and jerking issues, this framework will save me so much time getting started with BlitzMax. From reading what Grey has planned for updates, it is just going to get better and better. |
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Thanks guys! Basic FAQ done: More to follow soon. |
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Good Job Jake :) You have worked hard for this. |
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Nice one Grey, I think this will sell... Me on the other hand want to go through the pain and wasted hours... :-) |
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@Boiled Sweets: thanks. Just make sure your reinvented wheel isn't square ;-) |
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Just found out that the Swift Sprite System can be integrated nicely into the framework :-) (if you own it of course) |
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Excelent :) |
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- DirectX rendering lag has been fixed. How?? (if it's not a secret) Your framework looks very nice! Did you consider using ETNA for an easy online score (for example)? Could be a nice addition to your framework! |
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Check the threads in Blitzmax Programming forum and general discussion, just search for lag. |
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RepeatUntil: most recent version, call this after Flip:' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ccFixLag() ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ccFixLag() 'This fixes the annoying DirectX7 rendering lag in BlitzMax ?Win32 If TD3D7Max2DDriver(_max2dDriver) Local sdesc:DDSurfaceDesc2 = New DDSurfaceDesc2 sdesc.dwSize = SizeOf(sdesc) Local res:Int = PrimaryDevice.backbuffer.Lock(Null,sdesc,DDLOCK_WAIT|DDLOCK_READONLY,Null) PrimaryDevice.backbuffer.unlock(Null) Return res EndIf ? End Function Online-scores would be cool, I'll look into it later thanks. Indiepath, who I'm friends with, also has such a system I believe. |
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Me on the other hand want to go through the pain and wasted hours... LOL. Sounds like me. |
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Well I didn't mind climbing that mountain too much, I guess, being a nerd/geek/dork. However, I've now installed a cable car all the way to the top which you can ride too :-) |
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Enough of the metaphor's Grey - make that game and prove how well it works. |
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Is it DirectX only? |
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Yes it is DX only, but maybe OpenGL in future, so it's Window's only. |
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It's Windows only. You can use OpenGL with it in Windows though, no problems! I'm just defaulting to DirectX as it's more common. |
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Check this out, it's the Swift Sprite System Physics Demo plugged perfectly into my BlitzMax Game Framework: (2.71Mb) It was actually really easy due to my code structure and Sswifts too! The hard part was getting the sounds OK, and they're still not right :-( I could fiddle for longer, but I think you get the idea. |
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Hi, I've updated the Game Framework FAQ here: Also today I've been creating a TMenu type, making minor improvements and fixed a few minor things. I'll release an update when there's enough new things to make it worthwhile. |
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Grey - where were you 12 months ago? You really seem to be tackling the Blitzmax issues - well done. |
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Right grey - its your responsibility to get them to fix sound lag and also the crash when going from a canvas to graphics() fullscreen. Cos you can :) |
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lol, common guys ... 12 months ago I was getting to grips with Blitz Plus (and its less serious bugs) and making free mini games for practice. OEJ: Well, I'm not sure what more can be done on the sound lag issue, except for bumping the thread and making noises every so often and as for the canvas issue, I'm not using the MaxGUI (even though I own it) so I don't care ;-p sorry. |
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shame coz its why when u go from full screen to windowed and back, it changes hz for you :) |
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Oop, sorry about that Grey, didn't know you had GL on Windows working. :-) OEJ: If when you come back from fullscreen, you re-create a new context with CreateGraphics() and SetGraphics(), will it go back to the hertz rate that it was originally supposed to be? I don't think this would close your window, it would just switch to the new context. |
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One Eyed Jack: I'm confused? My full-screen is fixed at 60Hz (anyone who uses the framework can alter this or make it the desktop herz) and the windowed mode is as the desktop Hz anyway obviously. Switching back and forth works fine. AngelDaniel: That's OK. I gave OpenGL another test today to be 100% sure, and it's fine. Basically several of teh DirectX "fixes" are simply not called in OpenGL mode because it doesn't need fixing :-) In fact my game framework ought to compile on Linux and Macs but some of the cool features (that I made via windows API calls) won't be present of course. |
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Just bought this package, when will it arrive? |
