Community Forums/Showcase/(i)BloxedOut
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Here is my first BlitzMax effort - its based on something I wrote for a Smartphone/PDA (which in turn was something I wrote in DBPro). The object is to destroy the descending (and in later levels ascending) cubes, triangles, crosses and other shapes by placing mines in front of them, and then detonating said weapons when the baddies have moved onto the mined blocks. Move the cursor to the top, bottom, left or right to scroll the screen. Left mouse to place a mine - it can't be placed on the checkpoint area, a blank area or over a previous mine. The right mouse button detonates all mines. Clear each level to proceed to the next. Later levels feature baddies that require multiple hits. If a baddie reaches the opposite edge to the one they started in, then its game over. If they reach the checkpoint, they start speeding up. If you want to quit the program before completing the 10 levels, you'll need to do a Force Quit. Some screenies : And the file (Intel Mac version) : http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~nichkk/MiscThings/BloxedOut/iBloxedOut.zip And here's the PC version : http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~nichkk/MiscThings/BloxedOut/BloxedOut.zip |
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Hey I recognise that in-game font ;-) |
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Yes, I'm sure you do :) |
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I pressed escape in-game and it too me to another screen where a mouse button just plays the game again. Thus I couldn't exit without Ctrl+Alt+Del. You'd better make that clearer. Oh I see you explained this in your post. I didn't read that bit :) Interesting concept but it was hard to understand what was going on (because I didn't read you post, doh). I'm sure some sound effects and later on tutorials will help. Good luck. |