[WIP] MGE - High Level 2D Game Framework
Community Forums/Showcase/[WIP] MGE - High Level 2D Game Framework
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http://blitzmax-2d-game-engine.blogspot.com/ Hi! - I've taken the plunge into the world of 2D coding via BlitzMax! Thanks to BlitzMax, I've found an easy migration path from VB6 allowing me to ignore .net altogether. woo hoo!!! :) In any event, for those interested I'm porting my 2D game engine framework over to BlitzMax. MGE won't set the tech world on fire, but it will allow even novice coders to get something up and running very quickly. Vist the blog once in a while to see how things are developing. Thanks! |
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some competition for gray alien =D Welcome to blitz. |
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Maybe, we shall have to see ;-) Yeah Bmax is ace, welcome. |
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Hi Coffeedptbean, Grey Alien, thanks for the welcome! As far as being competition for Grey Alien, I seriously doubt it. I took a look at GA's framework before I committed to developing MGE. I can safely say GA's framework is a more overall robust solution compared to MGE. MGE is aimed at an entirely different coder. They both will hopefully provide solutions for all levels of coders. :) |
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That can only be a good thing :-) Will you be selling it? |
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Hi GA, my first goal is to get something up and running that I personally can write my games / screensavers with in my own style of coding which is very basic and simplistic. MGE will be available to anyone who wants to work with it. As far as selling it, yah I'm sure at some point in the life of the tool kit I will start selling it. I can't imagine something like this demanding too much money though. lol.. |
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The is a follow up to another demo, but this time the engine has been updated with a feature so you can run your game in any resolution. (You can code your game in any resolution as well.) Check out the config.cfg file and change the screen resolution the game runs, everything (should) adapt accordingly. Works in windowed mode as well. Try some funcky resolution sizes, tall, wide, etc. (In full screen mode, if that res isn't available it should exit nicely.) If it doesn't run, please comment here with your specs. Thanks for your time. http://www.jgoware.com/mge/mge8.zip You can learn more about MGE's progress by clicking on my siggy. ;) |
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i like the demos. |
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More goodies added. Download the latest demo, check out the blog if you're interested. Thanks. Demo 13 Click Here |
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I did a little asteroid type shooting demo, would love to hear if it runs ok. I only have an intel integrated card, runs fairly slow but still playable. Thanks! http://jgoware.com/mge/asteroidblast.zip |
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Amazing. Works perfectly on my P4 2.8 - WIN XP SP2 - 6600GT - DX9.0c did you take a look at SpriteCandy? maybe you could find a lot of great ideas for your framework. SpriteCandy is the best 2D sprite system for B3D... All the best! |
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Thanks for checking it out Pinete! |
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This project is starting to shape up nicely, keep up the good work. The asteroids demo is nifty, too, very nice effects. SpaceAce |
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Works fine for me, at all settings. Nice and smooth. |
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Thanks SpaceAce, GeeHawk.. seriously...very much appreciated! I'm going to turn the Asteroid Blast demo into a full <little game>. Now if I can just find how to reliably use Bass with BMax. ;) |
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Very nice. Perfectly smooth here. I'm watching this framework very closely... |
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Thanks for the feedback Mr.Ball! ;) I just added internal bass audio support to MGE, could someone please download this little sound demo for me and test it? Thanks! http://jgoware.com/mge/mgebasstest.zip |
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I don't have bmax, but I tried the demo anyway. :) It ran very smoothly, apart from slight, ocassional jerking on the missiles. Overall, very good, indeed. |
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Audio app works fine. The panning is only done at the beginning of the sound. It does not change the panning while the sound is playing... The mod does not pan. |
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Hey TM, right..panning only when launching the sound. Mods are not panned. :) Thanks!!!! |
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Audio test worked perfectly here. |
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Thanks BB! ;) I updated the demo. Sounds 1-4 are wavs, 5 is an mp3, 6 is a mod. Please test if possible, thank you. http://jgoware.com/mge/mgebasstest.zip |
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Yep - Working here. All six sounds play. Pause and resume works, as does stop. Panning working. All sounds will happily play at the same time too. Nice. |