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Thanks for your order, I've emailed you. I'm releasing a new super-duper version today, so if you hang on about 30 mins, you can have that :-) |
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New demo and screenshot posted (see top of thread). This one supports a menu system and multiple screens amongst other things. FAQ has also been updated. |
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Keep up the good work, I will probably be purchasing this soon. I started to write something like this, but never got that far on it. $39 is quite a bargain for all of the time it would take me to do this! |
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Cool, I look forward to your order :-) $39 is quite a bargain for all of the time it would take me to do this! You've hit the nail on the head. I said to someone once that if a module was available that did this when I got Max, I'd have paid $200 dollars for it because time is money and I've got a game to write.btw: The FAQ is now split into two parts: General and Technical and both have indexes. |
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The only Blitz product I have so far is B3D. I am going to download a trial version of BMax, your game framework app looks VERY appealing. Is there a maximum limit to the number of menu options you can have (it seems greedy but I'm looking for around 40 or so buttons, around 12 of which will be modifiable at run time) Can the text within some of the menu options be modified 'on the fly' dependant upon which menu options are depressed ? I'm off to download a trial of Bmax.... Keep up the good work. |
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@Blitzplotter: Hi, thanks for your interest. No there is no limit to menu buttons, also you can modify them at run-time. I am doing this for an options page right now because if you click an option you need the other parts to change of course (e.g. on/off). Each menu item is in fact a button that you load in a graphic for when the screen starts. You can then load in a new graphic if the button changes. Hope this makes sense. The buttons aren't an empty shell that you use DrawText on in BlitzMax (although this is possible of course) because, although this might look OK, you have more options for making it look cool if you load in predrawn graphics, especially for when the button glows due to mouse over. |
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Just added a fully working options screen. You can use your own graphics (and background) of course and even change the layout and add or subtract buttons as you see fit :-)![]() |
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Cheers for the advice on how the buttons function. In three and a half weeks, depending on my progress with BMax (I've just downloaded the trial version) I'll run my wishlist past my accounts manager (my wife) and will hopefully be re-developing my current application at (somewhat) quicker progress than the mountain I climbed wrestling with B3D. I made the error of developing my app on my 'main' computer which has a 128MByte graphics card. Funny old thing it goes at a snails pace on systems without sufficient graphics cards and suffers from veritcal tearing on my laptop (radeon issues). Going back to the drawing board using your app may see my labours bear fruit before the next millenium. |
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Let's hope your wife's positive then, good luck ;-) Also have you tried out my AOTMG demo yet? This will give you a good idea of how the framework will run on your PC and laptop. |
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yep, tried aotmg on my laptop and it ran fine - no vertical tearing along the lines (which occurred in my B3D app) which was nice. |
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Just ordered the Framework, it looks like just the helping hand I need to start using BlitzMax properly ^^ |
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Thanks Shambler :-) you'll love it. I've just emailed it to you. Sorry for the delay, I was out all day with the kids. At least you can check it out tonight now. The options page will be in the next update along with high scores support. |
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Looks like I should probably get BlitzMax...this looks great. |
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I'm no t being funny but I want to know what enhancements / cotinued development / support you are offering. I would not want to purchase something that becomes disgarded in a few months time. |
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***BlitzMax Game Framework For Sale! Don't reinvent the wheel, this one only costs $39*** Looks great Grey, tempted to switch from B+/B3D and this is a big consideration. Although reinventing the wheel is great experience even when the result is square :D |
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@Nicoust- the problem with reinventing the wheel in BlitzMax is that you'll run over weird quirks that require workarounds - stuff that Grey Alien has been doing the past month (longer?) just to get it running smooth. You're not just buying a framework, you're getting a more stable enviroment for your games development. |
