And another one

Community Forums/Showcase/And another one

DarkMere(Posted 2008) [#1]
Here is another one to go with the ones posted earlier. Its another Tetris clone but with a bit of a difference, apart from starting slow and getting faster, the playing area also starts large and gets smaller. There is a bug in it that I have not sorted out yet, but I don't think you will find it :)

As it is more recent than the other two, I hope it shows some improvement in my learning curve.

You can get it here

Grisu(Posted 2008) [#2]
Not bad!

Some suggestions:
- Why are the tetris blocks on the playfield solid and don't look like the ones on the title screen? You could create the tetris blocks completely by the game engine.
- Don't use bmp images. Png / Jpg will do just fine.
- For casual games like this a single exe distribution is always welcome. Thus incbin your media.
- Add a window and exe icon.
- Add a close (and minimise button) to the window.
- Make it possible to skip the intro menu animation.
- the brownish background (playing area) looks somewhat misplaced.
- How about shrinking the app window. There is LOTS of free screen space wasted.
- Delete the "Thumbs.db" files!

Just my brainstorming. :)

Warpy(Posted 2008) [#3]
I imagined "Tetris - the revenge" to be a game where the placed blocks start moving back up the screen, foiling your attempts to line them up.

plash(Posted 2008) [#4]
- Delete the "Thumbs.db" files!

I don't know what system option makes use of those, but its possible he can't delete them because they are used by his system.

xlsior(Posted 2008) [#5]
I don't know what system option makes use of those, but its possible he can't delete them because they are used by his system.

Windows makes it by default it you have thumbnail preview enabled in the folder.

Still, it should be included in the zip file.

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#6]
- Add a window and exe icon.
- Add a close (and minimise button) to the window
You'll be able to do this with the BlitzPlus code of mine you asked for.

Grisu(Posted 2008) [#7]
It's just pure lazyness to keep the thumbs.db in the zip file.

They're not needed for the game. There're just garbage containers for third party programs that display thumbnails.

If preview images were really needed at some point, they can be created on the fly out of the real images the first time the app is started.