Arcade-In-A-Box Launches

Community Forums/Showcase/Arcade-In-A-Box Launches

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#1]
I'm going to keep the old post below, just so people can kind of understand the direction we are heading.

We are no longer going to offer the service of selling games for developers on a commission basis. That really ended up being too much work while I try to concentrate on our main products, and that is the Arcade-In-A-Box. However, the new is going to be all about content for home arcade enthusiasts. We are looking for games that can work with the home arcade setup and will be posting them on the site with reviews. Our readers can download the demo or purchase directly from our site if they wish. So if you have an affiliate program you use (bmtmicro, regnow, etc) we will become a partner through that service and add the buy button. If you would prefer us to just link directly to your sales page, that's fine too. We are not here to make money off the hard work of developers. The affiliate programs are just an easy way for us to add the demo and buy it now links.

With that said, hope you like the new site, and take note that we are looking for help with it.

And we encourage developers to continue to register at It's just a way we can keep in touch with everyone that is registered with mailings and so forth.

So the dev backend/portal will be coming down shortly. Simply because it no longer links to the database used for the site.

Ed Farias
Arcade-In-A-Box, LLC
It was suggested I start up a new thread, so I'm going to summarize the old thread a bit first.

We are looking for developers to create arcade style games that will work with the home arcade setup. This does not only mean the Arcade-In-A-Box system, but the thousands of home arcade cabinets out there.

If you are interested in developing for this type of market you can register at

These systems take some pretty specific keyboard inputs, here is a tech sheet giving some guidelines. released it's first press release today thanks to IndiePath and I'll keep you all updated on the results from this.


Ed Farias,

robleong(Posted 2006) [#2]
Looks interesting. Just wanted to say that your title description of "Independant Gaming.." should be spelt "Independent Gaming..". ;) Good luck.

Blitzblaster(Posted 2006) [#3]
Very interesting, i like retro games. Retro is cool !
Turn back the time !


WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#4]
Hmm, I'd like to see a light gun arcade soon... After all, I was just playing a retro game of sorts that used a light gun (like the Wii Zapper or NES zapper-style gun). That was cool. You could probably program that like a mouse, am I right? All in all, something like that would bring some retro indie games into play.

(Nothing to do with my project, just to clarify. I was just curious, because I feel that games of the times seem to like using motion-controlled, and light-controlled controllers and/or zappers). Just feeding my enthusiasm of the controllers that the Wii and the PS3 were using, and thought that more arcade cabinets could start using this technology sooner or later. I think that Sega has this technology (however, the light gun was wired), I forget the game now, but it involves shooting zombies or something like that.

LineOf7s(Posted 2006) [#5]
We are looking for developers to create arcade style games that will work with the home arcade setup.

I feel that games of the times seem to like using motion-controlled, and light-controlled controllers and/or zappers). Just feeding my enthusiasm of the controllers that the Wii and the PS3 were using, and thought that more arcade cabinets could start using this technology sooner or later. I think that Sega has this technology (however, the light gun was wired), I forget the game now, but it involves shooting zombies or something like that.

For the love of God, Bob, WTF are you on about? Why don't you go start up a nice new thread and tell us all about Plasmorg some more, and leave ArcadeEd's perfectly sensible threads alone for a while? Sound like a plan?

ArcadeEd: Sounds great - good luck with this. Whilst I don't expect to be coding an arcade game anytime soon, I'm certainly interested in playing them, and your sort of cabinets are just the ticket. I register my interest in your operation. :o)

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#6]
Thanks all for the comments. And DOH! on the spelling thing. My web guy is from Canada, so it might be a regional spelling thing, or maybe not. I'll check :).

As for the light gun stuff. You are right about the mouse thing. Act-Labs has an SDK for their light guns.

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#7]

For the love of God, Bob, WTF are you on about? Why don't you go start up a nice new thread and tell us all about Plasmorg some more, and leave ArcadeEd's perfectly sensible threads alone for a while? Sound like a plan?

ArcadeEd: Sounds great - good luck with this. Whilst I don't expect to be coding an arcade game anytime soon, I'm certainly interested in playing them, and your sort of cabinets are just the ticket. I register my interest in your operation. :o)

"Your biggest obstacles are your greatest opportunities to excel."
Athlon XP 1900+, 512MB ram, GeForce4 MX440 64MB DDR, DirectX 9.0c

Read the post carefully, that was a very general post I made, nothing to do with that project. What I was doing was suggesting a feature that could be used on arcade cabinets in the future for all developers. After all, that's what Nintendo and Sony are doing on their consoles, so it's only fitting that we stick with the sign of the times for arcade cabinets, too, IMHO...

(Now that we're on your note, I could care less about my project anymore, anyway... I beat it to death so much, that I couldn't even concentrate, so now I'll just stick to what I knew beforehand in helping other developers behind the scenes, who knows? Maybe some of my bits and pieces will be used in somebody else's project that will use some of my technology used in ArcadEd's games).

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#8]
Sorry for lack of posting around here gang. And boiled, sorry for not getting retrosphere up on the site yet.

I was contacted by a television network here in the US called HGTV (Home and Garden TV). They have a show called I WANT THAT and they starting a spin off of the show in August called I WANT THAT: Tech Toys. They emailed me, and looks like they will do a brief segment on my arcade boxes during one of the shows. Which means I will also pump as well, as they asked to interview me as well.