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Thanks for your interest everyone. This FAQ: should answer all your questions about support, what's next etc. But to summarise: I'm going to be using this for my next game and the one after that etc so I personally have a vested interest in the framework! This means enhancements and fixes will be supplied to all customers. Next up is a fully working options page (done already, just not released yet), high score loading/saving/entry/display, a full profile management system - great for casual games (I'll be putting the price up when this is done but existing users won't be charged an upgrade free). As for support: please read the FAQ as it talks in more detail, but basically posting here is good as everyone can see the answers, failing that email me and I may also put the question/answer in one of the FAQs or expand the getting started guide if it's relevant. Hope my answers help. Oh yeah, on the reinventing the wheel side of things... Sure it can be great to look back and go "nice wheel, it might be square, but I made that", and you do learn from it. The thing is sometimes someone can show you how to make a good wheel and you'll learn the important stuff much quicker than when flailing around on your own. Also from a professional point of view, if you plan on making a game to sell and can save *weeks* of development by buying in something for half a days wages, well then, you'd be silly not to... |
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How about some Mappy support, that would be nice!! Mappy There is allready som code for Blitzmax, maybe you can use that. |
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I'll look into this as I'm going to be making a platformer soon, but I had my own format in mind as I already made a platformer called Iron Fist in BlitzPlus and I was going to improve that engine. |
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I purchased this yesterday and I am VERY impressed. Excellent implementation and great features. I would go so far as to say that almost anyone would be crazy not to use this :) Well worth the paltry $39. Great work Jake. Keep the updates coming! |
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Looks nice. I see enemies in the screenshot, but no mention of any AI? |
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Markd, It's a professional framework, into which you code YOUR OWN game - this is not a game. Anyway it would be very difficuly to provide a library for AI which covered every type of game, cards, puzzlers, platforms, shootemups - if you get my drift. IPete2. |
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yeah, i just read the part about the example game - which explains why there are enemies in the screenshot. my apologies. |
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Why0Why: Thanks very much, that's a great comment, really appreciate the recognition of the hard work I put into this. I really think this is one of the best pieces of work I've ever made due to use of the OOP. It's all very OOP optimised but also easy to use and understand, not overly complex (I hope). Certainly I'll be using this for all my games now. There are lots of other cool modules out there but without some kind of framework, you don't have a game, you just have a tech demo, which you can't possibly sell ... MarkD: Good point, but like IPete2 says, it's not really about AI, this framework justs sits around your game. However, in the future if I make a game that needs certain kinds of AI, I might release the code. But my next one is match-3 so it's not on the cards for a while. New release tomorrow with a better game demo, working options page and high scores inc. name entry. Watch this space... |
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V0.98 released today! Updates include: - Fully working options page. - Highscore saving, loading, entering. - Sprites can now scale, rotate and brighten. - Enhanced gameplay to show off some new features. - Improvements and Fixes ![]() |
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$59 is a bit rich for me unfortunately. I simply can't justify spending that amount right now. I should add that I'm really impressed with what you've done though... Really impressed... [edit]The latest build of ATOMG has changed considerably and is a great showcase for the framework.[/edit] Tis a shame 'cause I'd been following this with much interest. Good luck with it though... |
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fair enough. I've added in a lot more functionality recently and there's more to come. Try out the latest demo to see it in action. email me... |
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By popular demand, I've reduced the price of the framework for a while to $49. |
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A good decision I think, because people are more likely to give it a go without a second thought - rather than nice, but a little too expensive. Keep developing by all means, but try not to make it too large and cumbersome - efficient and easy to use would be good. I'll probably get this at some stage, but any chance of a credit/debit card payment option? I feel more secure using that method than paypal. |
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How about a double discount promotion period? I have exactly $39 burning a hole in my pocket ;) |
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I have $29 :-) |
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you guys lol! Keep saving, it's worth it. OK, OK, you twisted my arm. get it today for $39 but hurry ... I shouldn't be doing this ;-) You are getting a real bargain, so many man hours have gone into this, and it'll save you tons of work. You've read what my other customers say I take it? Steve Elliot: the way it's structured means that I can expand it nicely. I'll only be adding new functionality in the form of types and new methods to existing types so it should still be efficient and easy to understand. If you are U.K. based, how about a cheque? Email me for more details. Otherwise I'll have to look into setting up a ShareIt account I guess. |
