Alien Attack 2020

Community Forums/Showcase/Alien Attack 2020

Wings(Posted 2006) [#1]
was bored at coding voidrpg so i had another game run to see how much game i cold write under stress.
this was ressult.

You are on moon and need to defent your base before the alien comes and get you.
you have a special spacecraft with impulse engine. and a special weapon so then impulse power is 100% you will kill 2 aliens per shoot. thoe be warned impuls engine is kind of instable. so you can get parralized if your get hitt.

game include cool music,sound,gfx tittle screen,brefing.


game download

Last edited 2013

Last edited 2013

WedgeBob(Posted 2006) [#2]
Sweet, another Space Invaders clone. At first I thought I was looking at Metroid up until the full photo filled up on your thread. However, maybe Metroid may be another cool platformer to sort of clone. Of course, Miyamoto may slap you on the wrist if you do.

However, nice game, can't wait for its release...

Wings(Posted 2006) [#3]
How about multi player metroid ? is it possibly ?
like maby see other player while gamming it..

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#4]
I kept getting paralysed. Anyway, seems to play OK. I notice that the stars go in FRONT on of the mountain peak. Be nice if you finished it with a game over screen for when the aliens reach the bottom instead of just exiting.