Anyway, so things are getting a little busy around here. I'm trying to keep up.

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#9]
hey that sounds great!

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#10]
Hmm, getting popular now, aren't ya? Congrats on that offer, there, ArcadEd! Hopefully that'll up your promotion antes!

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#11]
Well the arcade box as made it too HGTV, and they seem to be having a lot of fun with it.

Besides that, sorry I've been away for a while. has taken a new approach. You can take a look at the new site. We are scrapping the "online store" format and are going to stick to content based site instead. Let me know what you think of the new format and if you have anything to contribute in the form of a game or anything else.


boomboom(Posted 2006) [#12]
I don't like the look of the new site (I didn't see the old one), but it looks abit too much like a drab, boring, portel.

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#13]
BoomBoom, your actually the first person that has not liked it. Of course most of the people I have asked have been friends.

Do you have any suggestions to liven it up?

Thanks for the feedback.

boomboom(Posted 2006) [#14]
Well, first of all gray isn't the most fun colour :) I dunno. I assume this is can be loaded up via the arcade hardware?

If so, I would be tempted to make it more 'arcadey', as in like an ingame GUI, or a similer feeling to xbox live instead of something that just looks like a PC Website.

Maybe something like:

Or maybe like the inside of an old arcade:

but more stylised etc.

Afterall if someone wants to play these types of games, then you can just do it on a normal PC. It just seems to me that the market your going after wants something that feels like an arcade, and takes them back to the 'good old days', away from a normal PC looking interface and the boring grey box under the desk.

big10p(Posted 2006) [#15]
That picture of an old arcade just gave me a semi. :P

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#16]
Those are great suggstions BoomBomm, thanks.

I'll see what I can come up with my limited graphical ability :).

I like the old arcade idea. Neon lights, dark, usually nasty red/yellow carpet :).

jhocking(Posted 2006) [#17]
Well well, it's good to hear that things are moving forward for you.

If you need a game to demo on the show, I'm almost done with an initial demo of Gyroman and could adapt that for your box. The control scheme is modeled after Smash TV after all, a retro arcade game.

Alternatively, I have ideas for a couple other updates of retro arcade games and could whip up a demo of one of them.

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#18]
Thanks Joe, unfortunatly they are already doing the shoot with the box. I was able to get about 40 games on it. 33 classic arcade games from Midway and Atari Collections. 7 games I used from the iretrogames website.

Gyroman looks killer though man, keep up the great work. If you ever want me to give it a test on my test box, I'd be more than happy too.

And I'd love to see the other stuff you have as well.

jhocking(Posted 2006) [#19]
cool, when I finish this playtest demo I'll do a version using two joysticks for controlling and send that to you.

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#20]
Awesome, will I be able to configure the controls?

jhocking(Posted 2006) [#21]
What do you mean?

Also, we should probably take this to email so as not to clog up your thread. My address is in my profile.

Imphenzia(Posted 2006) [#22]
Hello - tried to submit info about Beat Ball 2 on the contact page but not sure if it was sent. I was wondering whether it could be published on the site by any chance :)


ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#23]
Stefan, not sure if you got my last email. But the game is up now :).


ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#24]
The HGTV Episode is going to air starting tonight :).

You can get more info at the AIAB Blog.

If you get HGTV, check it out.

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#25]
Sweet, I'll tune in onto that, and see what it is that you do.

Oh, was that show, "I Want That Tech Toys?"

cloned(Posted 2006) [#26]
cool, one question thought. what languages have been tested on it?

po(Posted 2006) [#27]
I have HGTV but don't see I Want That in the listings. I checked all the way till 3:00AM but nope. Is it not today? Right now it's 3:00PM, August 30, Pacific Time. Does the show go under a different name in Canada I wonder?

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#28]
Well, on the EST schedule, looking at the Interactive Program Guide on my high-def tuner (HGTV's not in HD, surprisingly), but it shows to be on at 8:30 - 9:30 PM, well, technically 9:00 - 9:30 PM for the technology-specific episode. Still, it'll be well worth the watch.

po(Posted 2006) [#29]
Eh. I think I have the Canadian version of HGTV and not the American version..

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#30]
Okay, just caught that segment, $1700, tho, I could almost get that 20" iMac for that price. However, knowing how much you can do with that AIAB, that may be somewhat worth the while.

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#31]
Thanks Ram :).

Considering the Dream Authentics arcade cabinet was on a few weeks ago and was priced at 6 grand ;).

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#32]
Hmm, I believe that Sams Club or BJs, or some of those membership stores that I've been visiting, I've seen some arcade cabinets there, too, believe it or not. Can't remember the prices off hand, but they had to be somewhere between $1000 and $2000 somewhere, but that can probably only fit one game, am I right?

ArcadEd(Posted 2006) [#33]
Yup, I know the ones you are talking about. I won't get into it about those here. But I know the ones you mean. Completely different ball game in terms of what they run. They are strictly hardware PCB and can't be upgraded or run anything PC. Then run an embedded os on the board.

Anyway, I know people just look at pricing, not much I can do about that :).

Thanks for the nice words though.