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Just added a Level Complete screen, a MaxLevels field and a Game Finished screen so that the entire game cycle is now handled by the engine. |
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Sounds great, Jake ^^ |
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OK - sounds good. But can't you get Cloverleaf games to sell your framework? |
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Steve: I'm not sure it's really Cloverleaf's sort of thing as it's not a game. Plus there would be fees reducing my slide quite a lot. I'd be better off looking into ShareIt. Like I said, can you do a cheque for £21.50 today? My Address is on and make it payable to Jake Birkett Computer Solutions Ltd. If not, then I'll have to look into ShareIt but I can't do that until Monday - I don't want to loose your sale so I'll find a way for you to pay somehow :-) Here's what one customer just emailed me: "Just wanted to let you know I have finally had a chance this morning to start to get to grips with your Framework in order to start my first ever BlitzMax game. Wow is all I can say!!! Your framework has already saved me loads and loads of hours. The whole code is very very easy to read and follow and is very nicely laid out. Even at your new £30 price your framework is a bargain." :-D |
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@Steve, I've offer a bit of cross promotion and I'm awaiting Jakes decision. It won't be on Cloverleaf though. |
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Indiepath: OK, well talk on Monday. Can't right now as I'm supposed to be hoovering the the impending visit of my Sensei. I won't be online much this weekend as I'm hosting an Aikido course and all my students are grading, about 30 of them! |
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I don't want to loose your sale so I'll find a way for you to pay somehow :-) LOL. I must be one of your best customers - Easter Bonus and now this. OK, I'll send you a cheque for £21.50. [EDIT] Cheque sent today (13 May). |
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Steve: You ROCK! As I trust you I'll send you the framework to play with over the weekend. Just make sure I get that cheque ;-) |
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Grey, Good luck with the grading dude! IPete2. |
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Hi Grey, any chance of doing a version of the game that runs in a high res like 1024 * 768 * 32 so I can see how it performs... Ta |
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I've snapped this up; taking advantage of today's special price. I'm looking forward to dabbling with it... |
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Grey, pls keep the price open till I have tried it at a realistic res.. |
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Ipete2: Thanks. I'm not grading, my next one is second dan next year. But yeah, nearly 30 of my students are, busy, busy. I'm more nervious than them. Jimmy: You are a star. Check your email! Boiled sweets: OK, hang on... hmm problem. All my backgrounds are 800x600 and there is no matrix for scaling so it looks naff in 1024x768 as the background just sits in the top left and the rest of the screen isn't cleared. I can sent it to you like this but it ain't pretty... |
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i've been thinking about getting this, and having a shareit option would definately help lean my oppinion in favour of, even further. ps. getting that double discount thingy would help even more ;-) |
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KingNothing: I'll look into Share it on monday. Can't promise on the double discount thing though especially as I'm adding more and more to it all the time, we'll see ... |
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cool about shareit, and i was just teasing about the double discount. you worked hard on it and deserve what you ask for it, and if i really want it i'm ok with paying what you feel is fair for it ( just as long as it doesn't get to much higher, being canadian and all, the exchange can really be a killer 8-p ) anyway keep up the good work and i hope to be an owner of the framework pretty soon. |
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Yeah Grey, pls send even though it will look odd. The thing is I want to move to MAX but not sure it's ready. Your framework will help to prove that MAX is fit for pro games, at the moment I read a lot of bad things about it - like video tearing/jerks and crashes. Not good. |
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Jake, as far as the backgrounds go they can simply be scaled in Photoshop or a similar package to 1024 X 768 and the resolution adjusted in code. However, I recommend you don't use such large sprites in future because on slow graphics systems the frame rate drops through the floor. I used to have a second system that had an Intel graphics card and my game used a 1280 X 1024 background and was very slow. I then broke the background up into 256 X 256 tiles and the game ran MUCH faster. Remember that BlitzMax is using texture mapped polygons, so texture size should be 256 X 256 or 512 X 512 for slower systems - faster systems are fine, but Max will round-up to the nearest square texture for compatibility reasons. btw you might want to reduce the number of shots per second of the UFO's in the demo game. Because it's unplayable now and you don't really appreciate how smooth things are running because of the mayhem. |
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KingNothing: OK, wait till Monday and I'll see what I can russle up. Boiled Sweets: OK, I'll tweak it and send you a copy. May not have time this weekend though. Steve: your gallery image look really good. And yeah, re the UFOs I'll make it better for the next version now the game supports levels. |
