smooth playback

Community Forums/Showcase/smooth playback

chi(Posted 2007) [#1]
i�ve had always the same problems! bad performance even on a
scene with less then 10.000 polys. so, after a few nights i
end up with this...

the core calculates the best delay for the actual system to
keep cpu-usage down AND still got smooth playback (hope so)!

you can enter the amount of tris at the beginning. be WARNED
instead of 1.4mio i entered 14mio tris. that took a while :).
and i know! the scene is pretty much senseless... but hey!
it�s not too bad for getting a little overview of how many
polys your vga supports.

i could only test it on my laptop (acer aspire 1692,x700 64mb)
but got a nice result:

1280x1024 2xAA 2xAF 85Hz and 1.1mio polys (~250.000 in view) = 1.125ms delay

download v0.3 (1,83mb)

cheers, chi

Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#2]
..where is the source? :)

chwaga(Posted 2007) [#3]
1+ million poly's at around 20 FPS, nice! We need source tho, also, Is it bmax or b3d? You should add an FPS counter btw

M2PLAY(Posted 2007) [#4]
Great job Chi !!!
Smooth playback with 2 million in view 1 ms delay.
Portatil HP pavillion dv6000
We need the source, i cant believe it.

smilertoo(Posted 2007) [#5]
2.5 million polys at 60fps, it complained about too much polys <1ms a few times.

chwaga(Posted 2007) [#6]

chi(Posted 2007) [#7]
thanks guys, sounds like everything is working fine ;)

it was all written in blitz3d except a little .dll in purebasic for some process-
and memory stuff. motion-constant timing was archieved by using delta-timing...

this version of drone was the first working attempt. so, i still got a lot of
work to do... cleaning up code and killing some bugs (couldnt find em yet, but im
sure there are some) and... i still have to learn a lot! my actual code looks maybe
a little better than the stuff in the beginners-corner... but not much!

i finaly started my own business 2 month ago and my first project is a paintball-field
in linz/austria ( ). it�s not a usual field... more like call-of-duty.
its just like having a lanparty with some fitness workout.
unfortunately i have to do the whole modeling- texturing- engine-thingy on my own. so
i dont have the time to prepare the source for all of you. and thinking about my yet
stared company... it wouldnt be a clever move ;) ...actually not now

@chwaga: fpscounter is on the upper left corner :)

Naughty Alien(Posted 2007) [#8]
..dun worry Chi..just copy/paste source here and upload DLL in to some free file upload service and leave link of the thingz we will do :)

puki(Posted 2007) [#9]
I couldn't convert it to source as it is not a true Blitz.exe.

chi(Posted 2007) [#10]
ok, found some bugs...
and now it calculates delaytime twice a second and should be more precisely.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#11]
Hey chi your basefield is looking great. Unfort. it's pretty far away from Z�rich, so I guess I won't be able to show up there. Wish you good luck with this project!

chi(Posted 2007) [#12]
thanks jfk, when i�m done with it i�ll let ya all know ;)

btw. first part of my project is only a flyaround + campath (like a tactical center).
but next year basefield wants to upgrade to a free online shooter (max. 10 vs. 10).
i�m not sure yet if blitz3d can handle 20 players (udp i guess)... so if anyone knows
if and how its possible -> please let me know (thinking about a coop?!)

cheers, chi

v3 is up... please download again (fixed timer for older vga,...)

chwaga(Posted 2007) [#13]
Can we plz see source?

M2PLAY(Posted 2007) [#14]
please please please ....

chwaga(Posted 2007) [#15]
I made this for the guy who made that awesome road on graphics showcase, but It'll fit for you too:

chi(Posted 2007) [#16]
did some tests on different pc�s and am not happy about the results... think i have to recode it. but first i have to finish my project. "maybe" the source will come as x-mas/newyears - present

chwaga(Posted 2007) [#17]
I dun wanna wait...

M2PLAY(Posted 2007) [#18]
mmm ...

"...the source will come as x-mas/newyears - present"

Recorded. :-)

Maybe I�ll give you a present too- THANKS its a fantastic present for the community chi.