Stone of Destiny

Community Forums/Showcase/Stone of Destiny

@rtur(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hi ppl,
We have released our new B3D casual game- The Stone of Destiny

Here are few screenshots:

It is hidden object + puzzles game.
From here it can be downloaded.

Have fun!:)

GfK(Posted 2007) [#2]
First thought - it looks nice.

My partner is playing the demo at the moment, and getting really frustrated with it.

Some noteworthy comments.

"Where's the screw, then?!"

*much later, after it told her it would give her a hint where the screw was*

"How's that a f***ing screw???!"


*click click click click* "COME ON FOR F**KS SAKE!" (I don't think she liked having to sit through the cartoon bits).


"I've f***ing drawn it 50 times!"

"Bored now"


She normally plays stuff like this a lot, but I get a slight inkling that she didn't enjoy this one at all.

@rtur(Posted 2007) [#3]
Thanks for feedback.

>*click click click click* "COME ON FOR F**KS SAKE!" (I don't think she liked having to sit through the cartoon bits).

My english not very good and I didn't understood this.
She didn't noticed Continue button? Or she just didn't like how storiline comix look like?

GfK(Posted 2007) [#4]
There wasn't a 'continue' button until the entire comic strip had appeared.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#5]
looks very nicely done. Will try it out tomorrow. The coffin sliding game looks like car jockey: I recognise the font, I used it for Xmas Bonus :-)

@rtur(Posted 2007) [#6]
> There wasn't a 'continue' button until the entire comic strip had appeared.

If she clicked mouse button then continue button appears immediately. So to skip comix player need to click only twice. One click anywhere on the screen and second on continue button.

Geehawk(Posted 2007) [#7]
I did not find any bugs, or errors. It all seems very polished, but I got bored very quickly.

I stopped when I got to the 3rd find the hidden objects section. To me staring at a picture to find hidden things which sometimes dont look like what they are meant to be, and are seemingly random and not in keeping with the subject matter, is no fun.

I also fail to see the point of the draw the shape bit?? I had no problems with it recognising what I had drawn, but why have it at all ???

Also its a very long winded installation IMO.

In short. Well presented but frustrating rather than challenging.

@rtur(Posted 2007) [#8]
Our game currently on the second place in Top10.
It selled more copies during few first days after release than Master of defense during last year :)

CodeOrc(Posted 2007) [#9]
Um, why does Spybot call you software "malicious" ?

Anyway, I played the game and it looks/plays great.

Nice Job

Canardian(Posted 2007) [#10]
LOL, if she gets frustrated at the difficulty of that game, she should try Notpron, the hardest riddle game on the internet:

Geehawk(Posted 2007) [#11]
Perhaps, like me, she was frustrated by its monotony not difficulty.

SopiSoft(Posted 2007) [#12]
Our game currently on the second place in Top10.
It selled more copies during few first days after release than Master of defense during last year :)

How many copies of Stone Of Destiny did you already sell through