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Boiled Sweets: Emailed ya! I found the time ;-) You've got the latest version with levels in actually. Also I've slowed down the alien firing. 1024x768 gives 900FPS full screen on mine. It's slower in windowed mode because it's calling Delay(1) every loop to give Windows a chance. Re: stability, I think that this framework is fine for pro games. The only new issue that seems to have cropped up is the one of if a BMax app runs for a long time it goes wrong. I thought this was supposed to be fixed in 1.20 (in fact it says Mark fixed something in the release docs) so I'm surprised it's still there. I haven't seen this myself but I haven't ran anything for long enough to test it. [edit] Email was too big for you so I've uploaded it. I'll send you a link. |
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Grey, nice work ta. |
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Does anyone know what technique this addon uses for collisions? |
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John: It's up to you to make your own collisions based on the type of game you write. That's not part of the framework. However, the AOTMG demo uses CollideImage for the ship bullets on the UFOs and for the UFO bullets on the player's ship. This works fine and seems very fast. |
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Grey, I have the demo of Bmax (which comes with the separate BMax GUI module). I am trying to budget for your application, I am wondering if I need to purchase BMax and the GUI module by BlitzResearch to use your app, or just the BMax... Regards... |
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You don't need the GUI module to use Grey's framework. BlitzMax is all you need... |
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Blitzplotter: Jimmy is correct. I made it that way on purpose so my customer base wasn't limited, but also because it's a "game" framework not a windows app framework. Actually part of what the framework does is replace some windows gadgets with graphicla versions. e.g. buttons, input dialogs, etc. |
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Looking forward to cutting my teeth in BMax inside your game framework.... |
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I'd like to add that I've been playing around with this over the weekend and it's superb! The code is very thorougly commented, which makes picking it up a breeze. It even comes complete with a quick start guide. Grey's thought of everything! |
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Jimmy: Thanks for the positive feedback :-) I actually originally put all the comments in for myself because in a few months time I might not know what the code means or why I did something a particular way. But when I knew I was going to sell the framework, I just went for an "if in doubt, comment it" type approach. |
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Looks like you got a winner here, Grey. Congrats on the good work and great idea. |
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Thanks Neuro. The funny thing is, I only made this framework because I needed it for my next game and I thought, "hmm, this is pretty good, I wonder if it will be useful to other people" and lo and behold it is. I did have to spend a reasonable amount of time on the FAQs and Getting Started Guide that I wouldn't have made if it was just for me, but I enjoyed making them actaully. I really enjoy checking my email in the morning now for more Paypal notifications :-D |
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The Game Framework can now be purchased via Share-it!:[300072102]=1 Although the preffered method is still via the Paypal donate button here: I'm planning on releasing another update later this week, so keep an eye out for that one. It's will have some neat improvements in it such as level complete and game finished screens, a select level map screen, full user profiles, and OpenGL/DirectX toggle on the options screen, some alternative timing possibilities, and a few minor fixes/improvements. Plus I've added some stuff to the getting started guide. |
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Thanks Neuro. The funny thing is, I only made this framework because I needed it for my next game and I thought, "hmm, this is pretty good, I wonder if it will be useful to other people" and lo and behold it is. I did have to spend a reasonable amount of time on the FAQs and Getting Started Guide that I wouldn't have made if it was just for me, but I enjoyed making them actaully. I really enjoy checking my email in the morning now for more Paypal notifications :-D Quite ironic really. I made igLoader for Cloverleaf games, period! Now look at it :) |
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It's funny how stuff works out, not always in ways you expected. |
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thanks Jake for the shareit option, I just ordered and i'm looking forward to checking it out. 8-) |
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You are welcome, I knew share-it was good move :-) Enjoy! |
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Grey, Isn't PaYPal cheaper? Isn't it 3.4% + 20p against ShareIt's $2.95 or 14% erm... or am I completely wrong. |
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yeah Paypal IS cheaper BUT some people don't want to use it, hense the Share-it! option... which are you going to use ;-) |