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Suweet! Thanks BB! Works on all of 3 of my test machines as well. Need a few more reports before I get all giddy like. ;) |
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Sound test works fine for me. |
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Yo! Thanks! ;) |
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All test afirmative. No probs. |
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Nice demo, very good graphics and it worked great on my machine. Thanks for the show! |
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Thanks TD and Xy, for relaying the feedback! If I can ever return the favor for you guys or anyone (testing apps, etc,) please let me know. :) |
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Seems like this is coming on very nicely. |
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good job, looking forward to seeing more. |
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All works nicely here |
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Thanks again for the feedback ,very much appreciated. A slight slowdown in recent development because I'm trying to clean eveything up, document routines, etc. Plus everyday I'm learning more and more about Bmax and OO programming, and it makes me want to do things differently, etc, etc. But it's all a blast to say the least! ;) lol... |
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Just tried out Maptest. Works well. See you used integer-based coords for the tiles not floating point (at least for rendering). Integer sometimes looks a tiny bit jerky due to moving at non-integer based speeds but then floating point has weird artifacts on the edges of tiles (as we discussed in a previous post). |
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MGE. It looks like Bass supports Mac OSX. Does the module you wrote work on Mac OSX? I am just wondering if you are shooting for cross platform compatibility with your Framework. As being able to compile the exact same code for 3 different platforms is a great feature of Blitzmax. |
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Hi GA - There are tradeoffs I'm finding out with sub pixel rendering, etc. I've even found out that odd width sized tiles/sprites (1,3,5,7,etc) can cause artifacting on certain cards. !@$#$% Integer based rendering with floating point calc seems to be a fair trade off. Not quite sure how things will end up though. Hi TA - I made the Bass Module separate from the MGE core, because it's Windows only. At some point if I can code a mac/pc bass module it will be internal to MGE. The overall goal is to make MGE cross platform. So far, except for the bass module, it "should" be. ;) |
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MGE: Yeah basically if you draw an odd width sprite at a centred coord, it will anti-alias and look crap. I make sure all my sprites are even sized dimensions to avoid this. |
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Never had these problems with DX8 though..%^&*.. |
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? I'd assume that drawing a sprite at a sub-pixel position due to it having an odd dimension will anti-alias on ANY DX and OpenGL too. Maybe you are getting other problems...? |
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Coded a new demo using MGE.![]() Asteroid Blast (2.7mb) http://jgoware.com/mge/downloads/asteroidblast.zip Move your ship with the mouse. Press left button to shoot. Avoid all baddies, and baddie missiles, etc. |
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Hey this is cool! More complete that any shooter I've ever made. Perhaps you should put it in a new thread? I know it's only a demo but here's a couple of things: - For some reason I find it offputting have side missiles instead of a centrally firing weapon (I know you got POW up to one later) - be nice if the ship rolled sideways as you moved it with th mouse. - the blue circles that appear as you fire the spread weapon are offputting. - I played to level 12 then tried to kill myself and nearly every boulder I hit had healths in so it was quite hard haha. Then suddenly a bright flash and the game over screen appeared. It would be nice to see the the ship explode a bit more. Also mouse click on game over screen didn't clear it, it should for people in a frenzy who want to play again :-) Good stuff! More please. |
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Really nice. Good and smooth even on my integrated graphics. Cartainly as grey said the powerups are probably much too helpful, but that did enable me to get upwards of level 21 and see some very hectic eye candy. Not much wrong other than the powerup thing really. |
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Very impressive demo. I want to hear more about your engine now. :) |
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Thanks for the comments! Asteroid Blast was basically a project to help refine the engine, fix bugs, add features, etc. I may do an expanded version in the near future. I'll be doing several demos in the coming weeks to demonstrate (and help myself learn how to use) the engine. More info about MGE and what it might be used for is coming soon. Thanks again for checking it out! |