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Grey, I am tempted cos this does look good but I have a number of projects (keyboard based game, retro remake shoot em up and a modern version of Mulg) that I want to do in B3D (will be quicker) and need to finish qoob. Also (in my humble opinion and this is just my opinion) I think the price is just a little too high for me. That's not too say it's not a great frame work and WILL CERTAINLY be WELL WORTH it for others. I may dive in later but at the moment I am putting finishing touches to my own B3D frame work (this is for my use only) and need to focus on other stuff - see above. |
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Boiled Sweets: No worries. How come it will be quicker to make the remake in B3D? Because you already have your own framework maybe? Good luck with your stuff and watch this space. The next demo will be very good, a complete playable mini-game in fact. |
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Grey, I'm going to have to email you about something later on...... |
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sure, I'm in until 6pm tonight, then I'm teaching Aikido to about hmm 10:30pm. So I might reply later or tomorrow now. |
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Thanks for the support Grey, I am half way through creating my buttons, in the Portable Network Graphic format. Well done on producing such a polished product. @Boiled Sweets, I'd progressed an idea to a certain extent in B3D but without much attention to object orientation / polymorphism. Unfortunately, I could ill afford the massive amount of time to step forward my limited understanding of B3D. From my first impression's Grey's framework is money well spent from my point of view. |
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Blitzplotter: Glad the support was useful. I've added your question (in a more general form) to the getting started guide. |
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Just added a moving lightsource and shadow and background to the options screen, which btw, now supports DirectX and OpenGL.![]() |
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Looking good :) Jason. |
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I just made the spotlight larger and more subtle after Helen said it detracted from the burnished metal background. Anyway, the code's the same :-) |
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My apps now progressing at light speed in comparison to my B3D prototype. Sure, my B3D prototype was eye candy but the functionality side of it was (slightly) flaky due to my tunnel vision on large 3D buttons that would rotate in x,y,z planes.... Just goes to show you need to pin down your user requirements and not get lost producing bells and whistles.... Grey's framework has given me the necessary wherewithall to (try) and see my product thru' to the end (again....). |
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I almost missed the share-it link. Framework has been ordered and I am looking forward to start playing with it. Barney |
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Blitzplotter: Good luck! (I have added a few bells and whistles to the latest version too ;-)) Barnabius: Check your email :-) Thanks! |
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Any chance of producing a simple scrolling game with the framework? I haven't had time to use the framework just yet - but in a few weeks I will. So having some scrolling code available would give me a good idea on how the framework is best used. |
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Hi Steve. Well I may have some things in place to help you already (plus in the next version there is more). The main TGame has ScrollX and ScrollY fields and TSprite has a method called DrawWithOffset() which takes these into account. Also on the level complete screen, I've added a smooth scrolling background which may give you food for thought. If you still need more help, then please ask. Also keep watching this space as soon I'll be making a scrolling platform game engine (to be sold separately) with a demo etc. |
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The smooth scrolling background sounds fine. I've only had time to have a quick look at some of your code and it contains lots of comments which is good, so I'm sure I'll be ok. But I just don't want to spend too much time on learning the framework - rather than writing the game itself. btw What about animation? Is that included in the framework or do we deal with that ourselves? Just so I know. |
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well sprites can be animated, you just set up a counter than runs over a defined period of time and it automatically choose the correct frame. Also there is a TAnimation type in the new version that allows you to set up multi-phase animations. For example I've used it on the highscore table to a) delay the line before it slides on screen for a staggered effect b) sline the line on screen c) make it flash white. It's pretty cool. Basically when you run the latest AOTMG demo, think hmm yes I want to do that. Go to the correct screen declaration in GameTypes.bmx and check the code for how it's done. It's normally pretty simple :-) |
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GreyAlien: any chance you might support the hardware render to texture thing that works on some cards? would mean a mssive boost to my scrolling and make the framework a better buy. |
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hmm, is that the thing that Indiepath did or not? He did rendertotexture but it could have only been software-based. I don't even know how to begin with hardware render to texture I'm afraid. |