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Nice Demo... but lvl31 got real stressy... too much enemies and bullets to avoid getting hit... think 400.000pts is good enough... is there coming a new weapon after lvl20? because lvl30 brought no new one ;D bye MB |
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Nah, no new weapons after I think 20. Yah, it's a bit chaotic and un balanced. Not meant to be a real game at this point. Thanks for the checking it out. :) |
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Very nice demo with some cool effects. I know it's just a demo of features, but why not make it a bit harder so you then have a cool game as well? |
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very nice demo ! i like the ships, mge, is it your gfx ? |
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Thanks for the comments! @SteveE - Thanks! Time my friend, only so much time. :) @Hub, yah, the enemy ships I had an artist do last year for me. The in game fx/explosions are actually built into MGE. The main ship was licensed to me last year to use in a game, but I havn't had time to do anything proper with the that ship (and others he did for me) so I thought I'd at least put the main ship in this demo. :) The backgrounds are just standard nasa images I edited using PSP. I wouldn't be able to use those in a shareware game since they are not licensed. I own the rights to the enemy ships, I could sub-license them to you if you're interested. Email me if interested. ;) |
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That's a great demo in itself, but what a great example of what your engine is capable of. Impressive. Hurry up and release MGE already! |
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"Hurry up and release MGE already!" :) Thanks! At last count there was only 24 hours in a day, and I'm still running out of time to do everything. Hurry up cloning! :) lol.. |
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Time my friend, only so much time. :) I totally understand that problem. :) |
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For those interested, I'm finally getting back to coding MGE. The blog should be active again in a few days or so. ;) http://blitzmax-2d-game-engine.blogspot.com/ |
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I just tried that Astroid Demo and all I can say is... Please finish MGE!!!! |
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Good stuff MGE. I was worried that you'd completely abandoned this! You didn't seem to realise that a good number of us were (are) looking forward to its release. |
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Interesting, thanks for the interest! :) |
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Dude this is the sweet! If the shooter is any indicator then this could be the new champ 2d framework. Good luck man! |
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Just picked up Asteriod Blast demo and found myself playing it for several hours over the weekend, it's actually a pretty good game in its own right even if it's meant to be an advertisment for MGE. The graphics could be a little better but there's certainly a lot of action going on, it's well paced and suitably challenging. It kept me playing for quite some time. |
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Thanks for checking it out IH! :) I've had a few emails recently, so I thought I'd upload all of the MGE demos I coded a while back. You can get to the directory here: http://jgoware.com/mge/ It's kind of cool to go through the mge1-mge19 demos, you can see each progression of the engine. ;) lol.. |
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What is your current project? |
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Working quite nice. Without vsync - about 400 frames per sec. |
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Are you still working on MGE ImaginaryHuman? I certainly hope so... |
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Me, I have never been working with MGE. I am writing my own engine. JGOware is the author of MGE. |
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"What is your current project?" - I have 3 games in the pipeline, all 3 are at least at the 50% complete level. One game has to be done before the Christmas season, that's my priority right now. ;) By the way IH, your worklogs are incredible reading. Your project sounds amazing! |
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Um, oh, yah. Thanks man. I have no idea who, if anyone, reads it or what they think of it, or even if it's understandable, so thanks for the feedback. Would be nice if worklogs had like a personal forum attached for reader comments. Hopefully my project will actually live up to the hype. :-D I suppose I should do a worklog update now that you mentioned it. |
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yes...they're out there....and they're reading. ;) |
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Me, I have never been working with MGE. I am writing my own engine. JGOware is the author of MGE. Sorry - I meant to address MGE. |
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Hi Mil...uh..ky... Joe. ;) My intentions are to release MGE at somepoint. Development is on steroids right now because I'm working on a game that has to be done soon. eek... |
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Silky smooth, great stuff! |